Amphibians of Kokolopori: an introduction to the amphibian fauna of the Central Congolian Lowland Forests, Democratic Republic of the Congo Author Badjedjea, Gabriel Department of Aquatic Ecology, Biodiversity Monitoring Center, University of Kisangani, Kisangani, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Author Masudi, Franck M. Department of Terrestrial Ecology, Biodiversity Monitoring Center, University of Kisangani, Kisangani, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Author Akaibe, Benjamin Dudu Faculty of Sciences, University of Kisangani, Kisangani, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Author Gvoždík, Václav Institute of Vertebrate Biology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC & National Museum, Department of Zoology, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC text Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 2022 e 301 2022-02-14 16 1 35 70 journal article 299970 10.5281/zenodo.12761585 dda4c870-f243-4496-aecb-9618989ad741 1525-9153 12761585 Hyperolius ocellatus purpurescens Laurent, 1943 Fig. 9F. Area: Yetee. Season/survey: Dry ( Aug 2019 ). Material: CSB:Herp: RNBK 611, 612, 694, 695–697. Comments: This species was recorded only once near Yalokenge village in pristine forest, in a partially open swampy zone at the edge of a stream. Five males were found sitting on vegetation, and not calling. The only female was discovered well hidden in vegetation, far from the place where the males aggregated. Schiøtz (2006) also recorded “only few specimens” in small forest swamps in Kokolopori, and described their coloration. This is a sexually dichromatic species ( Portik et al. 2019 ) with green males that have a silvery white triangle on the snout and white dorsolateral stripes. The female ( Fig. 9F ) has the color pattern corresponding to the subspecies H. o. purpurescens originally described from the southeast of Kisangani ( Laurent 1943 ) [ type locality of the nominotypical subspecies was restricted to Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea ]. A phylogeographic study suggested a complex pattern of genetic variation with the eastern Congolian populations differentiated to some level (samples from Kokolopori were not included; Bell et al. 2017 ). Hyperolius hildebrandti Ahl, 1931 ( type locality “ Kamerun ;” Ahl 1931 ) may be an older available name for populations from the Congolian forests. Whether this taxon deserves full species status remains to be evaluated.