Revalidation of the Brazilian genus Discocyrtanus, with description of two new species (Opiliones: Gonyleptidae: Pachylinae) Author Kury, Adriano B. Author Carvalho, Rafael N. text Zootaxa 2016 4111 2 126 144 journal article 39075 10.11646/zootaxa.4111.2.2 6f5d6cc7-b8e8-4cd8-8e12-1993e61e67c4 1175-5326 263722 5BCD9A74-00D8-49D0-99B5-2FF4BAE0A18E Discocyrtanus tocantinensis sp. nov. ( Figs 2 e, 3m –o, 10, 11) Type data . BRAZIL : 1 ♂ holotype ( MNRJ 19388) TO, Palmas, Taquaruçu: Cachoeira do Anésio, , A. Chagas, A. Giupponi, A. Kury & A. Pérez-González leg. ; 7 ♂ 10 ♀ paratypes ( MNRJ 18957) TO, Lajeado, PARES do Lajeado, , A. Chagas, A. Giupponi, A. Kury & A. Pérez-González leg. ; 1 ♀ paratype ( MNRJ 18967) TO—Palmas, Taquaruçu, Vai Quem Quer, , A. Chagas, A. Giupponi, A. Kury & A. Pérez-González leg. ; 2 ♂ 2 ♀ paratypes ( MNRJ 18974) TO, Lajeado, PARES do Lajeado, , A. Chagas, A. Giupponi, A. Kury & A. Pérez-González leg. ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀ 1 juv. paratypes ( MNRJ 18977) TO—Lajeado, Faz. Capão Grande, nocturnal, , A. Chagas, A. Giupponi, A. Kury & A. Pérez-González leg. ; 4 ♂ 3 ♀ paratypes ( MNRJ 19050) TO, Palmas, Taquaruçu: Vai Quem Quer, , A. Chagas, A. Giupponi, A. Kury & A. Pérez-González leg. ; 2 ♂ 2 ♀ paratypes ( MNRJ 19079) TO—Lajeado, Faz. Capão Grande, nocturnal, , A. Chagas, A. Giupponi, A. Kury & A. Pérez-González leg. ; 2 ♂ 8 ♀ paratypes ( MNRJ 19084) TO, Palmas, Taquaruçu: Cachoeira do Anésio, , A. Chagas, A. Giupponi, A. Kury & A. Pérez-González leg. Etymology. Tocantinensis , modern Latin adjective, meaning “from Tocantins state”. Diagnosis. AS lateral borders with ordinary tubercles from the anterior to the posterior portion, except the three located at the median-posterior portion of the area III (whose diameter is equal to paramedian tubercles in the area I), in contrast to the rows of uniformly sized tubercles to the full extent of D. bugre sp. nov. , D. goyazius and D. oliverioi comb. nov. ( Fig. 10 a). Area III divided into left and right halves by median groove, not occurring in other Discocyrtanus which have this area entire ( Fig. 10 a). Tr IV ♂ distal prodorsal apophysis bifurcate, with reduced proximal portion; distal portion slightly curved, but undeveloped (different of the other Discocyrtanus with have a well-developed apophysis) ( Fig. 10 a); area III with a pair of paramedian rounded and higher tubercles slightly curved backwards, different of D. goyazius , D. oliverioi comb. nov. and D. pertenuis comb. nov. which are smaller and acuminate ( Fig. 3 n). Fe IV retrolateral proximal-distal row of 7 spines (iiIIIiI), with the spine 3 welldeveloped and sinuous (different of the straight found in D. bugre sp. nov. ) ( Figs 10 d–g). Fe IV proventral mediandistal row of 8 spatulate spines (iiiiIIIi) ( Fig. 2 e). Distribution. BRAZIL : TO, Lajeado; Palmas. Description. Male holotype . Measurements. CW 4.3, CL 2.8; AW 9.4, AL 4.8. Leg measurements on Table 3 , tarsal counts on Table 4 . TABLE 3. Leg measurements of Discocyrtanus tocantinensis sp. nov. , male holotype.
Tr Fe Pa Ti Mt Ta Total
Leg I 0.9 3.1 1.2 2.5 4.1 2.3 14.1
Leg II 1.1 7.2 1.6 5.4 7.6 4.7 27.6
Leg III 1.4 5.8 1.8 3.7 5.9 2.5 21.1
Leg IV 2.4 6.4 2.5 6.5 9.7 3.0 30.5
TABLE 4. Tarsal counts of Discocyrtanus tocantinensis sp. nov. , male holotype and paratypes.
