Paralivatiella serrata, a new genus and new species of Eodelphacini from China, with a redescription of Prolivatis Emeljanov (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae) Author Qin, Dao-Zheng Author Zhang, Ya-Lin text Zootaxa 2010 2517 15 24 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.196171 f59427ad-b6ef-4386-a371-f312f9e7b5fa 1175-5326 196171 Paralivatiella serrata n. sp. ( Figs 1–17 ) Description. Body length: male (macropterous, N=3) 3.70–3.74 mm ; female (macropterous, N=3) 4.57–4.60 mm . Colour . General color brown. Vertex and frons in basal third brown, frons in apical 2/3, postclypeus, genae and antennae yellow to brownish yellow, frons in apical 2/3 ornamented with irregular hypodermal patches. Eyes red with tinge of black. Ocelli yellow. Forewings greyish brown, with brown markings as figured, granules on veins brownish; hind wings pale fuliginous and subhyaline, veins brown. Pronotum sordid yellowish with anterior lateral depressed areas dark brown, in middle with brown to dark brown spot at each side of median carina. Mesonotum laterally dark brown, tip whitish, along posterior margins with 2 pairs of patches, sordid yellowish. Venter of abdomen orange, dorsum of abdomen tawny brown, laterally bordered by broad orange stripe at each side. Legs yellowish brown except hind femora adorned with longitudinal brown stripes, tips of apical teeth on hind tibiae and tarsi black. Female with same color as male except venter of abdomen sordid orange, dorsum of abdomen mostly tawny brown and laterally ornamented with irregular sordid orange patches at each segment. Ovipositor dark brown to black. FIGURES 1–3. Paralivatiella serrata n. sp. , 1, male adult (abdomen removed), dorsal view; 2, same, left lateral view; 3, head, ventral view. Head . Relatively broad, including eyes slightly narrower than pronotum (about 0.94: 1) ( Figs 1 , 4 ). Vertex in dorsal view about 1.20 times wider at base than medially long, nearly of same width at apex as at base, lateral carinae subparallel, posterior margin concave medially ( Figs 1 , 4 ), isosceles triangle at base of vertex distinctly depressed; Y-shaped carina faint except common stem ridged posteriorly; two submedian carinae distinctly ridged, anterior lateral areas subquadrangularly depressed laterally ( Figs 1 , 4 ); transition from vertex to frons with a symmetrically elevated plane, in frontal aspect distally converging and meeting ridged midline of frons ( Fig. 3 ). Frons medially longer than maximum width (about 1.41: 1), widest at level of antennal bases, nearly as wide at apex as at base, lateral frontal carinae distinctly convex and ridged. Postclypeus of same width as frons at apex, nearly half as long as frons (0.49: 1) and ca. 1.38 times longer than anteclypeus, median carina of ante- and postclypeus ridged, together approximately 0.91x length of frons ( Fig. 3 ), in profile distinctly convex ( Figs 2 , 5 ). Rostrum rather long, reaching hind trochanters. Antennal segments cylindrical, distinctly elongate, reaching near apex of postclypeus, segment I about 1.55–1.72 times wider than apical width, narrow at base and apparently broadening to apex, apex distinctly broad, segment II about 2.3 times longer than I ( Figs 2, 3 ). Thorax . Pronotum in dorsal view approximately 0.75x as long as vertex, anterior margin nearly transverse, anterior lateral areas strongly sloping laterad, posterior margin weakly arched inwardly, lateral carinae sinuate, diverging posterolaterally followed by smooth transition nearly parallel with hind margin of eyes, not reaching posterior margin ( Figs 1 , 4 ), pronotum width 1.18–1.25 mm (n=6), length 0.23–0.26 mm (n=6). Mesonotum medially ca. in 1.6 times longer than vertex and pronotum together, with five carinae, median carina straight and obscure distally, others slightly arched laterally, inner pair reaching posterior margins or nearly so, outer pair attaining posterior margins ( Figs 1 , 4 ). Forewings relatively narrow and elongate, 4.70–5.07 mm (n=6) long, distinctly surpassing tip of abdomen by nearly half total length, about 3.3 times longer than wide, widest near apex, apically rounded ( Figs 2 , 6 ). Legs with hind tibiae 1.65–1.68 mm (n=6) long, bearing three lateral teeth on outer edge, five apical teeth with outer one largest and middle one smallest, metatarsomere I with five apical teeth, four teeth in row, fifth (middle one) displaced more basad, metatarsomere II with three apical teeth ( Fig. 16 ), metatarsomere I (0.57–0.60) slightly longer than tarsomere II (0.21–0.22) + III (0.23–0.25) combined. Post-tibial spur (0.39–0.41) shorter than metabasitarsus, spine-like, without teeth on inner margin ( Fig. 16 ). FIGURES 4–17. Paralivatiella serrata n. sp. , 4, head and thorax, dorsal view; 5, same, left lateral view; 6, right forewing; 7, right hindwing; 8, male genitalia, caudoventral view; 9, same, left lateral view; 10, male pygofer, caudoventral view, anal segment, aedeagus and parameres removed; 11, anal segment, aedeagus complex and parameres, left lateral view; 12. aedeagus, left lateral view; 13, same, caudoventral view; 14, connective; 15, parameres, caudoventral view; 16, distal end of metatibia and metatarsus; 17, anal segment, caudal view. Male genitalia. Male pygofer in caudoventral view fairly elongate, broad apically, gradually narrowed towards base, ventrocaudal margin strongly excavated with small median process ( Figs 8, 10 ), in lateral view with posterior margin prominently longer than anterior margin, ventral margin sinuate, laterodorsal angle angulate ( Fig. 9 ). Parameres ( Figs 8, 9, 11, 15 ) simple, relatively broad, contiguous at base, then diverging and narrowing apicad in caudoventral aspect, apical 1/3 slightly broadened, directed inwardly, tapered to rounded apices, in lateral view elongate and sinuate at both sides. Aedeagus ( Figs 11–13 ) 3-segmented, second segment with tiny teeth basally at left side in caudoventral view, distal segment arched clockwise (from base curved to left when viewed caudally), subapex expanded and adorned with numerous tiny teeth, apex with distinct subtriangular node, then sharply narrowing, dorsally with several irregular teeth. Anal segment short, broad, without processes, anterior margin strongly excavated inwardly, lateral margins sinuate. Material examined. Holotype male (macropterous), China : Yunnan Province, Xishuangbanna, Menglun, 19 May 1991 , coll. Yinglun Wang & Wanzhi Cai. Paratypes . China : 1 male (macropterous), same data as holotype ; 1 male (macropterous), 24 May 1991 , 1 female (macropterous), 26 May 1991 , other data as holotype ; 2 females (macropterous), China : Yunnan Province, Daluo County, 31 May 1991 , 650 m, coll. Yinglun Wang & Rungang Tian. Etymology . The species name alludes to the serrated margin of the aedeagus. Distribution. At present known only from the type locality in southern China (Yunnan Province).