Deep-water octocorals (Cnidaria: Octocorallia) from Brazil: Family Chrysogorgiidae Verrill, 1883 Author Cordeiro, Ralf T. S. Author Castro, Clovis B. Author Pérez, Carlos D. text Zootaxa 2015 4058 1 81 100 journal article 39269 10.11646/zootaxa.4058.1.4 0a5c2246-b30c-462f-aed3-f96d8c472953 1175-5326 241598 BA3DD6C8-38B0-4EE0-80B4-C316E814C3D1 Chrysogorgia elegans ( Verrill, 1883 ) ( Fig. 2 G) Dasygorgia elegans Verrill, 1883 : 23 . Dasygorgia spiculosa Verrill, 1883 : 23 –24 (in part: BL-44, 1 of 2 specimens ; BL-195, 1 of 2 specimens ; BL-205, 1 specimen ) Dasygorgia spiculosa : Wright & Studer, 1889 : 9 –10, Pl. 4, Fig. 1 , Pl. 5, Fig. 1 . Chrysogorgia affinis Versluys, 1902: 47 –48, figs. 64–65.— Kükenthal, 1919 : 521 ; 1924: 396.— Deichman, 1936 : 221 –222.— Bayer, 1959: 29. Chrysogorgia elegans : Versluys, 1902: 61 .—not Nutting, 1908 : 590 .— Kükenthal, 1919 : 533 , Fig. 234; 1924: 405.— Deichman, 1936 : 231 –232, in part: Pl. 23, Figs. 53–59: BL-44 (in part), BL-195 (in part), BL-205, BL283; not Pl. 33, Fig. 1 (= C. spiculosa ).— Bayer, 1952 : 189 ; 1954: 280 (listed); 1956: F216, Fig. 155, 3a-c, 158,6; 1958: 389, 390 (listed).— Grygier, 1984 : 143 (Oregon-548).— Grygier, 1990 : 667 .— Cairns, 2001 : 760 -764 (synonymy), Figs. 3 , 4 .— Silva & Pérez, 2002 : 18 , Tab. 1 .— Lumsden et al. 2007 : 188 , 305, 352.— Cairns & Bayer, 2009 : 329 .— Chacón-Gómez et al., 2010 : 438 - 441, Figs. 6 and 7 .— Chacón-Gómez et al., 2012 : 204 , Tab. 2 . Chrysogorgia agassizii : Deichmann, 1936 : in part (pl. 34, figs. 1–2). Chrysogorgia sp. Grygier, 1984 : 143 (P-781); Castro et al., 2006 : 170 (in part: MNRJ 4189 and MNRJ 4211) Types : Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard, MCZ 4860 Type locality: 13°05’05”N , 59°40’50”W (west coast of Barbados ), 433 m depth. Other paralectotypes , see Cairns, 2001 . New records: MNRJ 4189, 13°24'58"S , 38°38'16"W , 727–801 m (3 fragments); MNRJ 4211, 13°24'58"S , 38°38'16"W , 727–801 m (3 colonies); MNRJ 5966, REVIZEE Bahia (Thalassa RV), unknown depth (1 colony); MNRJ 6785, 20°00’01”S , 38°22’03”W (Besnard Bank, Brazil ), 666 m depth, one colony. Diagnosis (based on Cairns, 2001 ): Colony bottlebrush, wiry, up to 16 cm in height, with branching sequence 2/5R and a rhizoidal holdfast. Distance between branches is 1.0– 1.5 mm and orthostiche interval between 7.0 and 7.5 mm . First internode from 6 to 8 mm long, with usually one polyp. Presence of 1–3 internodes per branch, usually 2. Body wall of polyps and tentacular sclerites with rotund rods longitudinally arranged, 0.44–0.65 in length. Coenenchymal scales up to 0.65 mm long. Pinnular and distal tentacle sclerites rectangular to mediallyconstricted scales 0.12–0.20 mm in greater length and 0.0– 0.05 mm in width and with faces sparsely ornamented and edges finely serrate. Remarks: The description given by Cairns (2001) dispenses additional comments on Brazilian specimens, once the author had considered the synonym C. affinis Versluys, 1902 , previously reported to Brazil , after examining the holotype . The specimens examined herein shows no discrepancies with the descriptions of specimens examined by Cairns (2001) . The previously known distribution of the species in Brazil was limited to the coast of Pernambuco State ( 09°05’S , 34°50´W ). In this study, the latitudinal distribution is expanded about 1250 km to the south ( 20°00’S ). Cairns (2001) refers to the records of C. elegans in the eastern Atlantic mentioned by Thomson, 1972 (as C. flexilis ), Tixier-Durivault & d´Hondt, 1974, and Grasshoff, 1986 (off Azores, Cape Verde , Bay of Biscay and off Morocco ) as doubtful because “none of the specimens on which these reports were based was illustrated or described, nor have I examined them.” Therefore, these localities are not in the “distribution” range indicated here. Distribution: Western Atlantic Ocean: Northern Gulf of Mexico , Little Bahama Bank, southeastern Caribbean throughout Lesser Antilles to border of Colombia and Panama , and off Pernambuco to Espirito Santo States, Brazil . Eastern Atlantic? ( Cairns, 2001 ; Cairns & Bayer, 2009 ; Chacón-Gómez et al., 2012 ; present study); 128– 1716 m depth.