Review of the plant bug genus Prolygus and related mirine taxa from eastern Asia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) Author Yasunaga, Tomohide Research Associate, Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY 10024, USA, c / o Nameshi Author Schwartz, Michael D. - 33 - Author Chérot, Frédéric Département de l’Etude du Milieu Naturel et Agricole, Service Public de Wallonie, Gembloux, BE- 5030, Belgium; text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2018 Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 2018-09-07 58 2 357 388 journal article 5802 10.2478/aemnp-2018-0030 16533e21-bbe3-46c1-a4ba-70fca1112446 1804-6487 4504807 D9893299-697F-4AA1-99D5-9575B313DB0D Micromimetus sunweni sp. nov. ( Figs 60–61 , 112–116 , 136–139 ) Type material. HOLOTYPE : ♁, TAIWAN : TAITUNG : Lanyu Island , 22.05, 121.53, 7–10 Aug 2000 , C. S. Lin & W.T.Wang ( AMNH _ PBI 00380619 ) ( NMNS , No. 3443-1009) . PARATYPES : TAIWAN : same data as for holotype , 4 ♁♁ 1 ♀ ( NMNS ). Description. Male. Body ovoid, slightly elongate, medium-sized compared to congeners, 3.38–3.70 mm . COLOURATION: Body generally yellow brown, partly darkened (proportion of yellowish areas greater than dark areas). Head pale castaneous; clypeus fuscous. Antenna pale brown, segments I and II partly or narrowly infuscate; III and IV dark brown. Labium yellowish brown, partly tinged with red, apex of segment IV fuscous. Pronotum somber ochreous, with a distinct dark fascia posteriorly; scutellum yellow; pleura almost uniformly yellow brown. Hemelytron yellowish brown, slightly tinged with red; inner and posterior parts of corium, and posterior 0.50–0.66 of clavus darkened; cuneus entirely pale; membrane pale grayish brown, semitransparent, partly narrowly obscured along veins. Coxae and legs yellow brown; apical part of metafemur sometimes with obscure, irregular rings; tibia without spot at base of spine; tibial spines reddish brown. Abdomen ochreous. SURFACE AND VESTITURE: Dorsum with uniformly distributed, pale, reclining setae intermixed with silvery, recumbent setae. Pronotum weakly and shallowly rugose. Abdomen shiny. STRUCTURE: Vertex carinate basally. Antennal segments III and IV filiform. Labium slightly exceeding apex of metacoxa. Pronotal collar slightly narrower than basal carina of vertex; scutellum flat; ostiolar peritreme rather large ( Fig. 114 ). Parempodia narrow, rhombic, with sharp apex. GENITALIA ( Figs 136–139 ): Pygophore with a prominent PS ( Fig. 136 ). Parameres small, slender; left paramere C-shaped, with sensory lobe not strongly inflated ( Fig. 138 ); hypophysis with a single, elongate process; right paramere ovoid, with tiny hypophysis; endosoma with short primary lobal-sclerite from secondary gonopore aperture (PL) connecting to distal, bifurcate sclerite and with a thin, secondary lobal-sclerite (SL); seminal duct not expanded apically ( Fig. 139 ). Female. Larger than male, otherwise similar; length 3.99 mm . GENITALIA: Not examined. Measurements (in mm). ♁/ : Total length of body 3.38–3.70 / 3.99; head width including eyes 0.93–0.96 / 1.05; vertex width 0.28–0.29 / 0.36; lengths of antennal segments I–IV 0.60–0.62, 1.65–1.70, 1.14, 0.60 / 0.59, 1.50, 0.95, 0.60; labial length 1.51–1.62 / 1.59; mesal length of pronotum including collar 0.73–0.77 / 0.84; basal width of pronotum 1.21–1.31 / 1.53; maximum width across hemelytron 1.41–1.56 / 1.80; lengths of metafemur, tibia and tarsus 1.51–1.58, 2.32–2.55, 0.58–0.60 / 1.62, 2.40,? (missing). Differential diagnosis. Recognized by its distinct yellow brown colouration; clear dark fascia on posterior pronotum ( Fig. 60 ); yellow anterior clavus, lateral corium, entire scutellum and cuneus; almost wholly yellow brown ventral surface including legs; prominent pygophoral spine; generally slender parameres; shortened primary lobe on endosoma. A combination of these characters and isolated distribution on Lanyu Island enable this new species to be distinguished from other known Micromimetus species (e.g., Figs 58–59 ). Etymology. Named in honor of Sun Wen (1866–1925) [often called Sun Yat-Sen], known as ‘the Father of Nation’ and ‘Forerunner of the Revolution.’ Biology. Unknown. Distribution. Taiwan (Lanyu Island).