Revision of the genus Morphosphaera Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) Author Lee, Chi-Feng Author Bezdĕk, Jan text Zootaxa 2016 4179 1 1 41 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4179.1.1 b60b2b12-7f4e-496f-b17b-ad49c8057fe0 1175-5326 262231 5FBD5DA4-1E50-4FD4-ADBB-E6A55E1118EF Morphosphaera chrysomeloides (Bates) ( Figs 9–11 ) Adorium chrysomeloides Bates, 1866 : 355 . Oides chrysomeloides : Gemminger, 1876 : 3555 (list); Miwa, 1931 : 189 (list); Gressitt and Kimoto, 1963a : 477 (list); Gressitt and Kimoto, 1963b : 924 (corrected as Morphosphaera ). Morphosphaera chrysomeloides : Chûjô, 1935 : 164 ; Chûjô, 1962 : 173 (redescription); Chûjô, 1963 : 394 (additional records); Kimoto, 1965b : 489 (additional records); Kimoto, 1966: 30 (additional records); Kimoto, 1969 : 38 (additional records); Wilcox, 1971 : 218 (list); Kimoto, 1986 : 57 (additional records); Kimoto, 1989 : 252 (additional records); Kimoto, 1991 : 12 (additional records); Takizawa et al ., 1995 : 11 (additional records); Kimoto & Chu, 1996 : 72 (list); Kimoto & Takizawa, 1997 : 305 (key), 381 (list); Lee & Cheng, 2007 : 116 ; Beenen, 2010 : 462 (list); Takahashi, 2012 : 319 (specimens at the Osaka Museum of Natural History); Yang et al ., 2015 : 189 (key), 190 (list). Morphosphaera formosa Laboissière, 1930 : 367 ; Chûjô, 1962 : 173 (as synonym of M. chrysomeloides ); Wilcox, 1971 : 219 (list); Weidner, 1976 : 226 (catalogue of types at ZMUH). Synonymy confirmed FIGURES 9. Habitus of Morphosphaera chrysomeloides (Bates, 1866) . 9A. Dorsal view; 9B. Ventral view; 9C. Head; 9D. Pronotum. FIGURES 10. Diagnostic characters of Morphosphaera chrysomeloides (Bates, 1866) . 10A. Antenna; 10B. Penis, dorsal view; 10C. Penis, lateral view; 10D. Abdominal ventrite VIII; 10E. Spermatheca. Type material. Adorium chrysomeloides . Lectotype Ƌ (MNHN), here designated, labeled: “ Adorium / chrysomeloides / Bates / Formosa [h, w] // Ex-Musaeo / H.W.BATES / 1892 [p, w] // SYNTYPE [p, r] // SYNTYPE / Morphosphaera / chrysomeloides ( Bates, / 1866 ) [p, w] // MNHN / EC7042 [p, w]”. Number of syntypes uncertain. Morphosphaera formosa . Lectotype Ƌ (left elytron and left antennomeres V-XI lost) (MTD), here designated, labeled: “ Formosa / Kosempo / H. Sauter’ 0 7 [p, y] // 1908 / 10 [p, y] // COTYPE [p, w, red letters] // Morphosphaera / formosa m [h] / V. Laboissière—Dét [p, w]”. Paralectotype: 1 ex. (ZMUH): “ Formosa / Kosempo / H. Sauter’ 0 7 [p, y] // 1908 / 10 [p, y] // O. / species? [h, w] / 8 / 41 [p, w] // TYPE [p, w, red letters] // Morphosphaera / chrysomeloides / Bates [h] / V. Laboissière—Dét [p, w] // Le Moult Vend / via Reinbek / Eing Nr. 1, 1957 [p, w]”. It is obvious that more than one type designated by Laboissière since the type at the MTD bears the label “COTYPE”. The specimen at the ZMUH is chosen as the paralectotype because it bears the same labels as the lectotype despite its determination as M. chrysomeloides . Description. Length 8.3–10.2 mm , width 5.1–6.5 mm . Head black except three basal antennomeres reddish brown; elytron greenish or bluish metallic; meso- and metathoracic ventrites, scutellum, and leg reddish brown, but tibia and tarsus