New varieties and synonyms of Lupinus species (Fabaceae, Faboideae) of Northwestern Argentina Author Planchuelo, Ana María Centro de Relevamiento y Evaluación de Recursos Agrícolas y Naturales (CREAN-IMBIV-CONICET-UNC), Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuaria, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Casilla de Correo 509. 5000, Córdoba, Argentina. text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-09-28 566 2 143 170 journal article 153859 10.11646/phytotaxa.566.2.1 dfcedf82-a9ee-4d9f-873b-ad6a4006beb3 1179-3163 7119094 1. Lupinus hieronymi C.P.Sm. , Sp. Lup.: 335 (1943). Tables 1 & 2 (first columns). Figs. 1 & 4 A . Type:— ARGENTINA : Prov. La Rioja . Dpto. Chilecito : pie de la cuesta más arriba del vallecito. Sierra de Famatina . 15–20 Jan. 1879 , G. Hieronymus & G. Niederlein 645 ( holotype B , lost , isotypes CORD!, A3, B1, B2, B3) , no other plants mounted in the same sheet at CORD and not the specimen Hieronymus 645 at K (H–82/77–4! that was cited by C.P. Smith Sp. Lup.: 352 as paratype of L. schickendantzii ). ( See comments on this species and on Representative Specimens of L. austrorientalis var. umidicola ). = Lupinus honoratus C.P.Sm., Sp. Lup. : 337 (1944). syn. nov. Type:— ARGENTINA : Prov. Tucumán . Dpto. Tafí del Valle: Sierra de Tucumán , La Cienaga, 1–10 (should be 10–17) Jan. 1874 , Lorentz & Hieronymus 696 ( holotype B, lost; Isotypes: CORD!, F!, NY! no the paratype of L. hiulcus , NY !, which is treated here as synonym of L. burkartianus C.P.Sm. ). (See comments on this species and on L. burkartianus ). = Lupinus lilloanus C.P.Sm., Sp. Lup. : 340 (1944). syn. nov. Type:— ARGENTINA Prov. Tucumán : Dpto. Tafí del Valle: Las Tacanas, 2000 m s.n.m., 17 Jan. 1908 , Lillo 8754 ( holotype DS!, isotype LIL!, SI!). = Lupinus monetianus C.P.Sm., Sp. Lup. : 341 (1944). syn. nov. Type:— ARGENTINA : Prov. Tucumán : Dpto. Río Chico: Escaba, 1800 m s.n.m., 24 Dec. 1913 , Monetti 1824 ( holotype : DS!; isotype LIL!, SI!). = Lupinus schreiteranus C.P.Sm., Sp. Lup. : 344 (1944). syn. nov. Type:— ARGENTINA : Prov. Tucumán : Dpto. Tafí Viejo: Playa del Río de la Hoyada, 22 Nov. 1921 , Schreiter 408 ( holotype : DS!; isotype: LIL!). = Lupinus lorentzianus C.P.Sm., Sp. Lup. : 346 (1944). syn. nov. Type:— ARGENTINA : Prov. Tucumán : Dpto. Tafí del Valle: La Cienaga, sierra de Tucumán , 10/ 17 Jan. 1874 , Lorentz & Hieronymus 638 ( holotype B lost, isotypes: CORD!). Plants (20–) 30–50 cm tall; with several stems from a caudex. Indumentum cover stems and petioles with erect, straight scattered to dense hairs 2–2.5 (–3) mm long, becoming golden brownish in herbarium specimens. Stems fistulose or subfistulose, 9.0–13 (–14) mm diam, ridges from the veins of the petioles, and angular internodes; internodes 3.5–6.0 cm long; Leaves palmately 6–8 foliolate; stipules 10–20 mm long, subulate-filiform free tips 7–15 × 0.7–1.2 mm , with indumentum dorsally similar to the stems; petioles , (6–) 7–9 (–10) cm long, about (1½–) 2 (–2½) the length of the leaflets occasionally persistent after the fall of the leaflets; leaflets oblanceolate, 2.5–5.0 × 0.6–1.2 (–1.4) cm, the youngest conduplicate, the older complanate, adaxial face glabrous when observed with bare eyes, papillose when observed with more than 20x magnifications, rarely with few hairs toward the margin and abaxial face covered with erect hairs, tips acute to obtuse. Peduncles 3.0– 7.5 cm long, pubescence as stems. Inflorescence terminal with racemes 15–20 (–22) cm long, with sub-verticillate flowers; bracts subulate, 8.0–11.0 × 1.0– 1.2 mm , persistent or tardy deciduous, with expanded long hairs dorsally; bracteoles linear to subulate, 0.5–1.3 (–2.0) × 0.1–0.3 mm , attached near the margin to 0.4 mm below the lips of the lateral sinuses of the calyx; pedicels 2.0–4.0 mm long at anthesis, 5.0–6.0 mm long on fruit, with spreading erect hairs. Flowers 10.0–11.0 mm long; calyx with