Society Islands beach bum black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) Author Evenhuis, Neal L. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-08-24 4311 3 373 388 journal article 32315 10.11646/zootaxa.4311.3.3 5715bd15-7192-40f2-8248-109345e5519c 1175-5326 847894 9A5Cf14E-E098-45E3-B6Db-C52773Fd7F14 Simulium ( Inseliellum ) littosodalis Craig & Evenhuis , n. sp. FIgs. 30–41 . Description. Adult female (based on 7 specImens). Body ( FIgs. 30 ): overall dark blackIsh brown, abdomen slIghtly lIghter ventrally; total length 1.5–1.9 mm . Head ( FIg. 31 ): wIdth 0.55–0.58 mm ; depth 0.36–0.39 mm ; postoccIput black wIth vestIture of sparse short black haIrs; frons broad dorsally, narrowed ventrally, frons/head wIdth ratIo 1.0:7.5; frontal angle 50°. Eye : mInImum Interocular dIstance ca . 0.08 mm ; eyes dark red, ommatIdIa dIameter 0.012 mm ; ca 36 down and up at mId-eye. Clypeus : wIdth 0.14 mm ; mottled medIum brown, vestIture of scattered haIrs. Antenna ( FIgs. 32 ): total length 0.40–0.42 mm ; evenly medIum brown, pedIcel subequal In sIze to flagellomere I, that rectangular; flagellomere II 0.5× as long as wIde, III–VII IncreasIng slIghtly In length dIstally, occasIonally varIable, flagellomere IX cone-shaped. Mouthparts : feebly developed, ca. 0.27× length of head depth; maxIllary palp ( FIg. 33 ) length 0.48 mm , palpomeres I and II small, palpomere III small, slIghtly elongated, darker than other palpomeres, proportIonal lengths of palpomere III–V 1.0:1.0:2.0, respectIvely; sensory organ spherIcal, 0.25x length of palpomere III, openIng 0.3× vesIcle wIdth; mandIbles ( FIg. 33 ) small, not flared dIstally, straIght sIded, ca . 18 small Inner teeth, outer teeth absent; lacInIa small, wIth 6 and 7 teeth on Inner and outer edge respectIvely; cIbarIum not observed. Thorax : length 1.0– 1.2 mm ; scutum blackIsh brown, vestIture of sparse fIne pale haIrs, postpronotal lobe concolourous wIth scutum, vestIture slIghtly longer; scutellum slIghtly paler than scutum, vestIture of sparse very fIne yellowIsh haIrs; postnotum brownIsh, pollInose anterIorly; antepronotal lobe, proepIsternum and fore coxa essentIally bare wIth few haIrs; anepIsternal membrane bare; katepIsternum dark brown, sulcus deep and dIstInct. Wing ( FIgs. 35 ): membrane slIghtly smoky on anal lobe, length 1.6–1.8 mm ; wIdth 0.8–0.9 mm ; anterIor veIns well expressed, not markedly pIgmented; costa wIth mIxture of haIrs and spInes; Rs wIth spInes and haIrs; a/b ratIo 1:5; r-m cross veIn slIghtly pIgmentatIon and extended onto surroundIng membrane; basal medIal cell well expressed; CuA2 not markedly sInuous; A2 extended nearly to wIng margIn; crescent shaped pIgmentatIon In anal angle. Haltere : tan. Legs ( FIg. 34 ): overall dark brown and hIrsute, forelegs wIth markedly darker tarsomeres, less so on mId and hInd legs; hInd tIbIa slIghtly curved, wIth row of ventral stout spInes poorly expressed and absent from dIstal portIon; calcIpala half wIdth of hInd basItarsus, as long as wIde; pedIsulcus well expressed; tarsomere II ca . 2.0× as long as dIstal wIdth; claw ( FIg. 36 ) small, wIth maIn talon moderately curved and evenly tapered, basal tooth small, 0.25x length of claw, heel cone-shaped and InsubstantIal. Abdomen ( FIg. 37 ): dorsally evenly black, tergItes paler and mottled; basal scale dark brown, markedly pale medIally, vestIture of short haIrs; tergIte II, 4x broader than long, tergItes III–V 3x broader than long, remaInder of tergItes markedly broad, vestIture essentIally absent, better expressed on posterIor segments. Genitalia : small; sternIte VIII evenly pIgmented, lackIng mIcrotrIchIa medIally, sparse larger haIrs posterolaterally; hypogynIal valves ( FIg. 38 ), lIghtly pIgmented, vestIture of mIcrotrIchIa and sparse strong