darker; abdomen yellowish brown, each abdominal ventrite with one pair of large black spots midway between median line and lateral margin ( Figs 9 A–9C); prothorax yellowish brown, pronotum with two pairs of large black spots in a transverse line across disc, inner pair smaller, as well as a small black spot on median line slightly anterior to basal margin, basal margin dark brown ( Fig. 9 D). Antenna filiform ( Fig. 10 A), 0.6x as long as body; length ratios of antennomeres II to XI about 1.0: 1.7: 2.2: 2.1: 2.1: 2.2: 1.9: 1.9: 1.9: 2.3, and length to width ratios of antennomeres II to XI about 1.5: 2.4: 3.1: 2.9: 3.0: 3.1: 2.7: 2.8: 2.7: 4.0. Aedeagus ( Figs 10 B–10C) slender in dorsal view, about 6.5x longer than wide, parallel-sided, becoming slightly widened towards apex; apex tubelike and with small rounded process at middle; ventral surface well sclerotized and smooth; narrow and moderately curved in lateral view; apical process of endophallic sclerite with subapical branch directed outwards; apico-lateral process strongly curved inwards; with one pair of processes erect and recurved outwards at apical 1/3; base tubelike. Gonocoxae reduced. Ventrite VIII ( Fig. 10 D) with short spiculum; apex transverse; with dense setae apically, absent at sides. Receptacle of spermatheca ( Fig. 10 E) elongate, moderately swollen, pump much narrower and strongly curved, proximal spermathecal duct short and wide. FIGURES 11. Habitat photographs of Morphosphaera chrysomeloides (Bates, 1866) . 11A. Egg mass; 11B. Young larvae feeding on leaves of Ficus pumila var. pumila ; 11C. Third-instar larvae feeding on leaves of F. virgata ; 5D Pupae dug from underground; 11E. Adults feeding on leaves of F. erecta var. beecheyana ; 11F. Adult feeding on fruit of F. e re c t a var. beecheyana ; 11G. Adult feeding on galls growing on leaves of F. erecta var. beecheyana ; 11H. Adults swarming between cervices of bark during summer dormancy. Diagnosis. See diagnosis of Morphosphaera caerulea . Host plants. Ficus erecta Thunb. var. beecheyana (Hook. & Arn.) King , F. irisana Elm. , F. microcarpa L., F. nervosa Heyne ex Roth., F. s e p t i c a Burm., F. pumila L. var. pumila L., F. sarmentosa B. Ham. ex J. E. Sm. var. nipponica (Fr. & Sav.) Corner , F. subpisocarpa Gagnep. , F. virgata Reinw. ex Blume (Moraceae) ( Lee and Cheng 2007 ). Biology. The life cycle is similar to that of Morphosphaera bimaculata and is bivoltine based on field observations. Adults are the overwintering stage. They became active during late March. Under laboratory conditions females laid 88– 95 eggs each in a single egg mass ( Fig. 11 A). Eggs hatched in ten days. The larvae ( Fig. 11 C) fed on leaves and the larval duration was 9–13 days. Mature larvae crawled into the soil and pupated in underground chambers. Pupal duration was 12–15 days ( Fig. 11 D). The newly emerged adults not only fed on leaves ( Fig. 11 E) but also fruits ( Fig. 11 F) and galls ( Fig. 11 G). They went into summer dormancy beginning in July ( Fig. 11 H). Adults became active again during autumn and larvae were found during October. Other material examined. TAIWAN . Hsinchu : 1 ex., Kuanhsi , 19.II.2009 , leg. H.