ascending hairs outside, glabrous within, except the margin and tips of the lips, base slightly gibbous above, lower-lip lance-shaped to narrowly triangular, 7.5–8.5 × 1.5–3.0 mm, tip truncate erose or sometimes tridentate with teeth less than 0.2 mm long; upper-lip 6.0–7.0 mm long, bifid, the lobe 3.5–4.0 × 1.2–2.0 mm; lips connate 1.0–2.0 mm; banner obovate 9–10.5 × 7.0– 8.5 mm , glabrous; wings 10–12 × 4.5–6.0 mm, the claw 1.8–2.0 mm long, the lobe above the claw 1.5–1.7 mm wide; keel glabrous to scattered ciliate on the distal part of the upper margin, 2.5–3.0 mm wide in the middle, the angle 98°–102°; ovary with 6—8 ovules. Legumes 3.5–3.7 × 0.7–0.8 cm , covered by erect and spreading hairs. Seeds with oblong contour, 4.5–5.5 × 3.0– 3.5 mm , seed coat tan colored with mottled spots, reticulate-foveate pattern under 1000 x magnification. Etymology:— hieronymi was in homage to G.H.E.W. Hieronymus an European botanist that was a researcher at the Museo Botánico of Córdoba, and one of the collectors of the type material; “ honoratus from Latin meaning respectable; lillonaus“ was in homage to the Argentine botanist Miguel Lillo and the collector of the type specimen; “ schreiteranus was in homage to the botanist C. R. Schreiter a naturalist that worked in Tucumán , and was the collector of the type material; “ lorentzianus was in homage to P.G. Lorentz a German botanist who was a researcher at the Museo Botánico of Córdoba, and one of the collectors of the type material. Phenology:— The flowering period could starts in late Spring or early Summer (December) but full bloom is predominantly January and in February flowers and fruits are found in the same plant, however, the duration of phenological periods is always subject to environmental conditions. Distribution, Habitat and Red List of Endemic Species Category:— Its distribution is in the NOA provinces of Jujuy , Salta , Tucumán , Catamarca and La Rioja , with several collection records in Tafí del Valle ( Tucumán ) and in Córdoba where the Sierras de Comechingones and Achala, are the southernmost places where the species grows ( Fig. 4 A ). It grows in intermontane ravines between 1200–3060 m s.n.m., in sunny and humid areas with other small herbaceous plants. The first collection record was in 1877 in Córdoba . During a period of time that began at the end of the 18th century until the beginning of the 21st century it was collected in different provinces with last records in Córdoba , Cerro Champaquí in 2002 and in the NOA more recently in Tucumán in February 2021 . The previous conservation status assigned for L. hieronymi in 2010, was in Category 5 (PlanEAr, 2021) because at that time was known only by its type specimen and L. honoratus (a new synonym) in 2010 was considered in Category 3. Now the distribution area is wider and is not in serious threat as Category 5. However, the fragility of the environment and the land degradation, that has been reported in Ravelo et al . (2011) and García et al. (2019) in part of the area of its distribution, give the reason to assign the species, for first time, on the Category 3 (PlanEAr) and VU (Vulnerable) under the IUCN status scale. Comments:— The collector number Hieronymus & Niederlein 645 was cited by C. P. Smith as “Prov. incog. ..., Hieronymus & Niederlein 645 ; h 120” (120=B). The specimen at B herbarium was the holotype of L. hieronymi which was destroyed by the fire during WWII. A specimen with the same collector number and with the province “ La Rioja . Dpto. Chilecito, pie de la cuesta más arriba del vallecito. Sierra de Famatina “ and date of collection, 15–20 Jan. 1879 ” is at CORD herbarium, which is mounted in two herbarium sheets assigned as A and B ( Fig. 1 ). The analysis of those specimens shows the following. In sheet A the plant mounted at the right side assigned as A3, as well as, the small branch with few leaves (A1), matches the characters of