A catalogue of the types of Asiloidea (Diptera) in the collection of the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil (Part 1: Bombyliidae and Mydidae) Author Yamaguchi, Carolina Author Lamas, Carlos José Einicker text Zootaxa 2009 2009-07-01 2146 35 52 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.163509 fcf7ee79-b13d-450d-94ba-31f31c3b9ba0 1175-5326 163509 Apatomyza whocantell Lamas & Evenhuis, 2005 Lamas & Evenhuis, 2005: 285-293 (original description); 287, figures 1 (mesonotum), 2 (wing), 3 (spermatheca) and 4 ( paratype female and holotype male at the same pin in lateral view); 291 (cladogram). Type locality: Cradock, Eastern Cape , South Africa . Paratype female with labels: (1) printed on white paper: “ South Africa , Cape | 16mi .E of Cradock | Farm “Who can tell”| March 11, 1972 , 1000m . | ME & BJ Irwin, 3225Bb”; (2) handwritten on white paper: “ Crocidium n.s.”; (3) printed on green paper: “ NATAL MUSEUM | Pietermaritzburg | South Africa ”; (4) printed on white paper: “ Natal ”; (5) printed on green paper: “Parátipo”; (6) printed on white paper: “ Apatomyza whocantell | Lamas & Evenhuis, 2005 ”. Preservation: Pinned; abdomen on plastic vial pinned with the specimen; undetermined leg glued at the second label; left wing partly destroyed; Missing parts: right wing, both flagellum, right leg I, left leg II and both leg III.