Ornebius exserolimbus Wang & Ma, sp. nov., a new species of Ornebius (Orthoptera: Mogoplistidae; Mogoplistinae) from China
Wang, Ning
College of Life Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China, 710119
Che, Zhi-Yong
Tiaobahe Station of Mengyang Management and Protection Institution, Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve, Jinghong, China, 666106
Ma, Li-Bin
College of Life Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China, 710119
journal article
Key to the known species of
1. Wingless; fore tibia without tympanum.....................................................
He, 2018
- Winged; fore tibia with internal tympanum................................................................. 2
2. Anterior margin of pronotal disc with distinctly protuberance.................................
sp. n.
- Anterior margin of pronotal disc straight................................................................... 3
3. Tegmen with only a small portion exposed, and without black markings.......................................... 4
- Tegmen with black or brown markings.................................................................... 5
4. Body black; surrounding of the pronotum and hind femur covered with white scales..........
O. fuscicerci
(Shiraki, 1930)
- Body yellow; posterior margin of pronotum covered with white scales....................
O. longipennis
(Shiraki, 1930)
5. Tegmen slightly exposed; outer margin of posterior parts with black markings on each side...
O. bimaculatus
(Shiraki, 1930)
- Full-field or apical field of tegmen with black or brown markings............................................... 6
6. Tegmen black or brown throughout.................................................
O. infuscatus
(Shiraki, 1930)
- Apical field of tegmen with black or brown strip............................................................. 7
7. Head with a distinct red transverse groove with middle raised and sides sunken in front of pronotum..........................................................................................
O. carnificare
He, Zhang & Ma, 2021
- Head broad and flattened and without visible transverse groove................................................. 8
8. The male phallic complex, clockwork-like; genitalia with spermatophore sac spiral................................ 10
- Characteristics of male genitalia different from the above...................................................... 9
9. Tongue-shaped epiphallus which covers most of the central lobe; central lobe of phallus with lateral valves dorsoventrally compressed with acute apex, ejaculatory duct with apex truncated and a little notched..........
O. fastus
Yang & Yen, 2001
- Male phallus not as above, armed with strongly sclerotized, compressed internal sclerites with acute apex.........................................................................................
O. kanetataki
Matsumura, 1904
10. Lateral lobe of pronotum armed with abundant setae........................................................ 11
- Lateral lobe of pronotum without setae................................................................... 13
11. Lateral lobe of pronotum with white setae, covered with black and white scales..................
O. polycomus
He, 2017
- Lateral lobe of pronotum armed with yellow setae and almost no scales......................................... 12
12. Supra-anal plate with distinct angular projections on both sides..........................
O. formosanus
Shiraki, 1911
- Supra-anal plate trapezoidal without angular projections.............................
O. lunam
He, Zhang & Ma, 2021
13. Both head and pronotum yellow.............................................
O. aurumalas
He, Zhang & Ma, 2021
- Both head and pronotum reddish brown.................................................................. 14
14. Mirror well developed, length-to-width ratio of 2:3; hind tibia armed with three pairs of dorsal spurs......................................................................................
O. yunnanensis
Wang, Zhang &
Liu, 2020
- Length of mirror longer than the width; outer apical spurs of hind tibia three and inner apical spurs two...
O. panda
He, 2019