On the arboreal acarofauna of Hungary: Some new and rare species of prostigmatic mites (Acari: Prostigmata: Tydeidae, Iolinidae and Stigmaeidae) Author Ripka, Geza Author Laniecka, Izabella Author Kazmierski, Andrzej text Zootaxa 2013 3702 1 1 50 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3702.1.1 7cea128b-57e1-46b8-84ca-5fc9da104834 1175-5326 284506 84A22080-F9BB-406E-B10F-1A3A2D161C5D Neopronematus solani Laniecka and Kazmierski sp. nov. ( Figs. 27–33 ) Pronematinae gen. nov., sp. n. VII, Ripka & Kaźmierski 1998a: 414 (in part). Type material . Female holotype , 1 female and 1 male paratypes (slide 748 =AK H-126) from Solanum dulcamara L. ( Solanaceae ), HUNGARY : Budapest II, Törökvész, 16 August 1994 , coll. G. Ripka. Additional material . 4 females , 2 males , 1 larva (slide 290 =AK H-233) from Acer campestre L. ( Aceraceae ), HUNGARY : Budapest XII, Németvölgy, 18 September 1992 , coll. G. Ripka. 4 females , 1 tritonymph, 2 deutonymphs, 1 protonymph (slide 284 =AK H-153) from Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle (Simaroubaceae) , HUNGARY : Budapest XV, Rákospalota, 11 September 1992 , coll. G. Ripka. 1 female (slide 486 =AK H-263) from Celtis occidentalis L. ( Ulmaceae ), HUNGARY : Budapest XX, Pesterzsébet Óváros, 28 May 1993 , coll. G. Ripka; 3 females , 2 tritonymphs, 2 deutonymphs, 1 larva (slide 590 =AK H-183) from leaves of same host and locality, 0 5 August 1993 , coll. G. Ripka. 2 females (slide 559a =AK H-86) from Corylus colurna L. ( Corylaceae ), HUNGARY : Budapest XXII, Budafok, 20 July 1993 , coll. G. Ripka; 3 females (slide 559b =AK H-87) from same host, locality and date; 1 female (slide 559c =AK H-200) from same host, locality and date. 1 female (slide 289 =AK H-234) from Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl (Oleaceae) , HUNGARY : Budapest II, Kurucles, 17 September 1992 , coll. G. Ripka. 2 females (slide 286 =AK H-236) from Fraxinus ornus L. ( Oleaceae ), HUNGARY : Budapest XVI, Rákosszentmihály, 11 September 1992 , coll. G. Ripka. 1 female (slide 285 =AK H-238) from Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall (Oleaceae) , HUNGARY : Budapest XV, Újpalota, 11 September 1992 , coll. G. Ripka. 1 tritonymph (slide 281 =AK H-164) from Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm. (Sapindaceae) , HUNGARY : Budapest XXII, Budatétény, 0 4 September 1992 , coll. G. Ripka. 2 females (slide 603 =AK H-144) from Ligustrum vulgare L. ( Oleaceae ), HUNGARY : Budapest I, Vár, 22 August 1993 , coll. G. Ripka. 1 tritonymph (slide 336 =AK H-224) from Robinia pseudoacacia L. ( Fabaceae ), HUNGARY : Budapest XXI, Csepel, 25 September 1992 , coll. G. Ripka. FIGURE 27. Neopronematus solani Laniecka and Kazmierski , sp. nov. , holotype female: dorsal view. FIGURE 28. Neopronematus solani Laniecka and Kazmierski , sp. nov. , holotype female: ventral view. 1 deutonymph (slide 595 =AK H-180) from Sambucus nigra L. ( Caprifoliaceae ), HUNGARY : Budapest XI, Sasad, 13 August 1993 , coll. G. Ripka. 2 females , 1 protonymph (slide 296 =AK H-226) from Sophora japonica L. ( Fabaceae ), HUNGARY : Budapest XIV, Zugló, 22 September 1992 , coll. G. Ripka. 1 female (slide 544 =AK H-255) from the leaves of Symphoricarpos x chenaultii Rehd. ( Caprifoliaceae ), HUNGARY : Budapest XI, Gazdagrét, 14 July1993 , coll. G. Ripka. 1 female (slide 572 =AK H-196) from the leaves of Symphoricarpos albus (L.) S.F. Blake ( Caprifoliaceae ), HUNGARY : Budapest XI, Gazdagrét, 0 4 August 1993 , coll. G. Ripka. 