L. hieronymi (straight long hairs and oblanceolate banner) the others plants A2 and A4, do not match the characters of the species. In sheet B the three inflorescences (B1, B2, B3) are similar to A3 and represent L. hieronymi . In conclusion the isotypes of L. hieronymi are the samples: A1, A3, B1, B2 and B3; the others plant samples A2, A4, and B4 are treated here as L. austrorientalis var. umidicola . In the vascular plants of Sierra de Famatina (La Rioja) by Barboza et al. (2016) , the L. hieronymi isotype at CORD was illustrate and the species was cited as life form therophyte , with the status endemic and assigned to Category CR B1ab(iii), according to IUCN (2014). In Species Lupinorum page 352, C. P. Smith cited the specimen collected in “ La Rioja , Sierra Famatina, Pie de la Cuesta más Arriba del Vallecito, Hieronymus 645 , 1879 I 15–20 h 106” (h 106= K) and “Ditto, - Hieronymus & Neiderlein 645, ..., h 120” (h 120=B) (Very different from L. hieronymi , page 335)” as paratype of L. schickendantzii . It is evident that the collections Hieronymus & Neiderlein 645 represent two different taxa. L. schickendantzii is treated here as a synonym of L. austrorientalis var. umidicola . The specimen Lorentz & Hieronymus 696 at the B herbarium was cited (Sp. Lup.: 337) as holotype of L. honoratus and was destroyed in the Fire of World War II. At CORD there are three herbarium sheets of the same collector number (in one of them say Heronymus ), the sheets A and B have a copy of the data from Sp. Lup., and the sheet C has an original label with the dated 10–17 Jan. 1874 , all three sheets have been labeled as isotype of L. honoratus C.P.Sm. and as isoparatype of L. hiulcus C.P.Sm. The double identification label is because in Species Lupinorum: 336, 1943, Smith cited “Tucumán. La Cienaga, Sierra de Tucuman, Lorentz & Hieronymus 696 , 1874 I 1–10 ; h 62 (non h 120)” as a paratype of L. hiulcus (h 62=NY; h 120=B), that here is treated here as synonym of L. burkartianus . Another specimen at NY has a label with C. P. Smith handwritten dated Sept. 1929 that said: “leg. P. G. Lorentz et G. Hieronymus ” “this agrees with Lorentz & Hieronymus 696 labeled with Sierra de Tucuman, 10-17 Jan. 1874 , ex Berol.” The specimen does not have any other identification by Smith but have another anonymous identification label that says Lupinus bracteolaris Desr. This later species is from the Atlantic Subregion (Planchuelo, 1999) that has stems and petioles densely covered with spreading hairs (Planchuelo, 1996) similar to L. hieronymi , but different on all other morphological characters; the same specimen also, was identified as isotype of L. honoratus C.P.Sm. by D. Dunn & A.M. Planchuelo in 1979. An isotype of L. honoratus with the label “Ex Museo Botanico Berolinensis” is at US herbarium. The studies of all the mentioned specimens shows that the specimens Lorentz & Hieronymus 696 have multiple identification labels and represented two different taxa, the clarification of that problem is the follows: the specimen at NY cited by Smith as paratype of L. hiulcus is considered by this author as L. burkartianus , all the other specimens of the same collector number at the CORD, F, NY and US herbaria, that have extended hairs and banner shape oblanceolate, are L. hieronymi and should be no considered as isoparatype of L. hiulcus . Charles P. Smith in Sp. Lup.: 340, 1940, cited the following specimens: “Catamarca. El Candallo, Jörgensen... , 1891 II 10 ; h 66” (16; h Sm, 66= US ); “Andalgalá, Pedro Jörgensen 1122, 1915 VII 11 ; h 61” (61=GH); “El Soncho, Jörgensen... , 1915 XII ; h 13” (13=UC) as paratypes of L. lilloanus (considered here as synonym of L. hieronymi ), but previously in Sp. Lup: 339 (1944) cited the specimen, “Catamarca, Dep. Andalgala, El Candado, Jörgensen 1122, 1915 I 16 ; h Sm., non h 13-61” (Sm herbarium Smith, 13=GH, 61=UC) as holotype of L. jorgenseanus (considered