Terebellidae (Annelida, Terebelliformia) from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Nogueira, João Miguel Matos
Hutchings, Pat
Carrerette, Orlemir
journal article
Loimia pseudotriloba
n. sp.
Figs 3
A–C, 51–54)
: AM W.47810, MI QLD 2336, complete,
25 mm
3 mm
: AM W.47736 (4), CReefs, LI–10–018, MI QLD 2193, Mermaid Cove (buoy),
, complete specimen, with 86 segments,
31 mm
3.5 mm
wide, in good state of preservation; AM W.47737, CReefs, LI– 10–004, MI QLD 2185, channel bommies,
, complete specimen in 2 pieces, anterior
17 mm
3 mm
18 mm
2 mm
wide; AM W.44594, MI QLD 2393, mounted on SEM pin.
Comparative material examined.
Loimia batilla
Hutchings & Glasby, 1988
, AM W.5162.
Loimia batilla
, AM W.7097, AM W.7098; AM W.7106, AM W.7107. Non-types of
Loimia ingens
Grube, 1878
Loimia ochracea
Grube, 1878
906, MPW 583.
Loimia triloba
Hutchings & Glasby, 1988
ZB 1986.97.
Loimia pseudotriloba
n. sp.
AM W.47810: A–B. Entire worm, left and right lateral views, respectively; C. Thorax, ventral view; D–K. Progressively higher magnifications of the anterior end, dorsal, right lateral, ventral and left lateral views, respectively. Numbers refer to segments. Abbreviations: ll = lower lip, ul = upper lip. Scale bars: A–C = 1 mm, D–E, G, I, K = 0.5 mm, F = 0.6 mm, H, J = 0.8 mm.
Loimia pseudotriloba
n. sp.
AM W.44594: A–E. Anterior end, dorsal, left lateral, ventral and right lateral (2) views, respectively; F. Close up of the notopodia of segments 5–9, arrows point to genital papillae; G. Transition between anterior and posterior body; H–K. Close ups of the anterior end, dorsal, ventral, right and left lateral views, respectively. Numbers refer to segments. Abbreviations: ll = lower lip, ul = upper lip. Scale bars: A, C = 700 µm, B, H = 500 µm, D = 800 µm, E = 400 µm, F, J–K = 200 µm, G = 600 µm, I = 300 µm.
In life, body anteriorly yellow with reddish mid-ventral shields,
after termination of notopodia, speckled with large dark spots (probably internal contents) (
Fig. 3
A–C). Transverse prostomium attached to dorsal surface of upper lip; basal part without eyespots, distal part shelf-like (
Fig. 52
A, H). Peristomium forming lips, hood-like upper lip, short, almost circular, partially covered by lobes of segment 1; short and swollen lower lip, button-like (
Figs 51
C, H–K; 52A–E, H–K). Segment 1 dorsally narrow, with pair of large lobes directed anteriorly and reaching around mid-length of upper lip; lobes almost circular, dorsal margins inserted at level of first pair of notopodia, laterally to first pair of branchiae; lobes higher laterally, at level of neuropodia, midventrally indented to partially expose lower lip. Segment 2 reduced, dorsally conspicuous, covered by lobes of segment 3 laterally and fused to it ventrally. Segment 3 with pair of elongate and distally rounded lobes, almost triangular, with narrow bases tapering to distally rounded tips, reaching beyond tips of lobes of segment 1; base with ventral edges fused to upper corners of first mid-ventral shield, at mid-length of anterior neuropodial tori, dorsal margins inserted at level of dorsal edges of neuropodia; lobes of segment 4 shorter than lobes of segment 3, rectangular, longer than wide, laterally straight and distally rounded, with distinctly narrow bases, ventral margins inserted at upper corners of second mid-ventral shield, dorsal margins at level of mid-length of anterior neuropodial tori, aligned to ventral margins of lobes of segment 3 (
Figs 51
A–K; 52A–E, H–K). Anterior segments slightly inflated dorsally. Paired dorso-lateral arborescent branchiae present on segments 2–4, dorsal to line of notopodia, with short branchial filaments branching dichotomously from secondary stems originating in a spiral from short basal stems; first pair slightly longer, about half body width at segment 2; pairs all longitudinally aligned (
Figs 51
A–B, D–G, J–K; 52A–B, D–E, H, J–K). Trapezoidal mid-ventral shields present on segments 2–15, those of segments 2–3 completely fused into single crenulated structure, following shields progressively smoother, slightly crenulate until last; blood red region on segments 12–15; first 2 shields, on segments 2–3 and 4, much wider than those of following segments, then about same width, indented posteriorly by tori, last shield almost inconspicuous (
Figs 51
A, C, H–K; 52C, I). Dorsum smooth throughout, rows of rounded tubercles absent. Notopodia beginning on segment 4, extending until segment 20; notopodia short, cylindrical to oblong, notopodia of segments 4–7 inserted progressively more laterally, then longitudinally aligned (
Figs 51
A–K; 52A–K). Narrowly-winged notochaetae in both rows throughout, those from anterior row finely serrated under SEM, chaetae of posterior row with wings at distal half (
Figs 53
E–J; 54F–H). Neuropodia present from segment 5, as low, almost sessile ridges until termination of notopodia, as elongate and thin, rectangular pinnules, from segment 21, inserted progressively more ventrally, lateral to mid-ventral groove on posterior segments (
Figs 51
A–C, F–K; 52B–E, G, I–K; 53A, D). Pectinate short-handled avicular uncini, arranged in partially intercalated to completely separate double rows, in back to back arrangement, from segment 11 until termination of notopodia, on segment 20; uncini with short base, dorsal button at mid-length of base, rounded prow, and crest with single vertical series of 5–6 progressively shorter secondary teeth throughout; main fang larger but not clearly defined, line of teeth aligned with tip of prow; under SEM, series of teeth with lateral fringe of tiny teeth (
Figs 53
K–M; 54A–E, I–L). Nephridial papillae on segments 3 and 4, between dorsal margins of lobes and bases of branchiae, genital papillae on segments 6–8, posterior to notopodia; all papillae minute (
Fig. 52
A–B, D–F, H). Pygidium with digitiform papillae (
Figs 51
A–B; 53A–C). Tube mucous, with small stones and shell fragments embedded.
