Description of a new species of Cytaea Keyserling 1882 from Fiji (Araneae: Salticidae) Author Barbara Patoleta Author Joanna Gardzińska text Genus 2010 21 631 635 journal article Cytaea taveuniensis n. sp. (Figs 1-7) etymology Named after the island of Taveuni in the Fiji archipelago, the type locality. diagnosis Distinguishable from other members of the genus by the rised embolic base (figs. 4, 6). descriPtion. Male. Holotype (figs 1-7). Cephalothorax lightbrown with lighter leaf-like belt on the posterior slope (fig. 1). Eye field trapezoid,wider than long, covered with numerous brown scales. Surrounding of eyes dark-black with white hairs. Fovea visible, placed between PLE. Sides brown. Abdomen oval, yellowish, with brown seate. Spinnerets light-brown. Clypeus light-brown, height 13% of AME diameter. Chelicerae lightbrown, fissidentati (figs. 2, 7). The cheliceral promargin has four teeth. Maxillae and labium light-brown. Sternum oval, whitish. Venter whitish. Palps brown (fig. 7). Embolus coiled counterclockwise, thin and long with the base located anterolateraly (fig. 3). Sperm ducts meandering across tegulum. Tibia light-brown, tibial apophysis short, slightly curved (fig. 6). Legs yellowish with darker tarsi, metatarsi and tibiae. Measurements: CL 2.45, CW 1.95, CH 1.30, EFL 1.00, AEW 1.90, PEW 1.85, AL 2.35, AW 1.20, LI 6.72, LII 5.52, LIII 6.28, LIV 6.40. Female. Unknown. 1-4. C.taveuniensis sp.n. male:1. dorsal view; 2. cheliceral dentition; 3. palpal organ, ventral view; 4. palpal organ, lateral view; scales on drawings as in figures 5-7. C. taveuniensis sp. n. male: 5. cephalothorax, antero-lateral view; 6. palpal organ with rised embolic base and curved tibial apophysis; 7. Chelicerae and the right palp material examined Holotype : male ( QM S35587 ), Fiji : Taveuni : L. Tagimaucia track, 300-400 m alt., 17 July 1987 , coll. monteitH & cooK . Paratype : male ( QM S35636 ), Fiji : Taveuni: des Vocux Peak , 900 m alt., Berlese, 16 July 1987 , coll. monteitH & cooK .