Taxonomy of ' Euconnus complex'. Part XV. Disentangling the Euconnus - Sciacharis knot (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scydmaeninae) Author Jałoszyński, Paweł Author Newton, Alfred F. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-11-08 4344 3 401 443 journal article 274781 10.11646/zootaxa.4344.3.1 01b94f45-b85d-43b2-a182-0212a8e12f3c 1175-5326 1043637 FEE3D0E7-BEEB-4107-9398-DCA8051F4D90 Magellanoconnus ( Anthicimimus Franz , status rev.) Anthicimimus Franz, 1993a : 100 (as subgenus of Sciacharis ). Type specIes: Euconnus anthiciformis Franz, 1967a (des. orIg.). Elevated to genus rank by JałoszyńskI (2015d); here reduced to subgenus of Magellanoconnus . Remarks. Morphological characters of Anthicimimus were illustrated and described by Jałoszyński (2015d, 2017e). Open procoxal cavities were used as a primary character to distinguish Anthicimimus ( Fig. 6 ) from Sciacharis ( Figs 3–4 ) and similar genera (including Euconnus ). As demonstrated here, the type species of Magellanoconnus ( Fig. 5 ) has open procoxal cavities and it differs from the two species currently included in Anthicimimus only in minor characters of the pronotal and elytral base. These structures are insufficient to treat these taxa as belonging to separate genera, and therefore Anthicimimus is placed in Magellanoconnus as a subgenus. Magellanoconnus s. str. and Anthicimimus can be distinguished on the basis of the following diagnostic characters: 1 Two basal elytral foveae; pronotum with four antebasal pits and median carina; elytron lacking humeral carina.................................................................................... .. subgenus Magellanoconnus s. str. - One basal elytral fovea; pronotum with two barely discernible antebasal pits or transverse groove, lacking median carina; elytron with humeral carina......................................................... .. subgenus Anthicimimus Composition and distribution. Magellanoconnus ( Anthicimimus ) currently includes 2 species known to occur in Chile.