Systematics of Robustagramma, a new genus of New World Sphaeroceridae (Diptera) Author Marshall, Stephen A. Author Cui, Yongsheng text Zootaxa 2005 2005-07-29 1026 1 1 122 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1026.1.1 1175­5334 5049813 3EDC6787-C73B-4969-BA06-022D0532364F Robustagramma luciense Cui and Marshall , new species ( Figs. 221–227 ) As described for Robustagramma biangulatum except as follows. Body length 1.4–2.1 mm . Postocellar bristles cruciate, ca . 2/3 as long as postvertical bristles. Eye height ca . 2.5 times genal height. Preapical palpal bristles slightly longer than maximum palpal width. Posterodorsal katepisternal bristle 4/5 as long as distance between bristle base and wing base. Wing with costa between humeral and subcostal break slightly thinner than second costal sector in anterior view. Length of second costal sector ca . 0.45– 0.47X length of third. Mid tibia of male with short, stout ventral bristles on distal 2/3; mid femur of male with a distinct row of anteroventral bristles on basal 2/3 and more than 10 ventral proximal bristles in two rows. Male terminalia: Sternite 5 without stout bristles or other characteristic bristles. Surstylus with a truncate apex in lateral view. Cercus similar in length to surstylus, with a slightly ampliate apex. Dorsal whip­like sclerite of distiphallus with a small nodule. Female terminalia: Two sclerites of sternite 8 indistinct. Spermathecae with relatively short ducts; ducts of paired spermathecae ca . 1.3 times length of spermatheca. Holotype ( , DEBU ) and paratypes ( 4 ♂ , 10 ♀ , DEBU ): ST. LUCIA : ii.1978 , S. A. Marshall. Other paratypes : Same data as holotype but dung trap ( 3 ♂ , DEBU ) . ST. LUCIA : 20.ii.1978 ( 3 ♂ , 2 ♀ , DEBU ) ; Cas­en­bas beach, ii.1978 ( 1 ♂ , DEBU ) ; Castries , 16– 26.ii.1978 ( 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , DEBU ) , S. A. Marshall.