Revision of Multiquaestia Karisch (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Grapholitini) Author Aarvik, Leif Author Karisch, Timm text Zootaxa 2009 2026 18 32 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.274748 e687202a-a625-4aab-94de-312277c7e3fb 1175-5326 274748 Multiquaestia purana Aarvik & Karisch , new species ( Figs. 11 , 27, 28 , 36 ) Type material. Holotype , 3, TANZANIA , Iringa Region, Mufindi District, Kigogo Forest 1900 m ., 23–25.xi.2005 , leg. L. Aarvik, M. Fibiger, A. Kingston, genitalia slide 2724 L. Aarvik ( NHMO ). Paratypes : 33, 1Ƥ, same data as holotype , female with genitalia slide 2722 L. Aarvik (23 LAA; 13, 1Ƥ NHMO ). Description. Adult. Male ( Fig. 11 ). Wingspan 15.0–16.5 mm. Head : Dirty white. Antenna brownish grey, scape dirty white above. Labial palpus 1.5 times diameter of eye, externally dark grey, internally light grey; rather slender as scaling of second segment is less pronounced than in other species, third segment drooping. Thorax : Anteriorly greyish white, greyish brown medially, with distinct white posterior spot; tegulae brown. Legs brownish grey, tarsi with paler rings. Forewing upperside with basal 2/3 blackish brown; terminal 1/3 ochreous; on dorsum two white marks; the inner mark reaching to about 2/5 from dorsum, the distal one sharply pointed, reaching to 1/3; a white dot present somewhat beyond distal white mark, and one between wing base and inner white mark; a few dark scales present in terminal area. Hind wing upperside dark brownish grey; ochreous hair-pencil from base of hind margin to scale cover on dorsum of abdomen. Abdomen : Grey, abdominal brush dark grey above and beneath, laterally light yellowish grey. Male genitalia ( Fig. 27 ) with tegumen evenly curved in dorsal part, uncus not differentiated, socii present but weak; lower edge of sacculus angled, narrow portion of valva long and curved, cucullus large, broad, subcircular with a rounded-rectangular ventral angle; aedeagus ( Fig. 28 ) with basal 1/5 broader and straight, otherwise slender, evenly curved; with 9 cornuti of different length, from large spindle-shaped to very small; 10 carinae. Female. Head, Thorax : Similar to male, but blackish suffusion on basal 2/3 of forewing upperside less heavy. Labial palpus 2.0 times diameter of eye, legs paler. Abdomen : Female genitalia ( Fig. 36 ) with both pairs of apophyses long; posterior edge of sternite 7 with deep round excavation, anterior edge strongly sclerotised and with two pairs of humps; lamella postvaginalis long, broadened posteriorly; ostium cylindrical, ventral margin deeply concave; ductus bursae gradually widened towards corpus bursae, sclerotised in medial part; ductus seminalis inserted into ductus bursae just before corpus bursae; corpus bursae with two curved, horn-shaped signa with small bases. Diagnosis. This species is externally similar to M. kingstoni from which it differs by its larger size and the presence of a distinct white spot posteriorly on the thorax. In the male genitalia, the broad, nearly subcircular cucullus is characteristic of M. purana . In the female, the deeply excavated posterior edge of sternite 7 and the long lamella postvaginalis are very different from other known Multiquaestia females. Distribution. Tanzania . Etymology. The species name refers to the uniformly coloured markings of the forewing, in contrast to M. iringana n. sp. from the same locality, which has a more blurred forewing pattern.