New South American taxa of Odontolochini Stebnicka and Howden (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) Author Skelley, Paul E. Florida State Collection of Arthropods Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services P. O. Box 147100 Gainesville FL 32614 - 7100 text Insecta Mundi 2007 2007-11-02 2007 22 1 15 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5172488 1942-1354 5172488 Saprolochus lobatus Skelley , new species ( Figure 9 , 12 -14) Type material . Holotype male, label data: “ GUYANA : Region 8, Iwokrama Forest , Pakatau hills, 220 m , 4 o 43’55"N , 59 o 1’31"W , 26-29 MAY 2001 , R. Brooks , Z. Falin , GUY1BF01 062, ex: flight intercept trap / [bar code] SMO552702, KUNHM-ENT/ [red paper] HOLOTYPE Saprolochus lobatus P. E. Skelley 2007 ” [ SEMC ]. Figure 12-13. Saprolochus lobatus , n. sp. 12) Dorsal habitus. 13) Ventral habitus. Diagnosis . A distinct member of Saprolochus , readily distinguished by the lobed posterior portion of the lateral pronotal margin. Description . Male body length 3.0 mm, width 1.2 mm ; elongate, robust, somewhat parallel-sided ( Fig. 12 ); weakly glossy, dark reddish brown. Head broad, convex, surface coarsely punctate across basal half, punctures slightly smaller than those on pronotal base; anterior half of head (clypeus) smooth, widely glossy along anterior margin, minutely punctate, granulate area on each side; clypeal edge smooth, lacking teeth, rounded each side of median emargination. Pronotum widest at posterior lobe, almost quadrate in dorsal view; surface coarsely punctate, interspersed with minute punctures, coarse punctures largest at base, becoming smaller anteriorly; coarse anterior punctures half diameter of basal punctures, all coarse punctures separated by 0.5-1 diameters on disc, nearly coalescing near anterior lateral angle; lateral edge weakly explanate anteriorly, broadly, abruptly explanate from anterior 1/4 to end of posterior lobe; in dorsal view lateral margin concave, abruptly constricted at base; in lateral view, lateral edge straight, broadly rounded anteriorly and at basal lobe; pronotal basal edge evenly convex, nearly straight; with complete, broad basal groove. Scutellum small, elongate, narrow, triangular. Elytra with basal marginal bead and weak humeral denticle; glossy, minutely alutaceous; intervals evenly convex at base, becoming strongly convex at declivity; finely, irregularly punctate along mid- line; striae deep, sharply defined, punctures longi- tudinally elongate, separated by less than their length. Prosternum broad, flat behind procoxa. Meso- and metasternal juncture straight, flat. Me- sosternum with shallow acutely V-shaped depres- sion from base, depression weakly punctate, depres- sion leading to small group of coarse punctures in anterior 1/3 of mesocoxae. Metasternum foveately Figure 14. Saprolochus lobatus , n. sp. 14) Genitalia. punctate laterally, medially minutely punctate ei- ther side of distinct longitudinal medial groove; coarse lateral punctures forming transverse lines near meso- and metacoxae which are not present medially. Abdominal sternites 1-5 with large basal punctures forming fluting ( Fig. 13 ); sternites 2-4 with medial transverse row of large punctures laterally, not connecting along midline; apical half of sternite 5 and sternite 6 minutely punctate. Pygidium eroded on apical half, eroded area divided by fine longitudinal medial carina; apical margin on each side of middle with a single seta. Profemur ventral surface moderately, deeply punctate. Protibia with 3 distinct lateral teeth, evenly spaced, apical tooth largest; protibial spur prominent. Meso- and metafemur with complete posterior marginal line; surface finely punctate; posterior margin of metafemur very weakly lobed at middle. Meso- and metatibia narrow, gradually widened to apex, with 2 distinct apical spurs, lacking lateral apical accessory spine; apical fringe of setae short. Meso- and metatarsi elongate, not as long as tibia; basal tarsomere slightly longer than long tibial spur, 3 times longer than second tarsomere. Genitalia with parameres short, as long as basal piece, apex broadly rounded in lateral view (Fig. 14). Etymology . The species name was selected for the distinctly lobed pronotal margin of this species. Other species are simply dentate.