Catalogue of type specimens of Peiratinae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) preserved in the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris Author Liu, Yingqi 0000-0003-0881-9670 Author Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique 0000-0002-8860-7514 Author Guilbert, Eric 0000-0001-8319-6667 Author Cai, Wanzhi text Zootaxa 2022 2022-03-09 5110 1 1 85 journal article 111402 10.11646/zootaxa.5110.1.1 f4c1b50f-4664-4356-8df5-f6fcecac6032 1175-5326 6340419 3FD31BD1-A39F-4B01-9DE8-E5414C10CC5E Sirthenea stria var. pedestris Horváth, 1909 Original data: Brasilia: La Tijuca. ( Mus . Paris.) Specimen unicum indicationem sequentem gerit: « Montagnes des Orgues (prov. de Rio-Janeiro), massif de la Tijuca, 500 à 600 m . d’altitude. E.- R . WAGNER 1902 »” ( Horváth 1909: 363 ) . Type: Holotype : “ HOLOTYPE ” // “ Sirthenea stria Fabr. var. pedestris Horv. type” // “ Sirthenea pedestris Horváth Det. L. Willemse 1982” [hw Willemse ] // “P.” // “ MUSEUM PARIS Montagnes des Orgues ( PROV DE RIO-JANEIRO) MASSIF DE LA TIJUCA 500 A 900. M. D’ALTITUDE E. - R . WAGNER 1902 ” ( Fig. 64 ) . Type locality: Montagne des Orgues , Prov[ince]. de Rio-Janeiro , massif de la Tijuca [ Brazil , Rio de Janeiro State ] . Current status: Valid species, upgraded by Willemse (1985: 43–45) . Remarks: Horváth (1909: 363) recorded the altitude information as “ 500 à 600 m .”, but the label indicates “500 A 900”.