Monograph on the Cillaeinae (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) from the Australian Region with comments on the taxonomy of the subfamily Author Kirejtshuk, Alexander G. Author Kovalev, Alexey V. 0000-0003-3328-8867 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-02-23 5103 1 1 133 journal article 112023 10.11646/zootaxa.5103.1.1 1bf32ba1-8e0d-4435-ba04-6d7dbd0d7238 1175-5326 6245709 9E1A72E7-3862-44F7-B69F-ECE64B239FF9 33. Cillaeopeplus rectinotus Kirejtshuk et Kovalev, sp. nov. Figs 26 , A–J LSID D6A4AE27-0D04-4286-99E5-E16877D9A5F3 Type specimens examined . Australia , QLD : holotype , male ( ANIC ) and 7 paratypes ( ANIC , ZIN )—“ Mt. Lewis , QLD., 20 km SW Mosmann , 900 m , 26 June—1 Aug 1982 , S. & J. Peck , SBP53”, “ flight intercept trap , rainforest.” Diagnosis . This new species differs from another Australian Cillaeopeplus temporalibus sp. nov. in the somewhat narrower body, dorsal integument with shallower punctation and less conspicuous pubescence, more distinctly striate elytra, temples not forming a distinct angular projection behind eyes, somewhat more widely rounded posterior pronotal angles, longer exposed abdominal segments, outline of postbasal lines of exposed tergites behind elytral apices, shorter ultimate labial and maxillary palpomeres, narrower median plate of mesoventrite between premesocoxal depressions, narrower protibiae with moderately raised teeth, wider meso- and metatibiae with moderately stout setae and structure of ovipositor. Both Cillaeopeplus rectinotus sp. nov. and C. temporalibus sp. nov. differ from both Micronesian C. rastrus comb. nov. and C. gracilis in the somewhat larger and less convex body; and also from the first in the finer and denser punctation of integument, more elongate antennal club, shorter and not strongly convex uncovered tergites of the abdomen, comparable length of both terminal labial and maxillary palpomeres, much more widely separated proximal ends of the antennal grooves, wider apex of the prosternal process, smaller subapical spines along the outer edge of meso- and metatibiae, and also genitalia of both sexes examined; and also from the second (known after the original description in Gillogly 1962 ) at least in the less raised pubescence on upper body surface, longer labrum, markedly smaller antennal club, slightly transverse pronotum (not subquadrate), outline of abdominal laterosternites V and VI with inner edge comparatively deeply excised at base and more widely widened posteriorly, and simple tarsal claws. Both Australian congeners differ from each of five Hawaiian congeners in the following features (according to their original description, the revision by Ford (1958) and re-examination of the syntypes of Cillaeopeplus infimus in FMNH—“Hawaiian Inseln, Rotschild Don.”, “ Cillaeopeplus infimus Sh. ”): - from C. dubius in the larger body, temples not externally projecting behind eyes and uniform punctation on pronotum (not shining at the sides, with a large, dull, depressed area at the middle); – from C. infimus in the larger, somewhat more convex and unicolorous reddish body, temples not externally projecting behind eyes, longer antennae with smaller and more elongate club, wider apex of prosternal process and markedly wider legs (particularly tibiae); – from C. perkinsi in the fine and dense punctation of upper body sclerites and temples not externally projecting behind eyes; – from C. staphyliniformis in the unicolorous reddish body with fine punctures and smoothed interspaces between on head and pronotum, pronotum with rounded (not acute) anterior angles, even (not serrate) lateral edges and gently convex (not emarginate in the middle) posterior edge, and temples not externally projecting behind eyes; – from C. swezeyi in the unicolorous reddish (not blackish) body, head with shorter and wider frons, pronotum less transverse, with uniform fine and denser punсtures and without paramedian pits at the head base. Etymology . The epithet of this new species applies to the regular shape of its pronotum. Description of holotype ( male ). Length of body with abdomen 4.8, length without abdomen 3.2, width 1.0, height 0.4 mm . Elongate, subflattened dorsally and rather convex ventrally; subunicolorous reddish brown with slightly darkened head and distal half of elytra and somewhat lightened underside; body slightly shining; body with slightly conspicuous pubescence of very fine yellow hairs forming on elytra longitudinal rows, anterior and posterior edge of pronotum with dense microsetae, pronotal and elytral sides shortly ciliate, abdominal sclerites with denser and more conspicuous yellowish hairs. Head and pronotum with very distinct punctures, somewhat coarser than eye facets, separated by less than one puncture diameter, interspaces between them smooth to slightly alutaceous. Elytra with rather deep striae becoming shallower at sides and coordinated with distinct punctures in bottom of these striae (punctures somewhat coarser than those on head and pronotum), interstial spaces with rows of punctures as distinct as strial punctures and smoothed. Exposed abdominal dorsal sclerites with shallower and somewhat finer punctures than those on head and pronotum (partly disloged by microtubercles on subapical and apical tergites), and sharply to more or less smoothly microreticulate. Prosternum with rather fine and moderately sparse punctures along middle, and metaventrite with rather coarser and sparse punctures, interspaces between punctures smooth. Head with temples