Cladistic assessment and description of a new Neotropical genus and species of Lymeonina (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae)
Tedesco, Anazélia M.
Aguiar, Alexandre P.
journal article
Tedesco and Aguiar
gen. nov.
Petila capixaba
Tedesco and Aguiar
sp. nov.
, by present designation.
The generic name
is Latin for thin, slender, referring to the slender and elongate body of the
is easily distinguished from all other genera of
by the following combination of features: hind wing vein Cub absent (Fig. 5); supra-antennal area without a median horn; T2 1.3–1.4 times longer than T1 (central length); propodeum and hind coxa entirely colliculate (Figs 9–10).
Character coding for the present study. Credits:
, characters taken from Aguiar (2005b);
, characters taken from Santos & Aguiar (2008);
, new characters which also appear in Santos
et al
. (in press); *, new characters exclusively presented in this work. Abbreviation: n/a, non-applicable.
N° Description
1S Clypeus overall shape: [0] almost triangular, base much narrower than apex; [1] rectangular or slight trapezoidal; base wide, 0.6 or more width of apex.
2S Aspect of apical portion of clypeus: [0] flattened or slightly concave; [1] convex, broadly emarginated.
3* Clypeus projection of apicolateral corners: [0] not projected, somewhat rounded; [1] weakly projecting downwards.
4Z Mandible length: [0] short to medium sized, the length 1.5–3.5 the middle width; [1] very long, the length more than 4.0 its middle width.
5Z Width of mandible apex: [0] wide, about 0.5 as wide as base; [1] much narrower than base, mandible strongly triangular.
6A Mandible teeth relative size: [0] ventral tooth longer than dorsal one; [1] teeth of equal length; [2] ventral tooth shorter than dorsal.
7* White band at flagellum of female, differentiation: [0] present; [1] absent.
8Z Width of female flagellum subapically: [0] regular, uniform; [1] greater than rest of flagellum.
9Z Surface sculpturing of supra-antennal area: [0] uniformly smooth or punctate; [1] median longitudinal line smoother than rest of supra-antennal area; [2] with a low, not continuous, suture-like longitudinal; [3] with a weak to distinct median longitudinal carina.
10Z Supra-antennal area, number of horns or tubercles: [0] zero; [1] with a median horn or tubercle; [2] with a pair of median horns, usually emerging from a common base.
11S Aspect of temple and gena: [0] swollen, head in frontal view subspherical; [1] narrow, head in frontal view somewhat triangular.
12Z Occipital carina, ventral differentiation: [0] meeting hypostomal carina above base of mandible; [1] meeting hypostomal carina near base of mandible; [2] not reaching hypostomal carina.
13Z Curvature of occipital carina: [0] uniform; [1] angled or sinuous at dorso-lateral portion.
14* Surface sculpturing of mesoscutum and first metasomal tergite: [0] shiny; [1] mat.
15Z Pronotal margin dorso-laterally, shape: [0] regular or only slightly produced; [1] strongly swollen, often forming a tubercle near dorsal end of epomia.
16A Epomia, differentiation: [0] short and weak; [1] long and strong; [2] represented by a group of wrinkles, rather than a single carina; [3] absent.
17Z Notaulus length: [0] very short to short, not reaching middle of mesoscutum; [1] long, reaching past middle of mesoscutum; [2] completely absent.
18* Notaulus impression, differentiation: [0] absent or very weak, not distinctly dividing mesoscutum; [1] moderate, narrow and slightly dividing mesoscutum; [2] deep, wide, distinctly dividing mesoscutum in three lobes.
19* Surface sculpturing over notaulus: [0] uniformly smooth or punctate with mesoscutum; [1] with distinct longitudinal wrinkles.
20* Middle portion of notauli: [0] parallel or subparallel; [1] distinctly convergent posteriorly.
21* Shape of anterior apex of notaulus: [0] straight or almost so; [1] distinctly curved in lateral direction.
22* Shape of posterior margin of notaulus: [0] straight, either parallel or convergent; [1] abruptly curved, notaulus U-shaped.
23Z Scuto-scutellar groove sculpturing: [0] groove with distinct wrinkles; [1] groove smooth.
continued next page N° Description
24S Epicnemial carina, length: [0] complete or nearly so, reaching height of mesopleuron; [1] reaching only 0.6–0.7 of the height of mesopleuron; [2] reaching at most 0.5 of the height of mesopleuron.