here as synonym of L. autrorientalis var. umidicola ). Another Jörgensen specimen not cited by Smith at MO has the following information: Prov. Catamarca: Dpto Andalglá: El Clavillo, alt. 3000 m , Nov. 1915 , Jörgensen 1122. It is clear that the Jörgensen collections cited with or without number and with different dates and locality represent different taxa. A review of all specimens shows that the specimens deposited at GH, US , UC and also the one at MO has the typical spreading long hairs which is the characteristics of L. lilloanus and are treated here as L. hieronymi . On the other hand, the specimens at DS and LIL are the holotype and isotype of L. jorgenseanus that are treated here as a synonym of L. autrorientalis var. umidicola . FIGURE 1. Lupinus hieronymi C.P.Sm. A . Isotype CORD , sheet A, the plant mounted at the right side (A3) is an isotype. B . Isotype CORD, sheet B. the three inflorescences (B1, B2, B3) are isotypes. C. Dissected flowers and leaflet showing banner obovate ( Lillo 8754 ). D . Plant growing in Salta (Photo Fabbroni) representative specimen Fabbroni 1816 (MCNS). E . Detail of inflorescence. F . Detail of leaflets with expanded hairs in the abaxial face. G. Detail of stem with long erect hairs. H . Microphotograph (100 x) leaflet with long erect hairs (Seisdedos & Planchuelo). I. Photo SEM (50 x) seed hilar region. J. Photo SEM (2500 x) reticulate-foveate seed coat (Photos Perissé & Planchuelo). The specimen Hieronymus 802 (Córdoba: Dpto. Calamuchita: Al pie del Champaquí, más arriba del río del Catre, 29 Jan.1877 ( US ) was cited by Smith (Sp. Lup.: 340, 1944) as a paratype of L. lilloanus considered in this treatment as synonym of L. hieronymi . Also, the specimen Hieronymus 76 (Córdoba, Sierra de Achala, 29 Jan. 1877 (P) was cited by Smith (Sp. Lup.: 344, 1944) as a paratype of L. schreiteranus , considered in this treatment as synonym of L. hieronymi . The specimen S. Venturi 1545 (Tucumán: Dpto. Tafí del Valle: Sierra de San Javier, 1200 m , 26 Nov. 1921 ) at US have a C. P. Smith determination label that says “ Lupinus lilloanus sp. nov. ” but that specimen was not cited under L. lilloanus in any of his publications, maybe because the specimen label says that the plant is one meter tall that is out of the range of the species treated. For that reason and other not clear characters is not considered in this treatment and further investigation is needed to determine the correct identification. Another S. Venturi 1545 specimen (Dpto. Tafí Viejo: detrás de Villa Nougues, 1200 m s.n.m., 26 Nov. 1921 ) at LIL is cited here as L. hieronymi . The specimen with collector number Schreiter 408 (collected in Tafí Viejo: Playa del Río de la Hoyada, 22 Nov. 1921 ), from the DS herbarium was chosen by Smith as the holotype of L. schreiteranus , an isotype of this collector is at the LIL herbarium. Both specimens have the flower characteristics and the extended hairs of L. hieronymi and therefore the species L. schreiteranus is considered in this treatment as a synonym of L. hieronymi . Another specimen with collector number Schreiter 408 (collected in Prov. Tucumán : Tafi Department: Tafí Valley, Churqui River, Dec. 1917 ) also from the DS herbarium was chosen by Smith as holotype of L. amnis-churquis , this specimen and the isotype at LIL lack the indumentum and floral characters of the other Screiter 408 specimens and are treated here as synonym of L. burkartianus . It is evident that the materials under the collector number Schreiter 408 represent different taxa that were collected in different places and are sharing the same number probably by catalogue mistakes. Seed samples of this species under the name L. honoratus was part of analysis of sterol and fatty acid patterns (Fuentes & Planchuelo, 1999), crude protein, crude oil, fatty acid and seed flour for thermic properties (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) also, the