Males n=12 Females n=17
Leg I 6(3) 6(3)
Leg II 9–10(3–4) 8–9(3)
Leg III 7 7
Leg IV 7 7
Dorsum: Dorsal scutum as long as wide, abdominal scutum with lateral margins strongly convex, widest at area II and highest at area III. Carapace with several tubercles on posterior region, with a pair of paramedian highlighted tubercles. Cheliceral sockets shallow, with a small apophysis in the center. Eye mound narrow, high, not directly on the anterior border of carapace, armed with a pair of divergent high spines fused at baseline ( Fig. 3 m). Mesotergum divided into four clearly defined areas. Areas I, III and IV divided into left and right halves by median groove. Area II anterior lateral border invading space of area I and posterior lateral borders invading the space of area III. AS side borders with ordinary tubercles from the proximal to the distal portion, except the three located at the median-posterior portion of the area III (whose diameter is equal to paramedian tubercles in the area I). All areas with several medium tubercles, area I with a pair of paramedian tubercles twice as high as the others, area III with a pair of paramedian rounded and high tubercles slightly curved backwards. Area IV with horizontal row of 2–4 tubercles, twice or thrice higher than others. Posterior border of dorsal scutum and free tergites always with a horizontal row of large and rounded tubercles ( Figs 10 a–b). Venter: Cx I–III parallel; IV much larger than the others, directed obliquely. Stigmatic area Y-shaped, clearly sunken relative to distal part of coxa IV. Intercoxal bridges well marked. Stigmata visible. Free sternites and anal operculum with a horizontal row of small tubercles. Chelicera: Basichelicerite elongate, bulla well marked, with marginal setiferous tubercles—2 ectal, 4 posterior, 2 mesal; hand not swollen. Pedipalpus: Tr with two geminated ventral setiferous tubercles. Fe with a lateral apical setiferous tubercle and one ventral basal setiferous tubercle. Pa unarmed. Ti with two rows of setiferous tubercles; four (IiIi) ventro-mesal and four (Iiii) ventroectal of which the two distal are geminated. Ta with two rows of setiferous tubercles; three (IIi) ventro-mesal and four (Iiii) ventro-ectal. Legs: Cx I–III each with ventral transverse row of 7–11 setiferous tubercles. Tr I–III each with several ventral tubercles. Fe I and II straight. Fe I and Ti I with two rows (proventral and retroventral) of small tubercles. Fe II with a little retrodorsal distal spur. Leg III sub-straight. Fe III and Ti III with two rows of acuminated tubercles. Fe III with a developed retrodorsal distal spore. Cx IV ending distally at area IV of dorsal scutum. Cx IV with 1) a prolateral apophysis apical thick falciform, moderately elongate, with small accessory blunt branch and 2) a retroventral spiniform apophysis with secondary branch. Cx IV prodorsal, prolateral and proventral with rows of strong acuminated tubercles. Tr IV retrolateral with row of 4 spines (IiiI). Tr IV apophysis prolateral lanceolate. Tr IV apophysis distal prodorsal bifurcate, with reduced proximal portion; distal portion slightly curved, but undeveloped. Fe IV curved from the proximal-medial region toward retrolateral. Tr IV distal with one retrolateral spine. Tr IV ventrally covered by tubercles along its entire length. Fe IV with row of 7 spines from the retrolateral proximal to distal axis (iiIIIiI), ending with a well-developed spur ( Fig. 10 f). The 3rd spine in the proximal-distal direction well-developed and sinuous. Fe IV with row of 8 spatulate spines from the median to the distal proventral surface (iiiiIIIi; Fig. 10 d). Fe IV dorsal with row of 12 high and rounded tubercles from the proximal to distal. Fe IV prodorsal and prolateral with row of rounded tubercles. Fe IV ventral and retroventral proximal with rounded tubercles. Ti IV proventral and retrolateral proximal-distal with row of acuminate tubercles. Mt IV proventral and retroventral distal with spur. Color (in alcohol). Dorsal scutum background Brilliant Orange Yellow (67) with darker shading especially in middle of areas III–IV, free tergites and carapace. Smaller granules of scutum are slightly darker and main paramedian tubercles of area III strongly so. Articular membranes white. Chelicerae and pedipalps background Strong Yellow (84) with dense Dark Yellowish Brown (78) honeycombed reticle. Legs I to III Moderate Greenish Yellow (102) with darker reticle. Leg IV Deep Brown (56), except for the rest of Cx-Tr which are Strong Brown (55). FIGURE 10. Discocyrtanus tocantinensis sp. nov. , ♂ holotype (MNRJ 19388): a. Habitus, dorsal view; b. Same, lateral view; c. Ocularium, frontal view; d. Right femur IV, prolateral view; e. Same, dorsal view; f. Same, retrolateral view; g. Same, ventral view. Scale bars = 1 mm. FIGURE 11. Discocyrtanus tocantinensis sp. nov. , ♂ (MNRJ 18974), penis, distal part: a. Ventral view; b. Same, detail; c. Lateral view; d. Same, detail; e. Dorsal view; f. Stylus, ventro-lateral view; g. Stylus, dorsal view. Scale bars = 200 µm (a, c); 100 µm (b, d); 50 µm (e); 20 µm (f, g). Female paratype (MNRJ 18967). CW 4.2, CL 2.7; AW 8.4, AL 4.6. Sides of the dorsal scutum edges with lower level of concavity compared to male. Fe II with undeveloped spur. Cx IV with acuminate prodorsal apophysis. Cx IV ending distally at area II of dorsal scutum. Fe IV thinner and with less curvature when compared to male. No spines on Fe IV, only the retrolateral distal spur.