Revision of the Ephippiochthonius complex in the Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands and Macaronesia, with proposed changes to the status of the Chthonius subgenera (Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae) Author Zaragoza, Juan A. text Zootaxa 2017 4246 1 1 221 journal article 36212 10.5281/zenodo.437611 3ff74501-6241-43b2-a52f-0e7580bb2f45 1175-5326 437611 D8594E96-D561-4A37-9073-B138EC7E95A7 Occidenchthonius torremarinae ( Carabajal Márquez, García Carrillo & Rodríguez Fernández, 2012 ) , n. comb. Chthonius ( Ephippiochthonius ) torremarinae Carabajal Márquez, García Carrillo & Rodríguez Fernández 2012 : 92 , 94, 95, figs 11–15, table III. Type locality. Spain , Andalusia , Almería province , Serón, Cueva de la Santa ( 37°20′20″N , 02°30′23″W ; 842 m a.s.l. ). Distribution. Spain : Andalusia . Diagnosis ( ). A medium-sized, hypogean Occidenchthonius species of weakly troglomorphic facies. Movable cheliceral finger without isolated subapical tooth ( di ), spinneret prominent in female, unknown for male; without eyes or eye-spots, anterior margin of carapace without preocular microsetae, posterior margin with 2 macrosetae; chelal hand very weakly depressed at level of ib / isb , with short and very flattened hump distad of ib / isb and extremely gentle slope between trichobothria ib / isb and eb ; fixed chelal finger with 20–21 teeth; movable chelal finger with 12–14 teeth and 9–12 rounded vestigial teeth on weakly raised lamina; pedipalpal femur ( ) 7.3 times longer than broad, length 0.80 mm ; chela 6.8 ( ) times longer than deep, length 1.09 mm ; ratio movable chelal finger/chelal hand ( ) 1.5. Material. None available for this study. Description ( ; unknown). Medium-sized, hypogean species of weakly troglomorphic facies. Integument depigmented. Carapace slightly shorter than broad, constricted posteriorly; medial part of anterior margin distinctly prominent, without a well-defined epistome, and strongly dentate. Without eyes or eye-spots. Chaetotaxy: 18 setae, without preocular microsetae, 2 setae in posterior row, formula 4:6:4:2:2. Cheliceral hand with 7 setae and 1 lateral microseta. Fixed finger with 14 teeth decreasing in size proximally, the subdistal tooth distinctly larger than others. Movable finger without an isolated subapical tooth ( di ), with 9 teeth, 5 distalmost ones of same size, the others decreasing in size proximally; spinneret prominent and apically rounded in female, unknown for male. Coxa II and III with 11 and 6 bipinnate coxal spines on each side respectively. Chelal hand very weakly depressed at level of ib / isb , with short and very flattened hump distad of ib / isb and extremely gentle slope between trichobothria ib / isb and eb ; 4 proximal setae, seta ph3 present. Fixed finger with 20–21 teeth. Movable finger with 12–14 teeth and 9–12 rounded vestigial teeth on weakly raised lamina; basal apodeme long; coupled sensilla pc between trichobothria sb and b , closer to sb . Trichobothrium ist well distad of esb . Measurements and ratios . Female holotype : Body 1.40. Carapace 0.47/0.43 (1.1). Pedipalp: femur 0.80/0.11 (7.3), patella 0.31/0.13 (2.4), chela 1.09/0.16 (6.8), hand 0.44 (2.7), movable finger 0.67; ratio movable finger/hand 1.5, femur/movable finger 1.2, femur/carapace 1.7, chela/carapace 2.3, chela/femur 1.4. Remarks. Occidenchthonius torremarinae ( Carabajal Márquez, García Carrillo & Rodríguez Fernández, 2012 ) shows most of the characteristics of the verai -group, to which is tentatively assigned; the presence/absence of the chelal lyrifissure hp or the cheliceral lyrifissure ldb has not been checked, given that no material was available for this study. The main difference from the closely related species that share about 10 rounded vestigial teeth in the basal half of movable chelal finger ( O. espanyoli , O. perezi , O. ventalloi and O. verai ) is the presence of only one large tooth on fixed cheliceral finger, versus two in the others. The above description is based on that of Carabajal et al. (2012) .