powdered leaves and photosynthetic stems were analyzed for flavonoid profiles ( Fuentes & Planchuelo, 2006 ). Also, phytochemical characterization and phylogenetic analysis were done and reported in the following Doctoral Degree thesis and publications Merino et al. (2000 a, b), Merino (2001) and Fuentes (2002) . Representative Specimens:—Prov. Catamarca : Dpto.Andalgalá : El Candado, 10 Feb. 1891 , Jörgensen wout/# ( US );Andalgalá, 11Aug. 1915 , Pedro Jörgensen 1122 (GH); El Soncho, Dec. 1915 , Jörgensen wout/# ( UC ); El Clavillo, 3000 m s.n.m., Nov. 1915 , Jörgensen 1122 (MO). Prov. Córdoba: Dpto. Calamuchita : Al pie del Champaquí, más arriba del río del Catre, 29 Jan. 1877 , Hieronymus 802 ( paratype L. lilloanus CORD , isoparatypes SI , US ); al costado del cerro Lindero, más o menos a 4 km de la estación meteorológica, 1 May 2002 , A.M. Planchuelo 2252 (ACOR); cerca de la cumbre del cerro Champaquí a 300 m del monumento a San Martín 1 May. 2002 , A.M. Planchuelo 2253 (ACOR); Villa Alpina, 15 Dec.1988 , J. Cantero et al . wout/# RIOC 2759 (RIOC); Sierra de Achala. 29 Jan. 1877 , Hieronymus 76 ( paratype P & isoparatype CORD of L. schreiteranus C.P.Sm. ); Dpto. Punilla : Los Gigantes, mogote El Gorila, en el desvío al borde del arroyo llegando al refugio del Club Andino, 23 Mar. 2003 , A.M. Planchuelo 2336 (ACOR). Dpto. San Javier : La Ventana bajada al valle de Villa Dolores, 1900 m s.n.m., 20 Feb. 1953 , A. Krapovickas 7815 (LIL); Arroyo Yacanto, 10 Feb. 1939 , Castellanos wout/# BA 31069 (BA); Sierras Grandes, Pampa de Achala, a 700 m s.n.m., Km 77 de ruta Córdoba-M. Clavero, 26 Dec. 1937 , T. Mácola 2674 (ACOR). Prov. Jujuy: Dpto. Capital : Yala, 2089 m s.n.m., 22 Jan. 1941 , E. Romero Montiel 57 (LIL, SI ); Lagunas Yala, 4 Jan. 1971 , A . Krapovickas & C.L. Cristóbal 17445 (LIL). Dpto. Tumbaya : Volcán, verano 1923, L. Castillon 9630 (LIL). Dpto. Valle Grande : camino a Alto Calilegua, Los Tolditos, 3 Jan. 1978 , R. Kiesling et al. 1540 ( SI ). Prov. La Rioja: Dpto. Chilecito : pie de la cuesta más arriba del vallecito, Sierra de Famatina , 15–20 Jan. 1879 , G . Hieronymus & G. Niederlein 645 (CORD A1, A3, B2, B3, B 4 L. hieronymi types). Prov. Salta: Dpto. Capital : Río Mojotoro, en la playa del río, 1200 m s.n.m., 31 Oct. 1986 , C. Palací 803 (MCNS). Dpto. Chicoana : Quebrada Escoipe: El Maray, 1 km antes de la antigua hostería, 2200 m s.n.m., 16 Dec. 1995 , J.R. de la Fuente 10769 (MCNS). Prov. Tucumán : Dpto. Chicligasta : entre La Cascada y Las Cuevas, Mar. 1949 , T. Meyer 15392 (LIL). Dpto. Río Chico : Escaba, 1800 m s.n.m., 24 Dec. 1913 , Monetti 1824 (DS, LIL, SI , L. monetianus types). Dpto. Tafí del Valle : Villa Tafí, Jan. 1906 , L. Castillon 502 (LIL); ídem, quebrada próxima al Alisal, 14 Jan. 1908 , L. Castillon 337 (LIL); Tafí del Valle, 2000 m s.n.m., 19 Nov. 1949 , J. Arague M. & F. Barkly 19Ar174 (LIL); Sierra de Tucumán, La Ciénaga, 1-10 (should be 10-17) Jan. 1874 , Lorentz & Hieronymus 696 (CORD, F, NY, U, L. honoratus types); La Ciénaga, Sierra de Tucumán, 10/ 17 Jan. 1874 , Lorentz & Hieronymus 638 (CORD, L. lorentzianus type); campo de Las Carreras, 4 Jan. 1992 , M. Arias et al. 443 (LIL); Quebrada del Lambedens, 2050 m s.n.m., 26 Jan. 1908 , M. Lillo 7085 (LIL); La Banda, 9 Dec. 1945 , Lourteig 1139 (LIL); cerca de Infiernillo, 2900 m s.n.m, 2 Mar. 1972 , T. Meyer wout/# 514463 (LIL); Abra El Infiernillo, 3056 m s.n.m., 13 Feb. 2021 , Fabbroni & Gauffin 1816 (MCNS); idem, Fabbroni & Gauffin 1829 (MCNS); Las Tacanas, 2000 m s.n.m., 17 Jan. 1908 , Lillo 8754 (DS, LIL, SI , L. lilloanus types); Quebrada de Monteros, en playa, 30 Dec. 1889 , M. Lillo 1481 (LIL); Entre T. del Valle y El Infiernillo, km 64, 17 Dec. 1949 , Balegno-Días 120 (LIL). Dpto. Tafi Viejo : detrás de Villa Nougués, 1200 m s.n.m., 26 Nov. 1921 , S. Venturi 1545 (LIL); Playa del Río de la Hoyada, 22 Nov. 1921 , Schreiter 408 (DS; LIL, L. schreiteranus types).