Systematic revision of the fruit fly genus Carpophthoromyia Austen (Diptera, Tephritidae) Author Meyer, Marc De text Zootaxa 2006 1235 1 48 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.172780 b6ac06d6-69be-48c5-a91f-697a78780608 1175­5326 172780 Key to the species of the genus Carpophthoromyia 1. Anterior margin of wing completely dark brown coloured; no hyaline indentations in or near cell c or near apical part of vein R1 ( Figs. 7, 8 )................................................ 2 ­ Anterior margin of wing with hyaline spots or indentations in cell c and/or near apical part of vein R1 ( Figs. 1–6 , 9–12 ) .................................................................................. 3 2. Wing with inverted V­band and S­band linked in middle of cell r4+5 ( Fig. 7 ); apical brown scutellar spot extending beyond apical scutellar setae ......................... dimidiata ­ Wing with inverted V­band and S­band not touching in middle of cell r4+5, at most, Sband with subapical tooth ( Fig. 8 ); apical scutellar spot absent, or reduced to small ventroapical spot not extending beyond apical scutellar setae ............................ vittata 3. Anterior margin of wing with hyaline triangular indentation near junction of vein C with apical part of vein R1, extending posteriorly to vein R4+5 or beyond, cell c with or without hyaline patches ( Figs. 1–6 , 9 ) ......................................................................... 4 ­ Anterior margin of wing without hyaline triangular indentation near junction of vein C with apical part of vein R1;cell c largely hyaline, extending posteriorly at least to cell bm ( Figs. 10–12 ) ......................................................................................................... 15 4. Scutellum white or yellow­white, with at most a single black apical spot not extending beyond apical scutellar setae ....................................................................................... 5 ­ Scutellum partly white or yellow­white, with three separate or joined dark apical spots, touching base of apical and basal scutellar setae ............................................... 7 5. Anterior wing margin with cell c completely brown coloured, no hyaline areas .......... ......................................................................................................................... nigribasis ­ Anterior wing margin with cell c hyaline with brown patches .................................. 6 6. Fore femur reddish brown in both sexes ........................................................... procera ­ Fore femur completely yellow in male, brown with anterior part at least partly yellow in female ......................................................................................................... scutellata 7. In dorsal view scutellar spots visible, occupying at least apical fourth (up to apical half) of scutellum ......................................................................................................... 8 ­ In dorsal view scutellum white, scutellar spots not visible and restricted to ventral sur­ face ............................................................................................................................. 10 8. Inverted V­band not touching S­band ( Fig. 1 ) ....................................... debeckeri sp.n. ­ Inverted V­band touching S­band in cell R4+5 ( Figs. 2, 3 , 5 ) ....................................... 9 9. Inverted V­band and S­band largely fused in cell dm (Figs. 2,3) ..................... litterata ­ Inverted V­band and S­band clearly separated in cell dm, at most touching in basal part of cell cu2 near vein A1+Cu2 ( Fig. 5 ) ................................................................ speciosa 10. Frons with longitudinal brown band running from ocellar triangle to antennal base 11 ­ Frons without such longitudinal band ........................................................... tessmanni 11. Two frontal setae; scutum with transverse band of silvery setulae along transverse suture ......................................................................................................... virgata sp.n. ­ Three frontal setae, scutum completely covered with dark setulae, no silvery transverse band .................................................................................................................. 12 12. Distinct yellow fasciae present on transverse suture ........................ flavofasciata sp.n. ­ Without distinct yellow fasciae present on transverse suture, at most a slightly paler region .......................................................................................................................... 13 13. Distance between posterior frontal and anterior orbital setae longer or equal to distance between anterior and posterior orbital setae. Male, epandrium heart­shaped in posterior view; posterior lobe of lateral surstylus elongated and distinctly curved; medial surstylus at apex rounded ( Fig. 34 ) ........................................................... dividua sp.n. ­ Distance between posterior frontal and anterior orbital setae shorter than distance between anterior and posterior orbital setae. Male terminalia (if male sex known), epandrium rounded in posterior view; posterior lobe of lateral surstylus elongated and almost straight; medial surstylus at apex pointed (fig. 35) ........................................ 14 14. Female aculeus simply pointed, without protuberances ( Fig. 24 ) .............. pseudotritea ­ Female aculeus flattened with protuberances (male unknown) ( Fig. 29 ) radulata sp.n. 15. Postpronotal lobe completely white coloured, contrasting distinctly with dark coloration of scutum .................................................................................... schoutedeni sp.n. ­ Postpronotal lobe pale brown coloured, only slightly paler than ground colour of scutum ........................................................................................................................16 16. Wing with inverted V­band divided in two parts ( Fig. 10 ) .................. interrupta sp.n. ­ Wing with inverted V­band continuous, not interrupted ( Fig. 12 ) ....................... tritea