25Z Sternaulus, differentiation: [0] complete but weak at least on its posterior 0.35; [1] fully complete and strong, reaching mid coxa; [2] weak and incomplete, reaching 0.45–0.65 of the distance to mid coxa.
26* Shape of sternaulus, if complete: [0] sinuate; [1] almost straight or weakly upcurved; [-] sternaulus incomplete.
27Z Sternaulus sculpturing: [0] same as mesopleuron, uniformly smooth or punctate; [1] with distinct transverse wrinkles.
28Z Differentiation of central portion of pospectal carina: [0] absent; [1] present, even if vestigial.
29Z Shape of central portion of pospectal carina: [0] straight or slightly arched backwards; [1] V-shaped [-] n/a (absent).
30Z Teeth-like projections at hind margin of metanotum: [0] present; [1] absent.
31S Shape of transverse furrow at base of propodeum: [0] very deep to moderately shallow; [1] very wide and shallow, sometimes almost indistinct.
32Z Sculpturing of transverse furrow at base of propodeum: [0] furrow smooth, without wrinkles; [1] furrow distinctly with longitudinal wrinkles.
33A Shape of fore wing vein 1-Rs+M: [0] straight or slightly convex; [1] concave or sinuous, even if slightly.
34A Length of fore wing crossvein 1m-cu: [0] about as long as vein 1-Rs+M; distinctly shorter than vein 1-Rs+M [1]; distinctly longer than vein 1-Rs+M [2]; [-] n/a (limit between veins indistinct).
35A Shape of fore wing crossvein 1m-cu: [0] straight or uniformly curved; [1] sinuous or somewhat irregular.
36A Differentiation of a short vein projection (ramellus) at meeting of fore wing veins 1m-cu and Rs+M: [0] ramellus absent; [1] present.
37A Position of fore wing crossvein 1cu-a: [0] arising far from base of 1M+Rs (basad by more than 0.1 its own length); [1] arising very close from base of 1M+Rs (approximately basad by 0.1 or apicad) or opposite.
38A Angle between fore wing crossvein 1cu-a and vein M+Cu: [0] approximately 90º; [1] distinctly obtuse; [2] distinctly acute.
39* Shape of fore wing crossvein 1cu-a: [0] straigth; [1] convex (or posterior half slightly curved); [2] concave.
40A Length of fore wing vein 2-Cu: [0] distinctly longer than crossvein 2cu-a; [1] nearly of the same length of 2cu- a or 2cu-a slightly longer; [2] much shorter than crossvein 2cu-a; [3] 2-Cu entirely absent.
41A Relative position of fore wing veins 2-Cu and 2cu-a: [0] aligned, linear; [1] angled, even if slightly; [-] n/a (2- Cu entirely absent).
42A Shape of fore wing vein 4-Rs: [0] uniformly curved; [1] sinuous or irregular.
43A Position of bulla on fore wing crossvein 2m-cu: [0] mostly central to mostly ventral; [1] placed entirely or mostly on anterior 0.5; [2] nearly reaching or reaching cell 1+2Rs.
44A Fore wing cell 1+2Rs (areolet) size, even if open: [0] small; [1] large, about as tall as width of pterostigma; [-] not differentiated.
45A Relative position of fore wing crossveins 2r-m and 3r-m: [0] parallel or nearly so; [1] distinctly but slightly or moderately convergent towards anterior margin of wing; [2] strongly convergent, anterior portion of cell 1+2Rs less than 0.7 its maximum width; [-] n/a (areolate open or not differentiated).
46Z Length of fore wing crossvein 2r-m: [0] about as long as crossvein 3r-m; [1] distinctly longer than crossvein 3rm; [2] distinctly shorter than crossvein 3r-m [-] n/a (crossvein 3r-m not differentiated).
continued next page N° Description
47A Length of fore wing vein 2-M: [0] approximately the same length of 3-M, or one slightly shorter than the other; [1] distinctly shorter than 3-M; [2] distinctly longer than 3-M; [-] n/a.
48A Sclerotinization of fore wing crossvein 3r-m: [0] tubular, normal; [1] entirely or partly nebulous or spectral, including “with bulla”; [2] not differentiated, cell 1+2Rs open; [-] n/a (cell 1+2Rs not developed).
49A Shape of fore wing cell 1+2Rs: [0] pentagonal, or nearly square or circular, even if slightly taller than wide or if open; [1] transversely elongated.
50Z Sclerotinization of fore wing veins 3-M and 4-M: [0] tubular or nebulous, distinct until wing margin or almost; [1] mostly or entirely spectral.
