New species of predatory mites (Acari: Prostigmata: Cunaxidae) for southern Brazil Author Wurlitzer, Wesley Borges Author Monjarás-Barrera, José Irving Author Johann, Liana Author Ferla, Noeli Juarez Author Silva, Guilherme Liberato Da text Zootaxa 2020 2020-01-07 4718 3 401 412 journal article 24417 10.11646/zootaxa.4718.3.8 5135b95d-6ccc-4353-a53d-432a7a081274 1175-5326 3602558 0C6919E0-E3D7-4715-8BB4-E77BD292EBD8 Lupaeus Castro & Den Heyer, 2009 Lupaeus waldumirus Wurlitzer & Monjarás-Barrera sp. nov. ( Figures 8 B–11) Description. Female (n = 8) idiosoma length 265 (237–297); idiosoma width 165 (136–209). Dorsum ( Fig. 9A ). Length and width of dorsal shield 187 (178–198); 127 (117–152). Length of legs I–IV: 169 (143–190); 151 (132–164); 155 (140–173); 195 ( 184–204). Length of tarsi I–IV: 60 (55–66); 49 (41–55); 48 (44–53); 54 (50–56). Proterosomal and hysterosomal dorsal shields fused and well sclerotized. Setae f 1 and f 2 on small platelets. Dorsal shield with presence transverse of lobes between setae mps and c 1 . Lyrifissures im transverse, located between setae e 1 and f 1 . Length of dorsal setae: at 64 ( 82–90), pt 80 (71–90), lps 27 (22–36), mps 19 (20–24), c 1 21 (15–31), c 2 13 (10–21), d 1 16 (20–23), e 1 16 (15–25), f 1 26 (19–29), f 2 13 (14–16), h 1 25 (21–29). Distance between the setae: at -at 23 (22–24), at -lps 23 (21–25), lps -lps 63 (60–66), pt -pt 70 (67–86), pt -mps 10 (6–12), mps - mps 50 (46–55), mps -c 1 27 (26–29), c 1 -c 1 58 (49–64), d 1 -d 1 53 (50–57), e 1 - e 1 35 (31–39), f 1 -f 1 48 (42–55), f 2 -f 2 60 (53–67), h 1 -h 1 21 (20–22). FIGURE 8 . Photographs of the two new species of Cunaxidae . A— Cunaxoides lajeadensis sp. nov. female; B— Lupaeus waldumirus sp. nov. , female. FIGURE 9 . Lupaeus waldumirus sp. nov. , female. (A) Dorsal and (B) ventral view of the idiosoma. Venter ( Fig. 9B ). Coxal shields I and II separated medially. Coxal shields I and II divided. Propodogastral setae occur on posteromedian edge of coxae II. Hysterogastral setae three pairs on integument. Paracoxal setae near median edge of coxae IV. Striate genital valves showing four pairs of g setae; two pairs of genital papillae. A pair of paragenital setae occur laterad anterior parts of genital valves. Integument provided with finely lobed, almost continuous striae. Length of genital setae: g 1 8 (5–10), g 2 8 (7–5), g 3 7 (5–9), g 4 8 (5–11). Gnathosoma ( Figs. 10 A–B). Subcapitulum: length 97 (116–104), width 53 (58–82), with four pairs of setae, hg 1 7 (7–9), hg 2 9 (8–9), hg 3 40 (50–62), hg 4 19 (11–15). Distance between setae: hg 1 -hg 1 7 (7–9), hg 2 -hg 2 9 (8–9), hg 3 -hg 3 40 (50–62), hg 4 -hg 4 19 (20–23), hg 4 -hg 3 29 ( 31–38), hg 2 -hg 4 51 (45–55), hg 1 -hg 2 17 (14–17). Posterior ventral region of subcapitulum with horizontal striation ending in dots. Palp 51 (55–60), divided into three segments; trochanter without setae; femorogenua with 6 sts ; tibiotarsus with 5 sts a bladder-shaped apophysis and two pointed process ( Fig. 9A ). Length of chelicera 106 (98–114) and length of cheliceral setae 13 (11–15) ( Fig. 10B ). FIGURE 10 . Lupaeus waldumirus sp. nov. , female. Gnathosoma—A. Subcapitulum and palp ventral view; B. Chelicera dorsal view. Legs ( Fig. 11 A–D). Chaetotaxy: coxae ( Fig. 8B ) I–IV, 3-2-3-3 sts ; trochanter I–IV, 1-1-2-1 sts ; basifemora I–IV, 4-6-3-1 sts ; telofemora I–IV, 5-5-4-3 sts ; genua I–IV, (1 asl , 1 sts ), 2 asl , 5 sts -7 sts -5 sts , 1 asl -1 asl , 6 sts ; tibiae I–IV, 7 sts -5 sts , 1 bsl -5 sts , 1 bsl -1 T , 4 sts ; tarsi I–IV, 3 asl , 1 fam , 12 sts , 2 tsl -4 asl , 1 striated bsl , 12 sts , 1 tsl , 1 dtsl -3 asl , 8 sts , 1 tsl , 1 dtsl -1 asl , 2 tsl, 10 sts . Male and immature stages . Unknown. Remarks . Lupaeus waldumirus Wurlitzer & Monjarás-Barrera sp. nov. shows a dark orange color ( Fig. 8B ). Diagnosis . The new species resembles Lupaeus damavandiani Paktinat-Saeij & Castro, 2016 , for its dorsal morphometry, ventral striae, arrangement of genital setae, and chaetotaxy of coxae III–IV, trochanters I–IV, basifemora I–IV, telofemora I–IV, genua III, tibiae II, III and IV. The different morphological characters are shown in Table 2 . Etymology . The epithet is in honor of the grandfather of the first author, Mr. Waldomiro Moraes Borges, a conservationist who always cherished agroecology and nature. Type material . Holotype : female collected from tropical white morning-glory, Ipomoea alba L. in Lajeado , Rio Grande do Sul , Brazil , 29º26’13 ‘’S , 51º57’43’’W , 34 m above sea level , collector: Wesley Borges Wurlitzer and date: 14/I/2019 . The seven paratypes female will be deposited at the Museu de Ciências Naturais ( MCN ) of the Universidade do Vale do Taquari-Univates , Lajeado , Rio Grande do Sul , Brasil . Holotype will be deposited at Acarology and Entomology Department , Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Universidade de São Paulo ( ESALQ / USP ), Piracicaba ( SP ), Brazil .