Review of the plant bug genus Prolygus and related mirine taxa from eastern Asia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) Author Yasunaga, Tomohide Research Associate, Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY 10024, USA, c / o Nameshi Author Schwartz, Michael D. - 33 - Author Chérot, Frédéric Département de l’Etude du Milieu Naturel et Agricole, Service Public de Wallonie, Gembloux, BE- 5030, Belgium; text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2018 Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 2018-09-07 58 2 357 388 journal article 5802 10.2478/aemnp-2018-0030 16533e21-bbe3-46c1-a4ba-70fca1112446 1804-6487 4504807 D9893299-697F-4AA1-99D5-9575B313DB0D Micromimetus rubrotinctus ( Carvalho, 1956 ) comb. nov. ( Figs 59 , 117 ) Lygus rubrotinctus Carvalho, 1956: 91 (original description). Distribution. Mariana Islands ( Saipan ) ( CARVALHO 1956 ). Comments. We could only access the allotype female (KUEC, AMNH_PBI 00380514, Fig. 59 ), which has a generally pale reddish, small, ovoid body (total length 3.05 mm , maximum width 1.41 mm ). According to illustrations of the male genitalic structures ( CARVALHO 1956 ), the endosoma has the primary lobe weakly sclerotized and secondary lobe elongate, sclerotized. Our examination of the thoracic pleura including scent efferent system by a SEM ( Fig. 117 ) also suggests an apparent similarity between M. rubrotinctus and the following Taiwanese species. The evidence suggest that this taxon probably belongs to Micromimetus . We additionally examined two relevant specimens a male paratype of Lygus kusaiensis Carvalho, 1956 ( Figs 140–143 ) and a male from Republic of Palau , with a paratype label and another label with the manuscript name ‘ Lygus yapensis ’ handwritten by Carvalho ( Fig. 58 ). Using the species key in CARVALHO (1956 , p. 83) the pale apex of antennal segment II, dark apical cuneal mark, uniformly dark pronotum, mostly dark dorsum, and tibial spines without dark basal spots allows us to determine the latter male as L. dybasi Carvalho, 1956 . The male genitalia ( Figs 144–146 ) also matches the illustrations in CARVALHO (1956 , figs 50e–g) for this species. However the collecting information “Babeldaob: Ngarard 17.viii.1939 Teiso Esaki” is not among the paratypes listed in the original description of L. dybasi .