New Papuan Oedichirus (Staphylinidae, Paederinae, Pinophilini) Author Rougemont, Guillaume de text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2018 2018-07-27 50 1 435 446 journal article 2980 10.5281/zenodo.5779806 16ed0447-fd09-4b88-ae9a-ac84067a94a3 0253-116X 5779806 Oedichirus riedeli nov.sp. (Figs 7) Holotype : IRIAN JAYA, Sorong Prov. Batanta Isl. , Waylebet 800 m , 29.10.1996 , sifted, leg. A. Riedel HOLOTYPE Oedichirus riedeli Des. 2015 G. de Rougemont [ NHMW ] ; 1 paratype : Ibid. [ CRO ] ; 2♀♀ paratypes : IRIAN JAYA, Sorong Prov. Salawatti Isl. , Solol 200-300 m , 6.- 7.11.1996 , sifted, leg. A. Riedel PARATYPE Oedichirus riedeli Des. 2016 G. de Rougemont [ NHMW and CRO ] . D e s c r i p t i o n: length: 6.3 mm ; length of fore-body: 2.9; length of head: 0.6; breadth of head: 0.9; length of antenna: 2; length of pronotum: 1; breadth of pronotum: 0.92; length of elytron: 0.75; breadth of elytra: 0.92. Body black, all appendages uniformly testaceous. Body devoid of microsculpture except on basal rows of keels and grooves of abdominal tergites. Pubescence sparse, shorter on fore-body, longer on abdomen, erect. Habitus: Fig. 7h. Head of distinctive appearance, with a salient supra-antennal ridge forming a right angle, and post-ocular border forming a posterior angle at level of neck, thus giving the head (without eyes) a sub-quadrate appearance; eyes large and very protruberent; post-ocular border consisting of a deep and broad groove over a short but entire carina forming the posterior angles; vertex with four large punctures surrounded by scattered smaller punctures, the interstices on all anterior, lateral and posterior surfaces broader than diameter of punctures. Pronotum very broad behind broadly rounded anterior angles, the sides retracted in almost straight lines to base; lateral margins entirely bordered; punctures on average as large and dense as those of head, not forming discernible series. Micropterous, elytra small, transverse, humeral angles obsolete, the sides broadly rounded; disc flattened, depressed in anterior part; puncturation much denser than that of pronotum, the interstices everywhere much narrower than diameter of punctures. Keels and grooves at base of each abdominal tergite long; punctures of tergites disposed randomly, smaller, sparser and more irregular than those of elytra. Male: abdominal sternites unmodified; aedoeagus: Figs 7arl, 7av. Female: sternite IX: Fig. 7vp, the median gonocoxal plate very large, occupying nearly whole surface of sternite.