- T. Shih ( IRSB ) ; Hualien : 1 ex., Loshan , 16.II.2014 , leg. W.- C. Huang ( TARI ) ; Ilan : 2 exs., Chilan , 24.IV.2013 , leg. M.- H. Tsou ( NME ) ; 2 exs., Fushan Botanical Park , 23.V.2008 , leg. S.- F. Yu ( TARI ) ; 2 exs., Taipingshan , 5.VIII.2015 , leg. Y.- T. Chung ( RBCN ) ; 9 exs., Wufengchi , 25.IX.2015 , leg. S.- P. Wu ( NHRS , NHMB ) ; Kaoshiung : 1 ex., Tona , 3.XII.2012 , leg. W.- C. Liao ( SMNS ) ; 1 ex., Tsai Tei Ku , near Liu Kui , 8.III.1989 , leg. K. Baba ( ZSM ) ; Nantou : 2 exs., Hsitou , V. 2015 , leg. I.- L. Lee ( MTD ) ; 1 ex., same locality, VII.2015 , leg. I.- L. Lee ( MTD ) ; 1 ex., same locality, VIII.2015 , leg. I.- L. Lee ( MTD ) ; 2 exs., Huisun , 14–15.V.2012 , leg. Y.- F. Hsu ( MCSN ) ; 1 ex., 1 ex., Jihyuehtan , 31.X.2013 , leg. C.- S. Lin ( TARI ) ; 1 ex., same locality, 9.IV.2014 , leg. C.- S. Lin ( BPBM ) ; 1 ex., same locality, 28.IV.2014 , leg. C.- S. Lin ( BPBM ) ; 1 ex., same locality, 12.II.2015 , leg. C.- S. Lin ( BPBM ) ; 2 exs., same locality, 6.V.2015 , leg. C.- S. Lin ( BPBM ) ; Wushe , 23.III.2009 , leg. U. Ong ( TARI ) ; Pingtung : 1 ex., Kenting , 18–23.III.1981 , leg. K. S. Lin & T. Lin ( MNHUB ) ; 1 ex., same locality, 28.III.–1.IV.1981 , leg. C. C. Chen & C. C. Pang ( MNHUB ) ; 2 exs., same locality, 5–9.XII.1982 , leg. S. C. Lin & S. P. Huang ( MZLU ) ; 3 exs., Koshun (= Hengchun ), 25.IV.–25.V.1918 , leg. J. Sonan , K. Miyake , M. Yoshino ( BMNH ) ; 1 ex., Mutan , 11.IV.2009 , leg. Y.- T. Chung ( TARI ) ; 8 exs., Nanjenshan , 24–25.XII.2012 , leg. Y.- M. Weng ( BMNH , CAS , IRSB ) ; 1 ex., Peitawushan , 27.V.2013 , leg. Y.- T. Chung ( TARI ) ; 2 exs., Sulin , 14.IV.2009 , leg. U. Ong ( RMNH ) ; 1 ex., Tahanshan , 18.VI.2012 , leg. Y.- T. Chung ( TARI ) ; 1 ex., same locality, 6.I.2013 , Y.- T. Chung ( TARI ) ; 1 ex., same locality, 29.V.2015 , leg. Y.- T. Chung ( TARI ) ; 2 exs., Wutai , 15–16.III.2009 , leg. Y.- F. Hsu ( NME ) ; Taipei : 3 exs., Chungho , 24. V.2 0 10, leg. Y.- L. Lin ( IRSB , NME ) ; 1 ex., Chutzuhu , 26.V.1983 , leg. K. C. Chou ( MNHUB ) ; 1 ex., Fushan , 7.IV.2009 , leg. Y.- F. Hsu ( RMNH ) ; 3 exs., Haeng-Lu Dyi , 2–21.IV.2002 , leg. Gy. Fábián & O Merkl ( JBCB ) ; 1 ex., Honghegu , 21.X.2006 , leg. S.- F. Yu ( IRSB ) ; 1 ex., Neihu , 2.I.2007 , leg. S.- F. Yu ( TARI ) ; 1 ex., Pihu , 18.V.2008 , leg. Y.- L. Lin ( IRSB ) ; 1 ex., Sukanshui , 24.XII.2006 , leg. S.- F. Yu ( SMNS ) ; 1 ex., Taipei Zoo, 14.I.2007 , leg. S.- F. Yu ( RBCN ) ; 1 ex., Wulai , 22.XII.2006 , leg. H.- J. Chen ( IRSB ) ; 2 exs., same locality, 28.II.2007 , leg. C.- F. Lee ( TARI , MNHUB ) ; 1 ex., same locality, 18.V.2007 , leg. G. Martin , D. L. J. Quicke ( BMNH ) ; 1 ex., same locality, 5.V.2012 , leg. C.- H. Hsieh ( BMNH ) ; Taitung : 1 ex., Chinlun , 6.IV.2010 , leg. W.- T. Liu ( TARI ) ; 1 ex., Chipen , 26.IX.2012 , leg. Y.- T. Chung ( MCSN ) ; 2 exs., same locality, 23.I.2013 , leg. Y.- T. Chung ( TARI ) ; 1 ex., Matailinshan , 30.V.2015 , leg. I.- L. Lee ( TARI ) ; 1 ex., Taito (= Taitung ), 25.II.–27.III.1919 , leg. S. Inamura , J. Sonan , M. Yoshino ( BMNH ) ; Distribution. Endemic to Taiwan . Morphosphaera chrysomeloides is parapatric with M. bimaculata but inhabits lower elevations (below 1000 m ) ( Fig. 6 ).