Catalogue of type specimens of Peiratinae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) preserved in the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris Author Liu, Yingqi 0000-0003-0881-9670 Author Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique 0000-0002-8860-7514 Author Guilbert, Eric 0000-0001-8319-6667 Author Cai, Wanzhi text Zootaxa 2022 2022-03-09 5110 1 1 85 journal article 111402 10.11646/zootaxa.5110.1.1 f4c1b50f-4664-4356-8df5-f6fcecac6032 1175-5326 6340419 3FD31BD1-A39F-4B01-9DE8-E5414C10CC5E Pachysandalus orientalis Jeannel, 1917 Original data: “Afrique Orientale anglaise: Shimoni, sur la côte, au sud de Mombasa (ALLUAUD et JEANNEL, nov.1911 )” ( Jeannel 1917: 304 ). Types: Syntype 1 ♂ : “ TYPE ” // “ Côte d’Afrique or angl. SHIMONI ALLUAUD ET JEANNEL Nov. 1911 St. 9” // “ Pachysandalus orientalis n. sp. R . JEANNEL det.” [hw Jeannel] ( Fig. 43 ) . Syntypes 2 ♂♂ : same label information as above but without the identification label. Type locality: Afrique orientale anglaise: Shimoni [ Kenya : south of Mombasa ]. Current status: Valid species ( Coscarón 2002: 32–35 ). Remarks: A brief “preliminary diagnosis” of Pachysandalus orientalis , which nevertheless represented a proposal of the name in an available way, was published by Jeannel (1917) , without designating holotype or mentioning the number of type specimens. A subsequent detailed redescription ( Jeannel 1919: 252–253 ) mentioned four males from two different localities. We only found three males in the MNHN, all from Shimoni; the male from “Tiwi, st. [station] n° 5, nov. 1911 ” could not be located. As no holotype was designated in the original description, and no lectotype has subsequently been designated, the specimens are to be considered as syntypes , with no regard to their labels ( ICZN 1999 , Arts. 73.1.3, 73.2).