51A Length of fore wing vein 4-M: [0] slightly to distinctly longer than 4-Rs; [1] nearly as long as, or shorter, than 4-Rs; [-] 4-M nebulous or spectral on apical half or more.
52A Shape of hind wing vein M+Cu: [0] uniformly and weakly convex, or straight; [1] strongly convex; [2] concave.
53A Length of hind wing vein 1-Cu: [0] nearly as long as crossvein cu-a; [1] 1-Cu distinctly longer; [2] 1-Cu distinctly shorter.
54A Sclerotinization of hind wing vein 2-Rs: [0] entirely tubular; [1] apical half or more nebulous or spectral.
55A Shape of cell R1 basally: [0] somewhat trapezoidal, hind wing veins 1-Rs and 2-Rs forming a distinct angle; [1] pointed or lanceolate, hind wing veins 1-Rs and 2-Rs continuous or nearly so.
56A Angle between hind wing veins 1-Cu and M, differentiation: [0] about 90º; [1] distinctly acute; [2] distinctly obtuse.
wing vein Cub, presence: [0] present and tubular; [1] absent or spectral only.
58S Shape of hind wing vein Cub: [0] apical 0.5 concave, straight or only very slightly convex; [1] distinctly convex, even if sinuous; [-] not differentiated.
59Z Length of hind wing vein 2–1A: [0] short, reaching less than 0.3 the way to wing margin, or absent; [1] complete or reaching more than 0.5 the way to wing margin.
60A Differentiation of pleural carina: [0] absent; [1] carina distinct and complete; [2] distinct but weak and incomplete.
61Z Shape of anterior margin of propodeum: [0] straight; [1] convex; [2] concave.
62Z Shape of spiracle of propodeum: [0] rounded or almost so; [1] distinctly elliptic, about 2.0 its maximum width; [2] very elongate, length distinctly more than 2.5 its maximum width.
63Z Distance between anterior margin of propodeum and anterior transverse carina: [0] approximately the same or slightly less as distance between anterior and posterior transverse carinae; [1] much shorter than distance between anterior and posterior transverse carinae; [2] greater than distance between anterior and posterior transverse carinae; [-] n/a (posterior or anterior carina absent).
64A Shape of anterior transverse carina of propodeum: [0] straight or weakly and uniformly curved; [1] strongly curved at median portion; [2] fused with posterior transverse carina.
65Z Surface sculpturing behind anterior transverse carina of propodeum: [0] smooth to alutaceus, with fine to coarse punctures; [1] irregular, coriaceus, with strong rugulosities; [2] with numerous and close transverse wrinkles; [3] with strong and widely spaced transverse wrinkles.
66A Shape of posterior transverse carina of propodeum: [0] uniformly convex, weakly or strongly, even if briefly interrupted centrally; [1] strongly bell-shaped or trapezoidal; [-] n/a (present only as sublateral crests or absent).
67A Posterior transverse carina of propodeum, differentiation: [0] complete, either with or without sublateral crests; [1] interrupted medially, between sublateral crests or apophysis; [2] absent except for crests or apophysis; [3] completely absent.
continued next page N° Description
68Z Structure of sublateral portions of posterior transverse carina of propodeum: [0] not forming any crests or apophysis; [1] forming distinct, flange-like crests; [2] forming low, conical apophysis; [3] forming high, spinelike apophysis; [-] n/a (posterior carina absent).
69Z Vertical carinae between anterior and posterior transverse carinae, differentiation: [0] complete; [1] absent; [2] vestigial or partially developed.
70Z Vertical carinae behind posterior transverse carina, differentiation: [0] complete; [1] absent; [2] vestigial or partially developed.
71A Shape of first metasomal tergite: [0] short and triangular, length/(maximum width - minimum width) less than 4.0; [1] regular, somewhat elongate, lg/(w max -w min) 4.0–6.0; [2] long and slender, lg/(w max -w min) over 6.0.
72Z Ventrolateral outline of petiole of first metasomal segment: [0] somewhat angled; [1] approximately rounded.
73A Tooth at first metasomal tergite, presence: [0] absent; [1] present, even if vestigial.
74A Position of spiracle of first metasomal tergite: [0] beyond middle; [1] at middle or nearly so.
75Z Projection of spiracle of first metasomal tergite: [0] not prominent; [1] prominent in dorsal view.
76A Dorsolateral carina of first metasomal tergite, differentiation: [0] complete, even if basal portion much weaker than apical portion; [1] very weak or distinct only near base or above the spiracle; [2] completely absent.