not projecting behind eyes, about as long as distance between eyes. Anterior edge of frons shallowly emarginate and with widely rounded lateral angles. Labrum rather exposed from under frons and subtruncate at middle. Mandibles moderately stout and with bidentate apex, gently rounded at anterior edge and side.Antennae slightly shorter than head wide, scape moderately narrow and slightly curved, more than 2.0 × as long as pedicel, antennomere 2 slightly thicker and shorter than antennomere 3, oblong club almost 0.3 × total antennal length, about 1.5 × as long as wide and with antennomere 9 slightly longer than antennomere 10 and scarcely separated from latter, each of both these antennomeres (9 and 10) slightly wider and longer than antennomere 11, apex of terminal antennomere subtruncate with small subcentral projection. Pronotum only slightly wider than long and subquadrangular, anterior edge transverse and posterior one slightly and evenly convex, posterior angles widely rounded. Scutellar shield subtriangular to subpentagonal, about 1.5 × as wide as long. Elytra slightly widening posteriorly, nearly 1.5 × as long as their combined width, moderately steeply sloping at narrowly bordered sides. Abdomen slightly wider than pronotum, with segment 4 slightly exposed dorsally and abdominal laterosternites V and VI clearly widened posteriorly, segment 5 about 2.0 × and segment 6 about 1.9 × as wide as long; postbasal lines of exposed tergites behind elytral apices well expressed and their lateral ends reaching middle of tergites. Pygidium nearly 1.5 × as wide as long, very widely rounded to subtruncate at apex. Pregenal processes comparatively wide and rounded outer apical angle, at wide hypostomal sinuses subarcuately curved. Terminal maxillary palpomere about 1.5 × as long as thick and subcylindrical. Terminal labial palpomere about as long as thick, subovoid and somewhat more narrowing at apex. Mentum strongly widened anteriorly and with moderately projecting anterior rounded angles, nearly 3.5 × as wide as long, anterior edge shallowly biemarginate. S-shaped antennal grooves with their inner side obliterated behind level of end of eye. Median part of prosternum almost gently convex. Prosternal process strongly widened before subtruncate apex, its apex nearly 2.5 × as wide as distance between procoxae. Distance between procoxae about 0.4 × as great as length of antennal club, and somewhat smaller than that between mesocoxae and markedly greater than that between metacoxae. Mesothoracic median plate nearly 0.5 × as wide as distinctly outlined premesocoxal depressions. Metaventrite subflattened and with clear discrimen in most part of length. Metepisterna gradually narrowing posteriorly and at base markedly wider than tarsomeres 1–3. Abdominal ventrite 1 somewhat longer than ventrite 2 and much shorter than each of ventrites 3 and 4. Hypopygidium about 1.3 × as wide as long and with widely rounded posterior edge. Profemur nearly 2.0 × as wide, meso and metafemora about 2.5 × as wide as corresponding tibiae. Protibia somewhat narrower than antennal club, comparatively coarsely serrate along outer edge. Meso- and metatibiae somewhat wider than protibia, with rounded subapical angle and with two rows of short and stout spines along outer edge becoming more raised apically. Tibiae with moderately long and stout spurs. Tarsi with tarsomeres 1-3 subequal in width, protarsi about 0.3 × as wide as antennal club, claws simple and narrow. Male anal sclerite well exposed from pygidium, widely rounded and not serrate at apex. Aedeagus moderately to heavily sclerotized and comparatively small, tegmen somewhat narrowing in distal half and widely rounded at apex; penis trunk somewhat shorter than tegmen and shallowly emarginate at apex; inner sac of penis with one pair of slightly sclerotized and joined in distal half sclerites and more sclerotized at apex of inner sac. Female . Differs from the male only in the longer terminal abdominal segment with pygidium about as long as wide and moderately rounded at apex, and also hypopygidium widely rounded at apex. Ovipositor moderately sclerotized and moderately narrow, with heavily sclerotized basal edge of gonocoxites and baculi; its gonocoxites comprising almost 0.4 of total length, inner lobes transversely divided, lateral lobes moderately sclerotized and about 0.4× as long as gonocoxites in general, outer outline of gonocoxites nearly rectilinear, moderately narrow apex with short styli located at distance from apex (about as great as length of styli); styli slightly widened apically and not curved. FIGURE 26. Cillaeopeplus rectinotus sp. nov. , orig. A–I: holotype, male from QLD (“… 20 km SW Mosmann…”) and J: paratype, female from the same series; A : body, dorsal; B : head, dorsal; C : head, ventral; D : thorax, ventral; E : lateral side of abdominal segments 5 and 6, dorsal; F : male anal sclerite and spiculum gastrale , ventral; G : tegmen, ventral; H : penis trunk, dorsal; I : proximal part of inner sac with armature; J : ovipositor, ventral. Scale bars: a = 1.0 mm to Fig. A; b = 1.0 mm to Figs B–E; с = 0.25 mm to Figs F–J. Variabilty . Body length with abdomen 4.3–5.2 mm . The level of infuscation of head and distal part of elytra is somewhat variable and some paratypes have most part of the head light and infuscate only at base. The sculpture of integument shows some variability in punctation. Distribution . Australia , QLD ( type locality). Notes on bionomy . No data, except for probable association with rainforest.