A revision of the African hygropetric genus Coelometopon Janssens, and description of Oomtelecopon new genus (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae) Author Perkins, Philip D. text Zootaxa 2005 2005-04-20 949 1 1 103 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.949.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.949.1.1 1175­5334 5046275 1BA0F338-A1A1-4DAB-80A7-140F7CF1CFDE Coelometopon angulatum new species (Figures 19, 20, 75) Type Material. Holotype (male): Lesotho : Mamathes , 5 mi. E. Tayateyaneng , [ 29° 9' S , 27° 50' E ], SSAE 252, 29 March 1951 , Brinck & Rudebeck ; deposited in the LUM . Paratypes (11): Same data as holotype — (10 LUM ); Quthing , wet rock wall, 30° 23' S , 27° 43' E , 15 March 1951 , Brinck & Rudebeck (SSAE 234) — (1 LUM ). Representative specimens deposited in MCZ and TMSA . Diagnosis. Refer to the diagnosis of C. drakensbergense . Description. Size (length/width, mm x 100) holotype : body (length to elytral apices) 256/107, head 56/63, pronotum 56/90, elytra 160/107. Dorsum black. Granules on frons disc and pronotal disc similar in size and density, much finer and sparser on clypeus and lateral depressions of pronotum. Maxillary palpus slightly shorter than width of anterior margin of clypeus, last three palpomeres subequal in length and maximum width. Mentum weakly produced apicomedially; depressed on each side of midline near base. Pronotum with sides markedly angulate at midlength, markedly emarginate in front of and behind angulation. Elytral intervals: 2nd subcostate in front of and behind weak saddle and irregularly over posterior declivity; 4th raised slightly in interrupted sections; 1st, 3rd and 5th each with unilinear row of granules, granules of a row separated by 1–3x granule diameter; 7th with unilinear row of granules interrupted at depression in basal 1/3 where 8th widened and thickened. Metasternum with elongate oval depression. Male anterior angles of clypeus very slightly produced. Female last sternite apicomedially markedly emarginate, subapical depression rimmed posteriorly; last tergite arcuate, with closely spaced short spines. Aedeagus length 0.65 mm ; markedly sinuate, length distal to major bend greater than length proximal to bend; gonopore process arcuate, slightly longer than membranous process, area between them large and curved; ridged distal process markedly arcuate (Fig. 20). Etymology. Named in reference to the angulate lateral margin of the pronotum, and the angulate aedeagus. Distribution. Currently known from two localities in Lesotho (Fig. 75).