Six new species of Hylotribus Jekel, 1860 from Brazil (Coleoptera, Anthribidae, Anthribinae, Discotenini) Author Queiroz, Fernando Luiz Cunha Avila Villar De Author Mermudes, José Ricardo M. text Zootaxa 2014 3814 2 242 258 journal article 45554 10.11646/zootaxa.3814.2.5 b7422346-4849-40f6-ab36-6a926e06e273 1175-5326 253179 8A304418-4222-4C72-B36A-ADA29140B821 Hylotribus involucer Queiroz & Mermudes sp. nov. ( Figs. 11–12 ; 37–39) Female. Integument brownish; dorsum of rostrum, middle of pronotum, humeri, antennae, and legs reddish-brown to yellowish, remarkably clearer than general body integument. Dorsal vestiture ( Figs. 11–12 ): head and rostrum with white pubescence, dense at each side of frons, along ocular margin; vertex with rare dark setae. Antennae with yellowish, sparse setae; club with dense bright brown pubescence. Pronotum at sides with blackish brown pubescence. Longitudinal middle of pronotum with yellowish-white pubescence, dense in narrow strip in posterior half. Scutellar shield with dark-brown sparse setae, anteriorly oriented. Elytra with yellowish-white pubescence, moderately sparse; humeri whiter with narrow strip near basal tubercles; disk of elytra with few blackish brown areas and distinct tuft of dark-brown setae; ante-apical tubercles with distinct transverse dark strip between them; other indistinct wide light strip posteriorly. Ventral vestiture with sparse yellowish-white pubescence. Tibiae with brown pubescence at base and middle. Head partially retracted into prothorax. Rostrum slightly longer than wide; surface corrugate; with narrow, prominent median carina. Ventral region of head and rostrum with fine sparse punctures. Antennae reaching posterior margin of prothorax in male (females, to middle of prothorax); scape and segment II moderately thick; III weakly long and narrow; IV–V short; VI–VIII short, thick and obconical; club robust; IX–X transverse, XI slightly longer than wide. Prothorax rounded at sides. Pronotum as wide as long, slightly convex, corrugate, with coarse shallow punctures at middle; middle line with three tubercles, subequal in size, tufted at top. Antebasal carina 2- fragmented: one long median segment, feebly curved; other segment at sides, smaller than half of median segment. Antebasal interval one third shorter than second segment at sides. Prosternum with coarse, shallow punctures, irregularly dense. Scutellar shield smoothly convex and compact, with suboblique apical declivity. Elytra coarsely punctate; humeri round and weakly prominent; basal tubercles distinct, tufted with blackish-brown setae; two basal post median tubercles; interstria I swollen at middle; interstria V costate from middle to inner tubercle of apical declivity; at declivity with two diminutive tubercles of same size, one in interstria V and other in interstria VII, tufted with white setae. Apterous (two males dissected). Metasternum strongly transverse, metacoxae with length in middle shorter than wide. Abdomen. Ventrite I shorter than II; III–IV progressively short; V as long as III+IV). Terminalia. Segment VIII damaged, bursa copulatrix and spermatheca lost, ovipositor damaged, lateral rod broken but present ( Figs. 37–39 ) body distinct from lateral rods, lateral rods about one and a half times longer than body, median rods thick reaching proximal third of lateral rods; toothed plate with four teeth, one apical subdivided with one diminutive, other developed, one medial developed, one proximal developed; stylus inserted at middle of toothed plate. Male. Antennal segment III slightly longer than II. Ventrite I to IV narrow and subequal in length. Ventrite V subplanar at middle, subequal in length to II+III+IV. Type material. Holotype female from BRAZIL : São Paulo, São José do Barreiro (Serra da Bocaina, 1650 m ), XI.1968 , Alvarenga & Seabra col. ( MNRJ ). Paratype , same data: 1 female , I.1969 , M. Alvarenga col., 1 male , idem ( DZRJ ). Etymology. The name is derived from the Latin involucer = unable to fly. Remarks. Hylotribus involucer ( Figs. 11–12 ) differs from the other species in the genus by the pronotal and elytral tubercles weakly developed, almost absent, and by the pronotal vestiture as described above, elytra humeri whitish, and in being flightless.