Results of a recent bat survey in Upper Myanmar including new records from the Kachin forests Author Struebig, Matthew J. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, London, E 1 4 NS, United Kingdom E-mail: m. struebig @ qmul. ac. uk & Department of Zoology, University of Mandalay, Mandalay, Myanmar Author Rossiter, Stephen J. School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, London, E 1 4 NS, United Kingdom Author Bates, Paul J. J. Harrison Institute, Centre for Systematics and Biodiversity Research, Bowerwood House, St. Botolph’s Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN 13 3 AQ, United Kingdom Author Kingston, Tigga Department of Geography, Boston University, 675 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215, USA Author Oo, Sai Sein Lin Department of Zoology, University of Mandalay, Mandalay, Myanmar Author Nwe, Aye Aye Department of Zoology, University of Mandalay, Mandalay, Myanmar Author Aung, Moe Moe Department of Zoology, University of Mandalay, Mandalay, Myanmar Author Win, Sein Sein Department of Zoology, University of Mandalay, Mandalay, Myanmar Author Mya, Khin Mya Department of Zoology, University of Mandalay, Mandalay, Myanmar text Acta Chiropterologica 2005 2005-06-01 7 1 147 163 journal article 21485 10.3161/1733-5329(2005)7[147:ROARBS]2.0.CO;2 74aa32b8-fb79-4925-b474-f33938b3f57c 1733-5329 3942883 Cynopterus sphinx Vahl, 1797 Short-nosed fruit bat New record Mandalay Division: Ye-nge Spring For- estry Guesthouse. TABLE 1. External measurements (in mm) and conservation status of the 20 known species of bat captured during the survey, including forearm (FA), body mass (MASS, in g), head-body length (HB), tibia length (TB), hind foot length (HF), tail length and ear length; n s indicates the number of male or female specimens taken. Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of individuals from which measurements were taken. Conservation status: LR: lc, Low Risk: Least Concern; LR: nt, Low Risk: Near Threatened, following IUCN (2002)
Species Conservation status n FA MASS n s HB TB TAIL HF Ear
Rousettus LR:lc 733 82.1–89.7 102.0–124.0 733 133.0 (1) 41.5 10.4 (1) 16.5 (1) 19.5–22.0
leschenaulti 7♀♀ 74.4–80.0 63.5–89.0 7♀♀ 19.0–21.0
Cynopterus sphinx LR:lc 5♀♀ 63.5–76.9 22.0–56.0
Eonycteris spelaea LR:lc 433 67.0–74.5 53.5–79.5 233 79.5–118.0 30.0–34.0 20.0–25.0 17.0–18.0 18.0–22.0
Rhinolophus pearsoni LR:lc 1♀ 53.1 17 1♀ 58.0 20.0 20.0 11.0 24.5
R. stheno LR:lc 13 44.3 6.5 13 43.0 20.8 14.5 6.0 16.5
1♀ 44.9 6.0 1♀ 46.0 21.9 19.0 7.6 17.5
R. malayanus LR:lc 233 38.9–40.0 6.0 13 44.0 16.5 22.0 7.0 17.5
3♀♀ 38.8–40.0 5.5–7.0(2)
R. pusillus LR:lc 13 37.1 6.0 13 38.0 15.6 17.0 6.5 16.0
3♀♀ 35.5–37.6 5.0–8.0 2♀♀ 37.0–39.0 14.5–15.0 18.0–18.5 6.3–7.0 15.0–15.5
R. shameli LR:nt 233 43.9–45.4 8.0 13 50.0 22.4 21.0 9.0 19.0
1♀ 45.6 8.75
Aselliscus LR:lc 13 41.0 6.0
stoliczkanus 5♀♀ 38.1–43.2 5.0–7.0 2♀♀ 42.4 19.0–20.0 35.0 6.0–7.0 11.0–12.0
Hipposideros armiger LR:lc 14♀♀ 90.0–96.3 42.5–59.5 2♀♀ 40.0 33.0–36.0
H. larvatus LR:lc 4933 56.8–69.3 15.0–26.0 13 22.0(1)
31♀♀ 55.8–65.2 14.0–22.0
H. lylei LR:nt 3♀♀ 74.3–75.1 30.5–41.5 1♀ 85.0 32.0 51.0 16.0 28.0
H. pomona LR:lc 1433 38.4–40.8 5.5–7.8 733 19.0–23.0
18♀♀ 38.7–42.8 5.5–7.0 2♀♀ 41.0–48.0 18.0–19.8 25.0–31.0 7.0 23.0–27.0
Megaderma lyra LR:lc 13 65.9 40.0 13 93.0 34.0 21.0 32.0
Previous records from Myanmar Shan and Rakhine States, and Sagaing , Mandalay and Tanintharyi Divisions ( Pearch et al. , 2003 ); Mon State : Kyaik- Kha-Mi (HZM; and J. P. P. Bates et al. , unpubl. data). Comments Five female specimens were captured at a fruiting fig tree ( Ficus oppositifolia ); none is available for study at the Harrison Institute. The variation in forearm length ( 63.5–76.9 mm ) and body mass ( 22–56 g ) suggests that C. brachyotis ( Muller, 1838 ) may also be present in the sample; this lat- ter taxon is currently only recorded with certainty from Rakhine State . For further details of the systematics of Cynopterus in Myanmar see Pearch et al . (2003) .