3 females , 1 male , 2 tritonymphs, 1 deutonymph (slide 760 =AK H-130) from Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Moench (Caprifoliaceae) , HUNGARY : Budapest XI, Gazdagrét, 23 August 1994 , coll. G. Ripka. Type repository . DAM. Etymology . Species name derives from the generic name of locus typicus host plant. FIGURE 29. Neopronematus solani Laniecka and Kazmierski , sp. nov. , holotype female: right tarsus I (dorsal view, slightly twisted). Relation to host . Solanum dulcamara . Eriophyidae : Aceria lycopersici (Wolffenstein) . Iolinidae : Homeopronematus staerki (Schruft) ; Stigmaeidae : Zetzellia mali (Ewing) [leaves and shoots] (Ripka & de Lillo 1997; Ripka & Kaźmierski 1998a, 1998b). Acer campestre Tetranychidae : Eotetranychus carpini (Oudemans) ; Phytoseiidae : Euseius finlandicus (Oudemans) ; Eriophyidae : Neotegonotus fastigatus (Nalepa) ; Stigmaeidae : Zetzellia mali (Ewing) , Hemiptera : Eriococcidae : Acanthococcus aceris Signoret [underside of leaves]. FIGURE 30. Neopronematus solani Laniecka and Kazmierski , sp. nov. , holotype female. (A) cheliceral stiletto; (B) right palpus (turn down, lateral view); (C) left tarsus II (paraxially). Ailanthus altissima . Tydeidae : Tydeus californicus (Banks) [underside of leaflets]. Corylus colurna . Tetranychidae : Eotetranychus coryli (Reck) ; Phytoseiidae : Euseius finlandicus (Oudemans) ; Eriophyidae : Tegonotus depressus (Nalepa) ; Tydeidae : Tydeus californicus (Banks) ; Stigmaeidae : Zetzellia mali (Ewing) [underside of leaves]. Fraxinus angustifolia . Phytoseiidae : Kampimodromus aberrans (Oudemans) ; Tydeidae : Tydeus caudatus (Dugès) ; Meyerellidae : Triophtydeus triophthalmus (Oudemans) ; Stigmaeidae : Zetzellia mali (Ewing) [underside of leaflets]. Fraxinus ornus . Eriophyidae : Aceria fraxinivora (Nalepa) , Tegolophus califraxini (Keifer) , Tegonotus collaris Nalepa ; Phytoseiidae : Euseius finlandicus (Oudemans) , Kampimodromus aberrans (Oudemans) ; Tydeidae : Tydeus californicus (Banks) ; Stigmaeidae : Zetzellia mali (Ewing) [underside of leaflets]. Fraxinus pennsylvanica . Phytoseiidae : Euseius finlandicus (Oudemans) , Paraseiulus incognitus Wainstein and Arutunjan , Paraseiulus soleiger (Ribaga) ; Tydeidae : Tydeus californicus (Banks) [underside of leaflets]. Koelreuteria paniculata . Diptilomiopidae : Rhinophytoptus szechenyii Ripka ; Phytoseiidae : Euseius finlandicus (Oudemans) ; Tydeidae : Tydeus californicus (Banks) [underside of leaflets] (Ripka 2010). Ligustrum vulgare . Stigmaeidae : Zetzellia mali (Ewing) [underside of leaves]. Robinia pseudoacacia Hemiptera : Aleyrodidae : Asterobemisia avellanae (Signoret) [underside of leaflets]. Sambucus nigra . Eriophyidae : Epitrimerus trilobus Nalepa [underside of leaflets and shoots]. Sophora japonica . Tetranychidae : Panonychus ulmi (C. L. Koch) [underside of leaflets]. Symphoricarpos orbiculatus . Tydeidae : Tydeus californicus (Banks) ; Stigmaeidae : Zetzellia mali (Ewing) [underside of leaves]. Differential diagnosis . The new species is related to Neopronematus sepasgosariani Sadeghi, Łaniecka and Kaźmierski, 2012 . These two species have the relatively long and serrate dorsal body setae, bifurcate setae ag3 and similar ornamentation. The features differentiating both species are provided in Table 6 and refer to females. The new species also resembles Neopronematus neglectus (Kuznetzov, 1972) in general appearance. However, N. neglectus has significantly shorter setae (Kuznetzov 1972b). FIGURE 31. Neopronematus solani Laniecka and Kazmierski , sp. nov. , paratype male: dorsal view. TABLE 6 . Differences between Neopronematus sepasgosariani Sadeghi, Łaniecka and Kaźmierski and N. solani sp. nov. N. sepasgosariani Sadeghi, Łaniecka and Kaźmierski N. solani sp. nov. Body relatively slender; proportion coefficient (ratio of Body broader: 1.5 length/width): 1.9 Tarsus I longer than broad, proportion index: 2.3 Tarsus I broader, proportion index: 1.7 Tectal setae (tcζ) on tarsus I subequal in length (23) to tarsus I Tectal setae on tarsus I significantly longer (35–36) than (21) tarsus I (24) Solenidion ωI very short (3); 7 times shorter than tarsus I Solenidion ωI longer (8); only 3 times shorter than tarsus On tibia I, forked famulus k’’ (4) twice as long as Forked famulus k’’ (3) slightly shorter than solenidion φ (4) neighbouring solenidion φ Palpal tarsus (17) insignificantly longer than stiletto (15) Palpal tarsus (13) slightly shorter than stiletto (16) Description . Organotaxy of gnathosoma, idiosoma and appendages typical for genus (see Panou et al . 