77Z Median dorsal carina of first metasomal tergite, differentiation: [0] distinct to spiracle; [1] represented only by a weak and often incomplete longitudinal ridge; [2] completely absent.
78Z Shape of Thyridium: [0] subcircular; [1] distinctly longer than wide; [2] distinctly wider than long.
79A T7–8 width in lateral view: [0] of similar size or narrower than T5–6; [1] distinctly wider than T5–6.
80S Ovipositor thickness: [0] thick, stout, distinctly taller than wide; [1] moderately slender, linear; [2] very slender, hair-like, sometimes long and contorted.
81* Ovipositor shape apically: [0] straight or nearly so; [1] distinctly downcurved; [2] distinctly upcurved.
82Z Ovipositor tip shape in posterior view: [0] strongly compressed; [1] approximately cylindric [2] distinctly depressed.
83A Differentiation of nodus on tip of dorsal valve of ovipositor: [0] with distinct nodus at dorsal valve, giving triangular aspect to apex; [1] nodus weak or not evident, apex not triangular.
84A Notch of dorsal valve of ovipositor, presence: [0] present; [1] absent; [2] presence of a modified structure instead of a preapical notch.
85A Ovipositor tip shape: [0] blunt or only moderately pointed; [1] ending in a long and narrow point.
86 A Apical serrations at dorsal valve of ovipositor, presence: [0] absent; [1] present.
87A Serrations of ventral valve tip, differentiation: [0] present along entire tip; [1] weak and restricted to the very tip, or serrations absent.
Small, fore wing length
3.75–3.94 mm
; body slender, elongate.
. Supra-antennal area near ocelli without median horn. Clypeus wider than high, strongly convex, apex truncate, without median tooth. Mandible 1.4 as long as basal width; dorsal tooth of mandible distinctly longer than ventral tooth. Occipital carina moderately wide, sharp, dorsally uniformly arched, reaching hypostomal carina.
. Mesoscutum and scutellum glabrous; mesoscutum subcircular, densely punctate, matt; scutellum polished, shiny. Notaulus strongly impressed, always complete, convergent posteriorly. Subalar prominence somewhat elongate, but rounded. Epicnemial carina incomplete, almost straight on 0.2 ventral of mesopleuron, dorsally curving anteriorly, reaching anterior margin of mesopleuron. Sternaulus complete, strongly sinuate, moderately impressed, weaker at posterior 0.38, reaching base of mid coxa. Posterior transverse carina of ventral surface of the mesothorax represented by short convex carina.
margin of metanotum regular, front margin of propodeum without tooth-like projections towards each side of postscutellum. Transverse furrow at base of propodeum moderately shallow, wide, with conspicuous transverse wrinkles extending from base of propodeum towards posterior margin of postscutellum; distance from anterior transverse carina to anterior margin of propodeum 1.7 longer than width of transverse furrow at base of propodeum, measured centrally. Propodeum finely, densely rugose, about 1.26 as long as wide centrally. Propodeal apophyses and posterior transverse carina entirely absent.
Character state matrix for
Petila capixaba
sp. nov.
and outroup taxa used in the analyses discussed in the text. Polymorphisms are expressed as follows: a, 01; b, 02; c, 03; d, 12.
Species Characters
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11111111112222222222333333333344444 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234
sp. 11002100300001000010011000011100101111110011
sp. 0 0 0 0 2100301001000000111000010101021001110101
sp. 011011000010011111210a0010110111100012b2-011
sp. 11102001201101010111101010110101001001011011
Cryptanura quadrimaculata
sp. 0100211000101101011110102-011100010010110001
sp. 0000200000100100011100012-10-100100000a10101
sp. 001021011010010000101011001100010-a011a12000
Melanocryptus niger
sp. 000121003012000010110110001101101-1000021100
sp. 11101100201101111111101000111101100001112010
Petila capixaba
sp. nov.
sp. 1 110021000110001112010100100111111-000003-100
sp. 2 0 1002000211001111121011210110101010002131110
sp. 3 11002100211001111121011100110101110002a3-10-
Polyphrix varians
sp. 10002000201001032-0---012-10-100000000021110
Prosthoporus nigrifemur
sp. 0 0 0 0 2000201001120100001010111100010000121111
Species Characters
4444455555555556666666666777777777788888888 5678901234567890123456789012345678901234567
sp. 101000111100000000111-111010000022011000000
sp. 1-1101011010010020101-220010000120010000000
sp. 0-22000110a00002002001000001011120010100101
sp. 1-0201011010011220011303020100011?01???????
