Peixes da planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná e áreas adjacentes: revised, annotated and updated Author Ota, Renata Rúbia Author Deprá, Gabriel de Carvalho Author Graça, Weferson Júnio da Author Pavanelli, Carla Simone text Neotropical Ichthyology 2018 2018-06-11 16 2 1 111 journal article 10.1590/1982-0224-20170094 f68fe85c-2a4c-4625-b684-74f61398d6c2 1982-0224 3678395 Crenicichla 1. Black humeral blotch present............................ C. britskii 1’. Black humeral blotch absent.......................................... 2 2. Flank with dark-brown transverse stripes (thin), sometimes fused to each other; suborbital stripe absent or reduced............................................................. C. jupiaensis 2’. Flank with dark-brown transverse bars (broad), never fused each other; suborbital stripe present.......................... 3 3. Black or brown spots absent from lateral-line pores; dark-brown longitudinal band always absent on flank; 58- 67 (mode 60) scales on longitudinal series (immediately above the lower lateral line); 9-12 (mode 10) gill rakers on ceratobranchial 1; snout straight, in lateral view ............... ....................................................................... Crenicichla sp . 3’. Black or brown spots present on lateral-line pores; dark-brown longitudinal band present or absent (in some specimens of C. haroldoi , which always have very conspicuous black spots on lateral-line pores); 46-61 scales on longitudinal series; 6-9 gill rakers on ceratobranchial 1; snout slightly convex, in lateral view ................................. 4 4. Inconspicuous brown spots on the lateral line pores; 46- 58 scales (mode 55) on longitudinal series; 6-9 (mode 8) gill rakers on ceratobranchial 1...................... C. jaguarensis 4’. Conspicuous black spots on the lateral line pores; 52- 61 scales on longitudinal series (mode 58) on longitudinal series; 6-8 (mode 7) gill rakers on ceratobranchial 1............ ............................................................................ C. haroldoi