Review of the genus Cyrtopsis Bey-Bienko with a new species, a new combination and some new descriptions Author Wang, Hanqiang Author Qin, Yanyan Author Liu, Xianwei Author Li, Kai text Zootaxa 2015 4057 3 353 370 journal article 39289 10.11646/zootaxa.4057.3.3 d7cc7b76-f532-44ac-a450-40bfc9cc81e8 1175-5326 239942 9ECA8B8D-8CA2-46C0-9DA0-AB03C64D0402 Cyrtopsis furcicerca sp. nov. (Pics. 6, 7; Figs. 19–27 ) Description . Male body larger and sturdy. Fastigium of vertex conical, dorsum longitudinal grooved at middle, base slightly narrowed, apex blunt; compound eyes small and oval, forward protruding. Metazona of pronotum longer than prozona, not expanded but gently raised, terminally decurved and margin rounded, paranota deep, hind margin slightly arcuately convex, humeral sinus absent; tegmina short, covered by pronotum, apex barely visible in lateral view, hind wings absent; all femora without ventral spines, genicular lobes of hind femora each with a spine, fore tibiae bearing ventral spines in type of 4, 4 (1, 1), each hind tibia with 30–31 teeth either margin above and 2 pairs of apical spurs. Rear angle of 9th abdominal tergite slightly expanded, 10th abdominal tergite transverse, central area of terminal developing a compressed process, basal half as a bottle neck, ventral margin lobate expanded, apical half of process longitudinally cracked but not separated, dorsal part of process short fingershaped, ventral part flat and lobate and separate at apex; cerci short and incurved, base stout narrowing to apex, apical third bifurcated, tip blunt; titillator specialized, base solid, apical half becoming flat dorsal part and two horned ventral part; subgenital plate broad, longer than width, base wider, hind margin faintly concave, styli small and conical on rear lateral angle. Posterior angle of female 8th abdominal tergite hook-like; 10th abdominal tergite convex at central apex; cerci conical, slightly incurved; subgenital plate relatively elongate, generally hexagonal, swollen ventrally, hind margin almost truncate, center slightly concave; ovipositor short, distinctly upcurved, margins smooth, without apical hook. Coloration . Body green. Compound eye grayish red, vertex yellowish brown, center dark, antenna dark brown with sparse black rings. Median of pronotum disk with a broad brown band, inner edge blackish brown but absent at front and posterior transverse sulcus in male, the band expanded at metazona and blackish brown edge, each side of band against a yellowish stripe, edge of paranota brown; knee of fore and mid tibiae, apex of each tibia, tarsi and claws brown, hind knee blackish brown. Central of dorsal abdomen with a brown longitudinal stripe, edge darkish brown, posterior margin of each abdominal tergite dark brown, those dark brown markings expanded at last 3 segments; 10th abdominal tergite with a dark rhombic patch, process of male 10th abdominal tergite and apex of male cerci are brown; ovipositor with brown spots and base black. Measurements (in mm). Body ♂ 12.0, ♀ 10.0; pronotum ♂ 7.1, ♀ 6.5; tegmina ♂ 2.2, ♀ 1.8; hind femora ♂ 14.9, ♀ 15.0; ovipositor 7.5. Materials . Holotype ♂, paratype 1♀, Qingliang Peak, Lin’an, Zhejiang, 800–950m , 2014. VI.13 , leg. BI Wen- Xuan. Etymology . The specific epithet refers the apex of male cerci, from Latin ‘furca’+‘cercus’. The gender of the epithet is feminine. Diagnosis . This new species is very similar to Cyrtopsis bivittata , but the process of male 10th abdominal tergite is different in profile and the apex of male cerci are bifurcated. The structure of the titillator is clearly different. Distribution . China (Zhejiang). Discussion . Song et al. (2015) matched the male of this species to Cyrtopsis t-sigillata , treating the differences in females as ‘intraspecific variation’. Even there are some differences between the female of Cyrtopsis t-sigillata and this new species, but without the male of C. t-sigillata , it is difficult to consider this Zhejiang species as a new.