On the arboreal acarofauna of Hungary: Some new and rare species of prostigmatic mites (Acari: Prostigmata: Tydeidae, Iolinidae and Stigmaeidae) Author Ripka, Geza Author Laniecka, Izabella Author Kazmierski, Andrzej text Zootaxa 2013 3702 1 1 50 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3702.1.1 7cea128b-57e1-46b8-84ca-5fc9da104834 1175-5326 284506 84A22080-F9BB-406E-B10F-1A3A2D161C5D Tydeus martae Kazmierski sp. nov. ( Figs. 3–6 ) Tydeus cf. reticoxus, Ripka et al. 2005: 163 . Type material. Female holotype , 2 female and 7 male paratypes (slide N o 1061 =AK H-024) collected with Malaise-trap ( Hordeum vulgare L., Poaceae ), HUNGARY : Szolnok (Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County), 16 June 2000 , coll. É. Komlósi. Other localities. None. Type repository. DAM. Etymology. Species dedicated to beloved daughter of AK, Marta . Relation to host. Malaise-trap set up in a winter barley field. Differential diagnosis. Tydeus martae sp. nov. resembles Tydeus reticoxus Ueckermann, 1988 from South Africa (collected from Protasparagus laricinus , see Smith-Meyer & Ueckermann [1988]). Both species have the same type of the dorsal ornamentation, the dorsal body setae similar in shape and much shorter than the bothridia, the cheliceral stilettos distinctly shorter than the palpal tarsus, as well as the longitudinal striae between metasternal setae on venter. Moreover, both species have the subcuticular reticulations on the coxae, trochanters and basal part of femora (according to original description and figures, this reticulation is present only on coxae in T. reticoxus ). The differences between these two species are listed in Table 2 . FIGURE 3. Tydeus martae Kazmierski , sp. nov. , holotype female. (A) dorsal side; (B) dorsal seta h2 . FIGURE 4. Tydeus martae Kazmierski , sp. nov. , holotype female: ventral side. FIGURE 5. Tydeus martae Kazmierski , sp. nov. , holotype female. (A) palpus (left, adaxially); (B) cheliceral stiletto; (C) left leg I (dorsally, slightly paraxially). FIGURE 6. Tydeus martae Kazmierski , sp. nov. , holotype female. (A) prodorsum and frontal part of opisthosoma with setae c1 ; (B) left leg I; (C) ventral view of body with genital and pseudanal region; (D) fragment of ventral side: palpus and “reticulation” of proximal segments of leg I and II. TABLE 2 . Differences between Tydeus reticoxus Ueckermann and T. martae sp. nov. T. reticoxus Ueckermann T. martae sp. nov. Body large: length of idiosoma 370, width 275 ( holotype Body of average size: 280/185 ( holotype female; males male) similar in size to females) Setae f1 3 times shorter than distance f1–h1 Dorsal setae relatively longer; setae f1 only 2 times shorter than distance f1–h1 Bothridial setae smooth Bothridial setae slightly serrate Description. FEMALE ( holotype ). Organotaxy typical for genus (Kaźmierski 1989b). Idiosoma . Body oval, greenish. Length 280 ( 275–280 in 2 paratypes ), width 185 (180–185). Dorsal ornamentation: striation typeTydeus ” (Kaźmierski 1998b). Striae with small tubercles which looking like dots. No reticulations. Eyes not observed. Dorsal body setae lanceolate, serrate and relatively short. Bothridiums much longer, needle-shaped, slightly serrate. Length of setae as follows: bo 43, ro 14, la 14, ex 17, c1 13, c2 15, d1 15, e1 16 , f1 19, f2 20, h1 22, h2 23, ps1 (located terminally) 23, ps2 (placed ventrally) 16. Distances: c1–c1 46, d1–d1 33, e1– e1 93, f1–f1 32, h1–h1 22, ps1–ps1 16, f1–h1 40. Lyrifissures typically for genus. Lyrifissures ia posteriorly to setae c2 half way between setae c2 and d1 . Lyrifissures im in front of setae e1. Lyrifissures ih ventrally, anteriad of ps1 . Venter striated, with longitudinal striae in metasternal region. Coxal gland opening in shape of sponge-cake. Ventral setae spindle-shaped and serrate. Genital setal formulae of female and male are: (0-6-4) and (4-6-4), respectively. Pseudanal valves striated, ps2 situated off valves. Epimeral formula: (3-1-4-2). Gnathosoma . Visible from above. Cheliceral stilettos insignificantly longer than half length of palptarsus. Palpal tarsal eupathidium (pζ) slightly bent, gradually narrowing towards tip and terminating truncated. Seta d forked (invisible in Figure 5 A, because it’s lateral view). Seta b vestigial, but relatively well developed. Palpal chaetotaxy: 6+ ω- 2-2. Measurements: stilettos 14, palpal femuro-genu 25/12, df 17, dg 13, t’ 15, t’’ 8. Palpal tarsus 24/6, (pζ) 10, ba 3. Legs . Setation: I (8+ ω -3+ k’’ -3-3-1), II (6+ ω -2-2-2-0), III (5-2-1-1-1), IV (5-2-1-1-0). Solenidiotaxy: ωI + ωII . Tarsus+apotele I: length 50, width 15, height 16. Solenidion ωI 8 (not reaching bases of tectals). Length of ft’ 20, ft ’’ζ 28. Forked famulus k’’ 5. Solenidion ωII slender and very small, 2 long. No empodial hooks. Coxae, trochanters and basal part of femora with subcuticular reticulations. MALE (7 paratypes ). Body length 270–275, width 185–190.