haIrs, medIan gap between valves deeply U-shaped, slIghtly narrowed anterIorly, edges slIghtly dIvergent posterIorly and concave, strengthened medIally, smoothly rounded apIcally; genItal fork ( FIg. 39 ) stem markedly evenly narrowed, not expanded apIcally, lateral arms narrow, strengthened posteromedIally, lateral plates small, elongated posterolaterally, apodemes sharply developed; spermatheca ovoId ( FIg. 40 ), small, dark brown, wIth slIghtly wrInkled surface, lackIng Internal spInes, membranous area at junctIon wIth spermathecal duct small wIth fluted edge; cercus lIghtly pIgmented, In lateral vIew bluntly rounded, wIth slIght apIcal depressIon, clump of apIcoventral haIrs not marked, anal lobes small, angulate ( FIg. 41 ). FIGURES 31–35. Simulium ( I. ) littosodalis n. sp. (31). Frontal view of head. Scale bar = 0.2 mm. (32). Antenna. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.(33). Maxillary palp, lacinia, mandible Scale bar = 0.1 mm. Insert: mandible & lacinia tips. Scale bar 0.02 mm. (34). Hind basitarsus, calcipala, pedisulcus. Scale bar = 0.05 mm.(35). wing. Scale bar = 0.5 mm. FIGURES 36–41. Simulium ( I. ) littosodalis n. sp. (36). Claw & basal tooth. Scale bar = 0.02 mm. (37). Abdominal tergites. Scale bar = 0.5 mm. (38). Hypogynial valves. Scale bar = 0.05mm. (39). Genital fork. Scale bar = 0.05 mm.(40). Spermatheca. (Damaged). Scale bar = 0.05 mm.(41). Cercus & anal lobe. (Damaged and partially reconstructed). Scale bar = 0.05 mm. FIGURE 42. Type locality of Simulium littosodalis . Tahiti Nui, North Road, PK 42.7. 17 July 2006. Image N. Evenhuis. Etymology. In reference to occurrIng wIth other beach sImulIIds; derIvIng from litto [= “beach”] + sodalis [= “comrade”, “crony”]; hence a thIrd “beach bum” of sorts. The name Is treated as a noun In apposItIon. Material. Holotype : Female, mIcropInned. Label data [Holo / type] [ Simulium / ( Inseliellum ) / littosodalis ] [FP: TAHITI ITI: 3.5 km E. / TautIra, 0 m, North Road / beach rubble, 18 Jul 2006 / N. EvenhuIs, P. O’Grady] [BPBM 17,840], ( ca . S17.7667° W149.2719°). Paratypes : Four females, mIcropInned; one In glycerIne mIcrovIal on pIn; one slIde mount. Label data as for holotype, but wIth [PARATYPE]. Other material : One slIde mount, label data [ Simulium / ( Inseliellum )/ littosodalis ] [FP: TAHITI NUI:/ North Road, PK 42.7 / 17 Jul 2006 , 0 m, beach/ rocks. N. EvenhuIs]. ( ca . S17.6474° W149.3103°). ( FIg. 42 ) Distribution. Known only from TahItI. Remarks. Simulium littosodalis Is slIghtly smaller than Simulium littosocius , overall darker In colour and lacks the paler antennal scape and pedIcel of the latter specIes. The frons Is markedly broader than that of S. littosocius ( cf . FIgs. 17 , 31 ). The mandIbles of both specIes are parallel sIded ( cf . FIgs. 20 , 33 ), not slIghtly flared as In S. littopyga . Simulium littosodalis has low numbers of teeth on the lacInIa ( FIg. 33 ) and Its legs are more evenly brown and hIrsute than those of S. littosocius , and whIle the calcIpala and pedIsulcus of both specIes are sImIlar, the claws are markedly dIfferent ( cf . FIgs. 24 , 36 ), wIth S. littosocius possessIng a large basal tooth and heel; both In S. littosodalis are smaller. AbdomInal tergItes dIffer, wIth those of S. littosodalis larger ( cf . FIgs. 25 , 37 ). The genItal forks of both specIes are sImIlar, except that that of S. littosodalis Is slIghtly strengthened along the medIal edge of the lateral arms ( cf . FIgs. 27 , 39 ); the hypogynIal valves ( cf . FIgs. 26 , 38 ) are sImIlar as are the spermathecae, cercI and anal lobes. The cercI both have a shallow dorsoapIcal depressIon and possess an apIcal clump of stIff haIrs, however, not as well expressed as that In S. littopyga that lacks the depressIon ( cf . FIgs. 15 , 29 , 41 ).