Taxonomic treatment of Abrahamia Randrian. & Lowry, a new genus of Anacardiaceae from Madagascar Author Randrianasolo, Armand William L. Brown Center, Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO, 63166 - 0299, U. S. A. Author Lowry II, Porter P. Africa and Madagascar Program, Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO, 63166 - 0299, U. S. A. & Institut de Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité (ISYEB), UMR 7205, Centre national de la Recherche scientifique / Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle / École pratique des Hautes Etudes, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Sorbonne Universités, C. P. 39, 57 rue Cuvier, 75231 Paris CEDEX 05, France. Author Schatz, George E. Africa and Madagascar Program, Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO, 63166 - 0299, U. S. A. text Boissiera 2017 2017-12-27 71 1 152 journal article 978-2-8277-0087-5 0373-2975 7618113 10. Abrahamia elongata Randrian. & Lowry , spec. nova ( Fig. 9 , 10A). Typus : MADAGASCAR . Prov. Toamasina : Rég. Analanjirofo, Maroantsetra , Nosy Mangabe , 15°30’S 49°46’E , 0-330 m , 28.IX-5.X.1989 , fl., Schatz 2770 (holo-: MO- 3759750 !; iso-: K , P [ P06169108 ]!, TAN [ TAN001988 ]!, WAG [ WAG1435428 ] image seen). Diagnosis Abrahamia elongata Randrian. & Lowry can be distinguished from its congeners by its oblanceolate or narrowly elliptic leaves that are 8.5-26.5 3 2.5-6.5 cm , combined with very pronounced secondary and tertiary veins, long petiole ( 1.5-3 cm ), and a relatively large and glabrous fruits (2-4 3 1-1.5 cm ). Description Trees 4-25 m tall, 10-15 cm DBH, bark with white milky latex; young twigs waxy or lanate to pubescent at the tips. Leaves alternate; blades oblanceolate to narrowly elliptic, 8.5-26.5 3 2.5-6.5 cm , coriaceous, apex emarginate, rounded, shortly acuminate or sometimes acuminate, margin entire, base acute to cuneate, adaxial surface glabrous or with short appressed indument, abaxial surface sericeous to glabrescent, venation craspe-dodromous, midvein prominent abaxially, secondary veins 25-50 pairs, more or less par-allel, 1.5-10 mm apart, very prominent abaxially, tertiary veins raised on both surfaces; petiole 15-30 mm long, canaliculate on adaxial surface, with short, appressed indument when young, later glabrescent or glabrous. Inflorescence axillary, a panicle, 1.5-6 cm long, the branches regular, pubescent or tomentose. Male and female flowers 5-merous; pedicel 0.1-0.3 mm long, pubescent; calyx lobes shallowly deltate to shallowly triangular, c. 1 3 1.2-1.5 mm , adaxial surface glabrous, abaxial surface pubescent, slightly imbricate in male flowers, valvate in female flowers, persistent in fruit; corolla lobes ovate, 2.5-3 3 1.5 mm , imbricate, adaxial surface glabrous, abaxial surface pubescent, white or pale yellow; stamens 5. Male flowers with filaments 1.5-2 mm long, glabrous, white, anthers 1 mm long, obloid to slightly ovoid, yellow, glabrous; disk c. 1 mm in diam., glabrous; ovary rudimentary. Female flowers with filaments c. 1 mm long, glabrous, white, anthers 0.3-0.5 mm long, ovoid, sterile, yellow, glabrous; disk annular, cupuliform, c. 1.5-2 mm in diam., glabrous; ovary very widely ovoid or obovoid, slightly asymmetrical, 1.5-2 3 1.5-1.8 mm , glabrous, placentation subapical; style unbranched, latero-subapically inserted, c. 1 mm long, stigmas capitate, glabrous. Fruits 2-4 3 1-1.5 cm , ellipsoid or slightly asymmetrical, glabrous, with longitudinal striations. Vernacular names “Ditimena’’, “Hazombarorana’’, “Tarantana’’. Distribution, ecology and phenology Abrahamia elongata occurs from eastern coastal littoral forest on sand to premontane forests on laterite up to elevations of 900 m , and extends from Marojejy and near Ambi-lobe in the north to Manombo in the south ( Map 2 ). It flowers between September and November, and fruits in November and December. Conservation status With an EOO of 147,171 km 2 , an AOO of 120 km 2 , and 32 recorded localities, many of which occur within protected areas (Ambalabe, Anjanaharibe-Sud, Betampona, Manombo, Marojejy, Masoala, Nosy Mangabe, and Zahamena), A. elongata is assigned a preliminary conservation assessment of “Least Concern’’ [LC] using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria ( IUCN, 2012 ). Notes Abrahamia elongata most closely resembles A. latifolia , with which it shares large leaves with many secondary veins and exclusively axillary inflorescences. However, A. elon-gata differs by its coriaceous (vs subcoriaceous) leaves with craspedodromous (vs semi-craspedodromous) venation, and its longer petiole (15-30 vs 10 mm ). It also resembles A. sambiranensis vegetatively, but differs by having leaves with evident, raised tertiary veins on both surfaces (vs lacking in A. sambiranensis ) and whose apex is flat in pressed material (vs folded), and by its fruits that are glabrous (vs pubescent when young and glabrescent at maturity in A. sambiranensis ). Paratypi MADAGASCAR . Prov. Antsiranana : Sambava , forêt de Tsihomanaomby , 14°06’08’’S 50°02’50’’E , 103 m , 15.II.2006 , ster., Andrianjafy 1582 ( MO , P , TAN ); Marojejy PN, campement 1, 14°26’13’’S 49°46’32’’E , 460 m , 12.X.1996 , y. fr., Rakotomalaza et al. 752 ( MO , P , TAN ); Andapa , Anjanaharibe-Sud RS, [ 14°36’S 49°27’E ], 3-7. XII.1996 , fr., Ravelonarivo et al. 1052 ( MO , P , TAN ); Antalaha , forêt Ampohafana , [ 14°48’30’’S 49°51’30’’E ], 9.IX.1955 , fl., Service Forestier 15064 ( P [2 sheets], TEF ); Andapa , Andilandrano , [ 14°45’S 49°34’E ], 12.XII.1964 , fr., Service Forestier 25019 ( G , MO , NY , P , TEF ); S de Sambava , [ 14°18’S 50°11’E ] , 30.XI-1.XII.1966 , fr., Service Forestier 27110 ( P , TEF ); Vohémar , Fanambana , 22.XII.1954 , ster., Service Forestier 54-R-151 ( P ). Prov. Fianarantsoa : forêt de Manombo , S de Farafangana , [ 23°02’10’’S 47°44’50’’E ], 17.X.1964 , fl., Service Forestier 23654 ( P , TEF ); forêt entre Manakara et Vohipeno (PK 30), [ 22°22’S 47°51’E ], 21.X.1964 , y. fr., Service Forestier 23696 ( P , TEF ). Prov. Toamasina : Manompana , forêt d’AntanambaoAmbodimanga , 16°45’38’’S 49°42’22’’E , 7 m , 5.X.2003 , fr., Andrianarivelo 30 ( G , MO , P , TEF ); Maroantsetra , Ambatoledama forest , 15°17’S 50°00’E , VI.2003 , y. fr., Antilahimena 1996 ( G , K , MO , NY , P , TAN ); Rantabe , Behovana , 15°47’48’’S 49°32’10’’E , 815 m , 31.X.2003 , fr., Antilahimena 2251 ( G , K , MO , P , TAN ); Antsirabe , Sahatany , Anjiakely , 15°24’19’’S 49°30’28’’E , 360 m , 27.VI.2004 , fr., Antilahimena 2579 ( G , K , MO , P , TAN ); Nosy Mangabe , 15°29’S 49°45’E , 10 m , 18-26. IV.1990 , ster., Carlson 126 ( MO ); ibid. loco, Carlson 150 ( MO ); ibid. loco, Carlson 188 (MO); Sahalampy (Onibe), [ 17°50’S 48°25’E ], 700 m , XI.1938 , fl., Cours 1160 ( MO , P ); Mananara , 1.IX.1920 , fl., Decary 59 ( P , TAN ); Soanierana-Ivongo , forêt d’Antanambao-Ambodimanga , 16°45’40’’S 49°42’35’’E , s.d., fr., Rabehivohitra 4354 ( MO , P , TAN , TEF ); Sainte Marie , forêt d’Ambohidena , 16°51’11’’S 49°57’10’’E , 10 m , 14.V.2003 , ster., Rabenantoandro 1480 J ( MO ); Fénérive-Est , Tampolo station forestière , 17°17’S 49°23’E , 10 m , 11.X.1999 , ster., A. Randrianasolo 596 ( MO ); Vatomandry , Ambalabe , Ambinanindrano II, 19°09’38’’S 48°35’02’’E , 600 m , 9.X.2005 , fl., A. Randrianasolo et al. 1045 ( MO , NY , P , TAN ); ibid. loco , 19°09’01’’S 48°34’55’’E , 604 m , 6.X.2009 , fl., A. Randrianasolo 1182 ( G , K , MO , NY , P , TAN ); ibid. loco, 19°09’39’’S 48°36’’E , 568 m , 7.X.2005 , ster., Razanatsima et al. 38 ( MO , P , TAN ); Farankaraina , s.d., fl., Réserves Naturelles 65 ( P ); Zahamena NP, Imerimandroso , [ 17°30’S 48°38’E ], 16.IX.1951 , fl., Réserves Naturelles 3171 ( P , TAN ); Marojejy PN, [ 14°18’S 49°33’E ], 15.IX.1956 , fl., Réserves Naturelles 8265 ( G , MO , P ); Nosy Mangabe , 15°30’S 49°46’E , 0-330 m , 28.IX-5.X.1989 , fl., Schatz 2757 ( MO , P , TAN ); Soanierana-Ivongo , [ 16°54’30’’S 49°35’00’’E ], 27.XII.1949 , y. fr., Service Forestier 2361 ( P , TAN , TEF ); Farankaraina station forestière, [ 15°25’S 49°52’E ], 26.IX.1952 , fl., Service Forestier 6154 ( G , MO , P [3 sheets], TEF ); Betampona RNI, près d’Ambodiriana , [ 17°55’S 49°13’E ], 6.XI.1953 , fl., Service Forestier 8600 ( MO , P , TEF ); massif de l’Ambohitsitondroina de Mahalevona (NW de la presqu’île Masoala ), [ 15°25’S 49°58’E ], c. 500 m , 30.XI.1953 , fr., Service Forestier 8678 ( G , MO , NY , P , TEF ); Brickaville , Sahamamy , Anivorano , [ 18°33’S 48°58’E ], s.d., ster., Service Forestier 10884 ( P , TEF ); Farankaraina station forestière, [ 15°25’S 49°52’E ], 11.X.1955 , fl. & y. fr., Service Forestier 15361 ( MO , P [3 sheets], TEF ); PK 154 , quelques km S de Soanierana-Ivongo , [ 17°00’S 49°32’E ], 2.IX.1957 , fl., Service Forestier 18182 ( P [2 sheets], TEF ); Baie d’Antongil , NW de l’embouchure de la Rantabe , [ 15°40’30’’S 49°38’30’’E ], 50-150 m , 12.IX.1957 , fl., Service Forestier 18262 ( MO , TEF ); Farankaraina , [ 15°25’S 49°52’E ], 28.IX.1963 , fl., Service Forestier 21392 ( G , MO , P [2 sheets], TEF ); Tampolo , [ 17°17’00’’S 49°23’30’’E ], 26.XI.1962 , fr., Service Forestier 22121 ( G , K , MO , NY , P [3 sheets], TEF , WAG ); Tamatave , Tanambao-Tamboro , 17.XII.1954 , ster., Service Forestier 9-R-195 ( P ); Lohan’i Sahatenany , N de Beanana , 2.II.1952 , ster., Service Forestier 29-R-139 ( P ); Maroantsetra , Farankaraina , [ 15°25’S 49°52’E ], 13.VIII.1952 , ster., Service Forestier 44-R- 139 ( P ); ibid. loco , 27.XII.1952 , ster., Service Forestier 127-R-199 ( P ); Tampolo , Fénérive Est , 13.I.1951 , ster., Service Forestier 16-R-7 ( P , TEF ); ibid. loco, Service Forestier 323-R- 107 ( P , TEF ); Masoala Peninsula , S of Ambanizana , 15°40’24’’S 49°57’51’’E , 110- 260 m , 25.X.1994 , ster., Vasey et al. 55 ( MO , P , TAN ).