A revision of the genus Hypotrix Guenee in North America with descriptions of four new species and a new genus (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Eriopygini) Author Lafontaine, Donald Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Canada Author Ferris, Clifford , Laramie, United States of America Author Walsh, J. University of Arizona, Tucson, United States of America text ZooKeys 2010 2010-03-18 39 39 225 253 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.39.438 fc23db36-464b-42fb-b4dc-95d6df92600b 1313–2970 576643 6AF950B9-F8A5-4FF1-8F6A-BFF4FD8F79DE Hypotrix parallela ( Grote, 1883 ) , comb. n. Figs 4, 21, 36 Trichorthosia parallela Grote, 1883: 31 . Taeniocampa terminatissima Dyar, 1904: 104 . Type material. Trichorthosia parallela : holotype . New Mexico [location unknown]. Taeniocampa terminatissima : holotype [ USNM , examined]. Type locality: New Mexico , Las Vegas. Other material examined and distribution. Mexico : State of Durango (Sierra Madre Occidental) . USA : Arizona : Apache Co. ( White Mts ) and Cochise Co. ( Huachuca Mts ). Colorado : La Plata Co. ( San Juan Mts ) ; New Mexico : Colfax ( Sangre de Cristo Mts ), Grant Co. ( Pinos Altos Mts ), Lincoln ( Capitan Mts ), McKinley Co. ( Zuni Mts ), and Rio Arriba Co. Texas : Jeff Davis Co. ( Davis Mts ) . Diagnosis . Hypotrix parallela is a medium-sized species (forewing length: 13–15 mm ) with a pale silky brownish-gray forewing and fuscous hindwing. Most of the forewing markings are obscure except for a straight white subterminal line bordered proximally by dark-gray, a dark spot in the lower part of the pale-orange reniform spot, and a small black dot in a pale area representing the orbicular spot. Th e medial line is somewhat diffuse but still distinctive because it extends in an oblique line from the costa to the dark patch in the reniform spot, then bends abruptly about 90° to continue in a straight but oblique line to the posterior margin of the forewing. Th ere are spiniform setae near the ends of the middle and hind tibiae. The male genitalia are similar to those of Hypotrix ferricola and H . diplogramma , but the uncus is less spatulate apically, the cucullus much broader with a narrow gap between it and the sacculus, and the vesica has a bulbous cornutus on a short diverticulum about 1/3 from its base. The genitalia are most similar to those of Hypotrix rubra , described below. In the female genitalia the corpus bursae is much larger, and the appendix bursae is shorter and wider than in H . ferricola and H . diplogramma . Distribution and biology. Hypotrix parallela occurs from southwestern Colorado southward through eastern Arizona, New Mexico , and western Texas to the State of Durango in northern Mexico . Collecting dates range from early July to late August in ponderosa pine parkland.