The only other known Australian species of
with lobes also on segment 4 are
L. triloba
Hutching & Glasby, 1988
L. juani
n. sp.
, this latter species also found in Lizard
and described above. These species differ from
L. pseudotriloba
n. sp.
, however, because
L. juani
n. sp.
has lobes of segment 1 almost reaching the tip of the upper lip and with dorsal margins inserted at the level of branchiae; lobes of segment 3 almost circular and not reaching the tips of lobes of segment 1, with dorsal margins inserted at mid-length of neuropodial tori; and lobes of segment 4 with dorsal margins reaching the level of notopodia. In contrast, in
L. pseudotriloba
n. sp.
the lobes of segment 1 do not reach beyond mid-length of upper lip and the dorsal margins are inserted at the level of notopodia, laterally to branchiae; lobes of segment 3 are almost triangular, with narrow bases and elongate tips, reaching beyond the tips of the lobes of segment 1 and inserted dorsally at the level of the dorsal edges of neuropodia; while the dorsal margins of the lobes of segment 4 are fused to the body wall at midlength of anterior neuropodial tori. In addition,
L. juani
n. sp.
has mid-ventral shields extending to segment 13, while in
L. pseudotriloba
n. sp.
the mid-ventral shields extend to segment 15, and the uncini of
L. juani
n. sp.
have distally pointed prow, with ligaments continuing downwards, while in
L. pseudotriloba
n. sp.
, the uncinial prow is rounded. However the most striking differences between members of these species are easily seen in the different body colour patterns of live specimens (compare
Fig. 3
A–C and D–F).
Loimia pseudotriloba
n. sp.
AM W.44594: A–C. Posterior end in progressively higher magnifications, left ventrolateral, frontal and dorsal views, respectively; D. Posterior body, ventro-lateral view; E, H–J. Notochaetae of segment 17; F–G. Notochaetae of segment 5 under increasing magnifications; K–L. Uncini of segment 16 under different magnifications; M. Uncini, segment 9. Scale bars: A = 400 µm, B = 200 µm, C = 100 µm, D = 7 µm, E = 50 µm, F = 20 µm, G = 5 µm, H = 40 µm, I = 6 µm, J, M = 10 µm, K = 3 µm, L = 4 µm.
Loimia pseudotriloba
n. sp.
AM W.44594: A. Uncini, segment 7; B–E. Posterior uncini. AM W.47810: F–G. Notochaetae of segment 5, general and chaetae from posterior row, respectively; H. Notochaetae, segment 19; I–J. Uncini under higher magnification, segment 5; K–L. Uncini, segments 19 and 26, respectively. Scale bars: A = 7 µm, B = 10 µm, C–D = 5 µm, E = 3 µm, F, H = 80 µm, G = 70 µm, I = 30 µm, J, L = 20 µm, K = 40 µm.
The other Australian species with lobes on segment 4 besides
L. juani
n. sp.
, described above,
L. triloba
, differs from
L. pseudotriloba
n. sp.
because in that species prostomial eyespots are present laterally and all lobes are shorter, those of segment 1 not reaching mid-length of the upper lip; lobes of segment 3 rectangular, not reaching mid-length of lobes of segment 1 and with bases extending from the level of mid-length of the neuropodial tori to the level of notopodia (see Carrerette & Nogueira 2015).
We name this species as “
” due to the similarities with
L. triloba
, both species having lobes on segment 4.
Big Vicki's reef,
, Lizard
, GBR,
Widely distributed along Lizard