Cryptanura quadrimaculata
sp. 1-010a0111010002201101220011000220010100100
sp. 000100001000011102100-3-0010001220010000000
sp. --12010110010000000000010001100020000000000
Melanocryptus niger
sp. 002100012010011002-02-3-0010011220120211100
sp. 1-0201011010001120010d01220000012?011100101
Petila capixaba
sp. nov.
sp. 1 --22000012001-0210011101002000012?010001100
sp. 2 ---2010111101-02101113220021001221011000100
sp. 3 -----
Polyphrix varians
sp. --120?010011001000-02-3-0000000122010000110
Prosthoporus nigrifemur
sp. --02010111000010211013230011001120010001001 -
6 R 78 M 79 M 80 M 84 M 83 M 82 M Fit 54.57460 44.18492 37.33203 32.25079 28.39214 25.37814 CI 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 RI 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.37 0.37
Fore wing
. 1M+Rs opposite to 1cu-a; 1cu-a strongly convex; 1M+Rs slightly arched, sometimes only centrally; 1m-cu uniformly convex, 2+3Rs straight to slightly concave; areolet open at apex (i.e., 3r-m absent), about as tall as width of pterostigma, pentagonal, 2r-m anteriorly furthest from the base; 2+3M nebulous; bulla on 2m-cu central; bulla on 2+3Rs placed on anterior 0.29–0.61; 2m-cu convex; 4Rs weakly sinuous, 2.5 times longer than 2r; 2+3M slightly concave, longer than 4Rs and 3Cu; 1–1A distinctly sinuous, its basal 0.5 concave, apically convex; 2–1A straight, distinct only on its basal 0.26; 2Cua absent, 1Cu and 2Cub almost continuous; 2cu-a meeting 2–1A at an angle of about 70 degrees; 3Cu tubular to nebulous, ending far from wing margin.
Cladogram statistics for analyses with concavity constant (
) from 1 to 6.
, Rearrangements tried, in millions (M);
, tree fit;
, consistency index;
, retention index.
. A bulla on anterior third of 1r-m; cu-a not connected to 1A; 1Rsb absent; Cub and 2M completely nebulous; posterior part of vein 1Rs (1Rsb) absent; vein 1Rsa touching but not continuous with Sc+R (1Rsa meeting Sc+R at an angle of about 120 degrees); limit between cu-a and Cua indistinct.
. Postpetiole dorso-anteriorly weakly convex; dorsolateral and median dorsal carinae moderately developed. T1 usually smooth; weakly microreticulate, glabrous or nearly so. T2 slender, mostly and distinctly colliculate, matt, with sparse pilosity; T3–8 with fine pilosity, which is usually more abundant on adjacent tergites. Ovipositor 0.61 length of hind tibia; apex of lower valve with 5 conspicuous teeth; nodus distinct.
According to the cladistic analyses,
seems related to the New World genus
, from which it can be differentiated by the lack of a median horn on the supra-antennal area, apicolateral margin of the pronotum not swollen, petiolar spiracle placed on basal 0.45 (vs. near the apex), and sternaulus strongly sinuate (vs. weakly arched). Other distinctive features are indicated by the respective character-states on the corresponding cladograms (Figs 1–4). Considering the relationship of the new genus with
, for which some intra-specific variation is known, it seems reasonable to expect at least the following morphological variation for the species of
: posterior transverse carina of propodeum present, though incomplete, ovipositor length 0.4–0.7 length of hind tibia, total body length from small to moderate. The most likely color pattern variations should occur on the gaster and mesopleuron. Externally, the
genus which is most similar to
is the Neotropical
, but it was not recovered near
in the analyses.
can be isolated from
by lacking the fore wing vein Cub (vs. reaching wing margin in
), fore wing vein 2Cua absent (vs. very short), posterior carina on the propodeum absent, at least in the females (vs. weak to rather strong, complete), temple very wide (vs. narrow), T1 very slender (vs. moderately stout), and lower valve of ovipositor with apical teeth (vs. absent).
differs also from all other genera of
by the presence of colliculate sculpturing on the hind coxa and propodeum.
can be more easily recognized among other
by its short ovipositor, small body size, T1 and T2 very slender, reduced propodeum (in lateral view smaller than hind coxa), and temple and gena strongly swollen, giving the head a subspherical shape in lateral view.
(ES), Atlantic Forest.