Revision of the Amphipod (Crustacea: Stegocephalidae) genera Andaniotes Stebbing, 1897 and Metandania Stephensen, 1925 Author Berge, JØrgen text Journal of Natural History 2001 2010-12-03 35 6 787 832 journal article 10.1080/00222930152123620 1464-5262 5277015 Andaniotes wallaroo Barnard, 1972 Andaniotes wallaroo Barnard, 1972: 307 . Material examined VictoriaÐJ2321, two specimens , 39 ss 32.8 ¾ S, 144 ss 16 ¾ E, 18 m ; J2322, one specimen , 39 ss 32.8 ¾ S, 144 ss 21 ¾ E, 27 m ; J2638, one specimen , 40 ss 38.0 ¾ S, 145 ss 23 ¾ E, 36 m ; J7618, six specimens , 39 ss 6.83 ¾ S, 144 ss 49.64 ¾ E, 65 m ; J45324 , three specimens ( one male , two females ) , 39 ss 43.7 ¾ S, 147 ss 19.6 ¾ E, 59 m ; J45325 , ®ve specimens, 38 ss 55.5 ¾ S, 145 ss 17.0 ¾ E, 70 m ; J45326 , one specimen , 39 ss 06.7 ¾ S, 143 ss 28.7 ¾ E, 92 m ; J45327 , one specimen , 39 ss 45.55 ¾ S, 145 ss 33.82 ¾ E, 79 m ; J45328 , two specimens , 38 ss 55 ¾ S, 143 ss 25 ¾ E, 67 m ; J45329 , three specimens , 40 ss 56.04 ¾ S, 146 ss 5.39 ¾ E, 68 m ; J45330 , ®ve specimens, 39 ss 12.9 ¾ S, 146 ss 27.3 ¾ E, 65 m ; J45331 , four specimens ( two males , two females ) , 40 ss 33.07 ¾ S, 145 ss 44.69 ¾ E, 68 m ; J45332 , nine specimens , 40 ss 49.75 ¾ S, 146 ss 31.33 ¾ E, 68 m ; J45333 , one specimen , 40 ss 00.0 ¾ S, 144 ss 20.90 ¾ E, 45 m ; J45334 , nine specimens , 38 ss 32.0 ¾ S, 142 ss 28.6 ¾ E, 52 m ; J45335 , 34 specimens , 40 ss 9.95 ¾ S, 147 ss 31.83 ¾ E, 51 m ; J45336 , 301 specimens , 38 ss 52.6 ¾ S, 148 ss 25.2 ¾ E, 130 m . Distribution Known only from Victoria , 18± 130 m . Description Length of males and females: 5±9 mm . Rostrum very small. Antennae short. Antenna 1 longer than antenna 2; ¯agellum four-articulate; accessory ¯agellum article 2 present. Antenna 2 peduncle (articles 3±5) longer than ¯agellum; article 3 short, about as long as broad; article 4 longer than article 5. Epistome produced laterally, broad and round; epistomal plate (medial keel) produced into a small elongate medial ridge covering the entire epistome. Mouthparts not elongate or pointed. Mandible incisor transverse, smooth; left lacinia mobilis present, reduced, laterally straight, conical. Maxilla 1 palp uni-articulate, rectangular, setae long, simple, slender; apex not reaching above the apex of outer plate; outer plate distally rounded; ST in two parallel rows, ®rst marginal and second submarginal, ST ®rst row with six setae (ST1±5, ST7), ST 1 ordinary (similar to ST 2±4), gap between ST 5 and ST 7; ST A±C present, part of second row; inner plate without a well developed shoulder, setae pappose. Maxilla 2 ordinary; outer plate setae without distal hooks or cleft; inner plate setae row A covering the entire margin, clearly separated from row B, row A setae pappose, ®rst three or four setae diOEerentiated from the other setae (weakly pappopectinate); row B setae proximally simple, distally with cusps; row C present; row D absent. Maxilliped palp four-articulate; article 2 distally unproduced; dactylus distally simple (pointed); inner plate not exceeding base of palp article 2, with three nodular setae; medial setae-row present, not reduced, vertical, setae cuspidate; distal setaerow present; inner setae-row present, not reduced (more than two setae), setae conspicuously large and strong; outer plate outer setae-row present, marginal, setae attached normally, long, robust, straight; inner setae-row present but strongly reduced, setae long, robust, slender, parallel but not appressed to outer setae-row; distal setae-group absent. Labrum very short; lobes symmetrical and reduced. Labium distally broad, oval. Coxal plates and basis on the pereopods smooth. Coxae 1±3 contiguous. Pereopod 1 coxal plate not as deep as basis; propodus subovate. Pereopod 2 longer and thinner than pereopod 1; ischium elongate, ratio length:- breadth exceeding 1.5; ischium distal posterior margin with plumose setae; propodus subovate; palm developed. Pereopod 4 coxa posteroventral lobe medium sized, not reaching the base of pereon segment 7; basis anterior margin without long setae, posterior margin with long setae, plumose setae on distal anterior margin, no plumose setae on distal posterior margin; ischium with plumose setae on posterior distal margin. Pereopod 6 basis posteriorly expanded, expansion conspicuous, rounded posteriorly, without a row of long plumose setae. Pereopod 7 basis anterior margin straight, distally rounded; with a medial row of setae, setae short and robust. Oostegites on pereopods 2±5. Gills on pereopods 2±7. Pleonites 1±3 dorsally smooth. Urosomites 2 and 3 fused. Uropod 1 peduncle longer than rami, outer ramus longer than inner. Uropod 2 peduncle longer than rami, outer ramus as long as inner. Uropod 3 peduncle at least as long as rami, outer ramus two-articulate, outer ramus as long as inner. Telson as long as broad; shorter than uropod 3 peduncle; submarginal setae on apex of each lobe; cleft; apically pointed. Males. Pereopod 2 propodus equally sized in males and females. Urosome conspicuously larger than in females; uropod 1 outer ramus enlarged, curved upwards; uropod 2 outer ramus ordinary; uropod 3 rami reduced. Remarks A male of the present species is herein described for the ®rst time. As for A. linearis , the present species shows considerable allometry on the basis of pereopod 6, but also on the basis on pereopod 7 and in epimeral plate 3. All these three appendages are conspicuously more rounded in young specimens than in mature ones.