List of specimens of the tribe Cossyphini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) kept in the National Museum, Praha Author Háva, Jiří text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2007 2007-12-04 47 183 187 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5328309 0374-1036 5328309 4. Cossyphus ( Cossyphus ) hoffmannseggi Herbst, 1797 Cossyphus ( Cossyphus ) hoffmannseggi Herbst, 1797 : SCUPOLA (2000) : 237 . Cossyphus ( Cossyphus ) depressus Fabricius, 1801 : SCUPOLA (2000) : 237 . Cossyphus ( Cossyphus ) hoffmannseggi var. sublaevis Kocher, 1953 : SCUPOLA (2000) : 237 . Cossyphus ( Cossyphus ) hoffmannseggi ssp. bletoni Antoine, 1953 : SCUPOLA (2000) : 237 . Cossyphus ( Cossyphus ) hoffmannseggi ssp. rifensis Kocher, 1963 : SCUPOLA (2000) : 237 . Material examined. ALGERIA : Oran ,Alg., B. Kouřil’, 7 spec. ( NMPC ); ‘ Algier , Reitter Leder’, 1 spec. ( NMPC ); ‘Tlemcen’, 4 spec. ( NMPC ); ‘Algeria’ // ‘C. rivularis’, 1 spec. ( NMPC ); ‘Algir’ // ‘ Cossyphus Hoffmannseggi , det.: F. Kasper.’, 1 spec. ( NMPC ). FRANCE : ‘Corsica’, 4 spec. ( NMPC ). ITALY : ‘Sicilia’, 1 spec. ( NMPC ); ‘Sardinia’ // ‘6304’, 1 spec. ( NMPC ). MOROCCO : ‘Tetuan, J. Váca’, 4 spec. ( NMPC ). PORTUGAL : Lissabon , Lusitania’, 2 spec. ( NMPC ); ‘ Lissabon , Portugal’ // ‘ Cossyphus Hoffmannseggi Hbst , det. Hlisnikowski 1942’, 1 spec. ( NMPC ); ‘ Lissabon , Flach’, 6 spec. (5 NMPC , 1 JHAC ). SPAIN : ‘Algericas [= Algeciras],Andalusia’ // ‘ Cossyphus Hoffmannseggi Hbst , det. Hlisnikowski 1942’, 9 spec. (8 NMPC , 1 JHAC ); ‘Hispania’, 1 spec. ( NMPC ); ‘Hispania, Algeciras’, 2 spec. ( NMPC ); ‘Hispania’, 1 spec. ( NMPC ); ‘Hispania,Algeciras’, 1 spec. ( NMPC ); ‘Algeciras’ // ‘Espagne, 1902’ // ‘ Cossyphus Hoffmannseggi’, 2 spec. ( NMPC ); ‘Algeciras, Andalusien , Prof.G. Strobl’ // ‘ Cossyphus Hoffmannseggi Hbst , det. Hlisnikowski 1942’, 1 spec. ( NMPC ); ‘Spanien’, 1 spec. ( NMPC ); ‘Algeciras, 5-4-[19]06, coll. Schramm’ // ‘ Cossyphus Hoffmannseggi Hbst , det. Hlisnikowski 1942’, 2 spec. ( NMPC ); ‘Andalusie’, 2 spec. ( NMPC ); ‘Algeciras, Hispania’ // ‘ Cossyphus Hoffmannseggi’ // ‘Coll. Mulač’ // ‘ Cossyphus Hoffmannseggi , det. Schuster’ , 1 spec. ( NMPC ) ; ‘ Hispania’ , 4 spec. ( NMPC ) ; ‘ Hispan :’, 1 spec. ( NMPC ) ; ‘ Granada’ // ‘ Hoffmannseggi , Det. Obenberger’ , 1 spec. ( NMPC ) ; ‘ Pyrénées’ , 1 spec. ( NMPC ) . Distribution. Species known from Algeria , Morocco , Portugal and Spain ( SCUPOLA 2000 ). New species for France ( Corsica ) and Italy ( Sardinia , Sicily ).