2000). Body oval, whitish, light greenish. FEMALE ( holotype ). Idiosoma: length 210, width 135, proportion index 1.5 (205–215/ 130–135 in 30 paratypes ). Aspidosoma with 4 pairs of dorsal setae. Rostrals (ro) situated behind lamellars la (prodorsum procurved). 9 pairs of dorsal opisthosomal setae (jointly with ps3 replaced on ventral side). Dorsum of body completely striated. Striae lie longitudinally on prodorsum, and on the central part of opisthosoma, between setae (c1) and (d1), whereas transversely between setae (e1). On the end of opisthosoma, between setae (f2), (h1) and (ps1) the striae form an inverted “V”-pattern. Eyes absent. All dorsal setae, including bothridial setae, slender, spindle-like and finely serrated, relatively long. Length of setae: bo 36, ro 20, la 21, ex 28, c1 22, c2 25, d1 20, e1 28 , f1 21, f2 30, h1 21, ps1 26 ( h2 and ps2 absent). Setae ps3 shorter (8), situated ventrally, on pseudanal valves. Distances: c1–c1 36, d1–d1 : 34, e1– e1 41, f1–f1 21, h1–h1 14, f1–h1 21. Lyrifissures ia situated more or less half distance between setae c1 and d1 and slightly laterally to imaginary line c1–d1 . Lyrifissures im —anterior to and closely associated with setae e1 . Lyrifissures ip situated approximately half distance between e1 anf f2 , slightly laterally to imaginary line e1–f2 . Lyrifissures ih latero-ventrally, anterior to and closely associated with ps1 . Venter striated. Striae longitudinal between metasternal setae. All ventral setae similar in shape to dorsal setae (with exception of ag3 , see below), but much shorter (8–12). Genital opening in shape of inverted “T”. 4 pairs of agenital setae. Setae ag1 (10), ag2 (10) and ag4 (13) spindle-like, ag3 are bifurcate (6). No genital and eugenital setae. Pseudanal valves folded, with 1 pair of setae (ps3). Epimeral formula: (3-1-4-2). Gnathosoma . Visible from above. Palps eupathidium (pζ) straight and forked distally, 4 long. Cheliceral stilettos (16) longer than palpal tarsus (13/5). Palpal femuro-genu: length 20, width 11. Palpal setation (5+ ω -1-2). Legs . Setation: I (8+ ω -3+ k+φ -3-3-1), II (6+ ω -2-3-3-1), III (5-2-2-2 –1), IV (5-2-1-2-0). Femur IV not divided. Tarsus I without apotele, with 3 pairs of long setae (fastigials, tectals and prorals) and 1 pair of undersized unguinals (u) , based ventrally and close to prorals. Measurements: tarsus I length/width: 24/14 (proportion index 1.7), seta ft’ 23, ft’’ζ 31, tc’ζ 36, tc’’ζ 35, p’ζ 18, p’’ζ 24, (u) 2.25. Solenidion ωI 8/1, 3 times shorter than tarsus. Tibia I 19/15 , famulus k’’ 3 (“Y”-shaped), solenidion φ 4. Solenidion ωII on tarsus II oval in outline, small (3 long). Tarsi II–IV each with apotele, 2 claws and ciliated empodium, but without empodial claws (om) . FIGURE 32. Neopronematus solani Laniecka and Kazmierski , sp. nov. , paratype male. (A) cheliceral stiletto; (B) right palpus (paraxially); (C) right leg I (dorso-paraxially); (D) right leg IV with femoral spur. FIGURE 33. Neopronematus solani Laniecka and Kazmierski , sp. nov. (A) holotype female, right tarsus I; (B) paratype male, right tarsus I; (C) paratype male, total view; (D) paratype male, dorsal fragment of opisthosoma with setae d1 , e1 and sieveshaped organs. MALE ( paratype ). Idiosoma: length 160, width 96 (proportion index 1.7). Other males (3): 155– 160/95–100. Most of characters same with exception of following: solenidion ωI extremely long (nearly 25), relatively thick (nearly 2 in its broadest part) and strongly bent. Femora IV distally with strong, bent and pointed spur. Single pair of rounded, dorsal opisthosomal discs present between setae d1 and e1 , slightly laterally to d1–e1 . These discs covered by chess-shaped pattern looking like sieves. Diameter of discs about 12. Remark . The male dorsal opisthosomal discs have been never observed before.