Revision of the Genera Diplocladus Fairmaire and Strotocera Schenkling (Coleoptera: Cleridae, Tillinae) Author Gerstmeier, Roland Author Weiss, Ingmar text Zootaxa 2009 2242 1 54 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.190604 be775551-d947-4866-b75d-2d19ae859460 1175-5326 190604 Strotocera fulvoplagiata ( Fairmaire, 1887 ) (Figs. 24, 74–75) Tillus fulvoplagiatus Fairmaire, 1887 : 162 ; Lesne 1909 : 206 . Specimens examined: Holotype : 3. Museum Paris, Somali , Ouarsangueli, Revoil 1881, TYPE , Tillus fulvoplagiatus Fm., Gen. Strotocera, P. Lesne vid., TYPE ( MNHN ). Others: Brit. O .Afr., Kibwezi, G. Scheffler J. Y ., 33 (1 ex., ZMB ); Mtito Andei, Kenya Col., Dec.1950 , MacArthur, Com. Inst. Ent. Coll. No 12820, Pres. by Comm Inst Ent, B.M.1981-315 B.M.N.H., pret n°3468 (1 ex., BMNH ); Voi, Kenya Col., Jan–Mar.1951 , C.E. Swete-Kelly, Com. Inst. Ent. Coll. No 12820, Pres. by Comm Inst Ent, B.M.1981-315 B.M.N.H., pret n°3468 (1 ex. BMNH ); Kenya : central south, Kibwezi Forest, Spring Camp 28.–29.11., 2004 leg. Puchner (3 ex., CRS); Kenya : central south, Kibwezi Forest, Spring Camp 28.– 29.11. 2004 leg. Puchner (2 ex., CRS); Kenya , Voi, Sagala Reg. 12.1991 leg. K. Werner (24 ex., CRG); Kenya mer., 50km N of Namanga, Ilbisil env., 18.xi.1997 , leg. M. Snizek (1 ex., CRG); Kenya , Sagala Hills, 12.1991, leg. K. Werner (1 ex., CRG). Length: 7.5mm12mm ( 35 specimens ). Head: Dark brown to light red-brown, irregularly wrinkled. Antennae: Light to dark brown, mostly not reaching base of pronotum when laid alongside; A5–A10 serrate. Pronotum: Apex and base more or less reddish brown, disc dark brown to black, constricted anteriorly and towards base, coarsely wrinkled; length:width ratio 1.26:1. Scutellum: Brown. Elytra: Brown to dark-brown, each elytron with a yellow lateral spot in the basal third and a yellow transverse fascia beyond middle spanning from lateral (in some specimens not reaching the lateral margin) to sutural margins, these fasciae with one long acute extension towards base of elytra and a short extension (more laterally) directed apically, apex dark brown, with broad light brown margins; diameter of punctures larger than interstices; length:width ratio 2.36:1. Legs: Brown. Lower surface: Head, prothorax and abdomen brown, meso- and metathorax dark brown to black-brown. Vestiture: With yellowish hairs. Distribution: Kenya , Somalia .