Review of the aphid genus Aspidophorodon Verma, 1967 with descriptions of three new species from China (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Aphidinae) Author Chen, Jing Author Zhang, Bin Author Zhu, Xichao Author Jiang, Liyun Author Qiao, Gexia text Zootaxa 2015 4028 4 551 576 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4028.4.6 dce73bf5-5a82-47b5-9c88-82a096b4f172 1175-5326 241495 E60BC9B3-0E6D-4DC2-A405-1358F8B75EC7 Aspidophorodon (Eoessigia) longituberculatus ( Zhang, Zhong & Zhang, 1992 ) comb. nov. ( Figs 76–100 , Table 1 ) Margituberculatus longituberculatus Zhang, Zhong & Zhang, 1992 : 382 . Margituberculatus longituberculatus Zhang, Zhong & Zhang : Remaudière & Remaudière, 1997 : 117 ; Blackman & Eastop, 2006 : 1219 . Specimens examined. Holotype : alate viviparous female, CHINA : Yunnan (Lijiang City, Mt. Yulongxue, altitude 2900 m ), 27.v.1980 , No. 7165-1-1-1, on Polygonum sp., coll. T. S. Zhong and L. Y . Wang (NZMC). Re-description. Alate viviparous female : Color of living specimens: whitish. General measurements see Table 1 . Color of mounted specimen: head and thorax dark brown ( Fig. 88 ), abdomen pale in color ( Fig. 92 ). Body: Elongated oval. Head. Head smooth, with sparse wrinkles dorsally and ventrally. Median frontal tubercle distinctly protuberant; antennal tubercles slightly protuberant, each with a short pointed seta at apex ( Figs 76 , 88 ). Dorsal setae of head short and pointed. Head with 1 pair of cephalic setae, 1 pair of dorsal setae between antennae, and 2 pairs of dorsal setae between compound eyes arranged transversely ( Fig. 76 ). Antennae brown, 6-segmented. Ant.I–II smooth, with sparse weak wrinkles, Ant.V–VI imbricated; Ant.I slightly projected at inner apex ( Figs 77 , 89 ). Antennal setae short and pointed; Ant.I–VI each with 4, 4, 2, 3, 2, 2+1 setae, respectively; PT with 3 apical setae. Primary rhinaria ciliated. Ant.III–V each with 25–26, 16, and 5 round secondary rhinaria, respectively. Rostrum reaching beyond fore coxae, with apex dark brown. URS long wedge-shaped ( Figs 78 , 90 ), with 2 pairs of primary setae and 2 pairs of accessory setae. Thorax. Legs brown and long. Distal parts of tibiae dark brown, distinctly spinulous. Setae on legs stiff and pointed. Fore wings with radial sector short and nearly straight, started from the distal end of pterostigma, media twice-branched; hind wings with 2 obliques; wing veins not extending to wing margin ( Figs 79 , 91 ). Abdomen. Abdomen smooth, with weak wrinkles dorsally and distinct transverse spinulose imbrications ventrally ( Fig. 92 ). Abdominal tergites I and II with small spinal sclerites, tergites I–IV each with 1 pair of marginal sclerites, tergites III–VI with a large sclerotic patch, tergites VII–VIII each with a faint transverse spinopleural band ( Fig. 92 ). Abdominal tergites I–IV each with 1 pair of marginal processes, each process with a stiff and pointed seta at apex; processes on tergites I ( Figs 80 , 93 ) and II ( Figs 81 , 94 ) small, conical; processes on tergites III ( Figs 82 , 95 ) and IV ( Figs 83 , 96 ) finger-like, very slender; tergite VIII with a wart-shaped or conical spinal process, bearing 3 long, thick, stiff, and pointed seta at apex and sloping parts ( Figs 84 , 97 ). Abdominal dorsal setae sparse, short, and pointed. Abdominal tergite VIII with 4 setae. SIPH long cylindrical, with weak imbrications, thin at middle, swollen at distal quarter, obliquely truncated at tip, without flange ( Figs 85 , 98 ). Cauda and anal plate with spinulose imbrications. Cauda tongue-shaped, slightly constricted near the middle ( Figs 86 , 99 ), with 4 setae. Anal plate round at apex, with 11 setae ( Figs 87 , 100 ). FIGURES 76–87. Aspidophorodon (Eoessigia) longituberculatus (Zhang, Zhong & Zhang, 1992) comb. nov. Alate viviparous female: 76. dorsal view of head; 77. antenna; 78. ultimate rostral segment; 79. fore and hind wings; 80. marginal process on abdominal tergite I; 81. marginal process on abdominal tergite II; 82. marginal process on abdominal tergite III; 83. marginal process on abdominal tergite IV; 84. spinal process on abdominal tergite VIII; 85. siphunculus; 86. cauda; 87. anal plate. Scale bars = 0.10 mm. Distribution. China (Yunnan). Host plant. Polygonum sp. Biology. Colonized on undersides of leaves of host plant. The life cycle is unknown. Comments. Zhang et al . (1992) erected the genus Margituberculatus with description of type species Margituberculatus longituberculatus Zhang, Zhong & Zhang, 1992 based on one alata. Afterwards, we collected in the type locality several times, but failed to get any specimens of this species. M. longituberculatus is distinguished by marginal processes on abdominal tergites I–IV, single spinal process on tergite VIII, and radial sector of fore wing short and nearly straight in alatae. The latter two characteristics are shared by alatae of A. (E.) longicauda (Richards) . Apterae of A. (E.) sorbi (Chakrabarti & Maity) and fundatrices of A. (E.) indica (David, Rajasingh & Narayanan) also have spinal and marginal processes on body. Therefore, Margituberculatus Zhang, Zhong & Zhang, 1992 should be regarded as a junior synonym of Aspidophorodon (Eoessigia) David, Rajasingh & Narayanan, 1972 , and Margituberculatus longituberculatus Zhang, Zhong & Zhang, 1992 should be referred to as Aspidophorodon (Eoessigia) longituberculatus ( Zhang, Zhong & Zhang, 1992 ) comb. nov.