A revision of the Thyropygus allevatus group. Part V: Nine new species of the extended opinatus subgroup, based on morphological and DNA sequence data (Diplopoda: Spirostreptida: Harpagophoridae) Author Pimvichai, Piyatida 4D882A89-E0C1-4F78-93E7-FA1B5A2650F2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University, Kantharawichai District, Maha Sarakham 44150, Thailand. & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 4 D 882 A 89 - E 0 C 1 - 4 F 78 - 93 E 7 - FA 1 B 5 A 2650 F 2 & Corresponding author: piyatida _ pimvichai @ yahoo. com piyatida_pimvichai@yahoo.com Author Enghoff, Henrik FB09A817-000D-43C3-BCC4-2BC1E5373635 Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK- 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark. & Email: henghoff @ snm. ku. dk & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: FB 09 A 817 - 000 D- 43 C 3 - BCC 4 - 2 BC 1 E 5373635 henghoff@snm.ku.dk Author Panha, Somsak AC935098-D901-4F35-A414-4B0D4FE44E79 Animal Systematics Research Unit, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand. & Email: somsakp @ sc. chula. ac. th & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: AC 935098 - D 901 - 4 F 35 - A 414 - 4 B 0 D 4 FE 44 E 79 somsakp@sc.chula.ac.th Author Backeljau, Thierry E6F42575-36AE-4AD7-98C6-D083EF052568 University of Antwerp, Evolutionary Ecology Group, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B- 2020 Antwerp, Belgium and Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, OD Taxonomy and Phylogeny, and JEMU, Vautierstraat 29, B- 1000 Brussels, Belgium. & Email: Thierry. Backeljau @ naturalsciences. be & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: E 6 F 42575 - 36 AE- 4 AD 7 - 98 C 6 - D 083 EF 052568 ackeljau@naturalsciences.be text European Journal of Taxonomy 2016 2016-05-24 199 1 37 journal article 21904 10.5852/ejt.2016.199 d88184f4-ceef-4392-a444-0ac1552778d3 2118-9773 3840484 EE35A675-06C7-4FF9-9EE0-0854D95036C4 Thyropygus cimi sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 0252646C-AD4E-4B8B-8A7C-AEEA80DD4A72 Fig. 2 A–E Diagnosis A species of the opinatus subgroup. Lateral process of anterior coxal fold ( alp ) regularly curved, basally broad, gradually tapering towards end and ending in sharp point, with a lateral crest near tip. Similar in this respect to T. bifurcus . Differs from this species by having the mesal process of anterior coxal fold ( amp ) straight, directed distad, by having the mesal process of posterior coxal fold ( pmp ) slender, directed anteriad, and by having only one femoral spine ( fe ). Etymology This species is named after the organization “ Centre International de Myriapodologie – CIM” (www. myriapodology.org) in recognition of its immense importance for inspiring and supporting research on myriapods. Material examined Holotype THAILAND : ³, Nakhonsrithammarat Province , Lanska District , Namwang Srithammasokrach , 8°20'25" N , 99°49'42" E , 16 May 2010 , leg. S. Panha , P. Pimvichai and members of the Animal Systematics Research Unit ( CUMZ-D00086 ). Paratypes THAILAND : 2 ³³, 1 ♀ , same data as holotype ( CUMZ-D 00096); 1 ³, same data as holotype ( ZMUC ). Description Adult males with 65–68 podous rings, no apodous rings. Length 13–16 cm , width 7.6–8.3 mm . Adult female with 65 podous rings, no apodous rings. Length 13 cm , width 7.4 mm . Colour in life unknown; preserved specimens with head, antennae, prozona, middorsal metazona and legs brown; metazona, epiproct, paraprocts and hypoproct dark brown. GONOPODS ( Fig. 2 A–E). Anterior coxal fold ( ac ; Fig. 2A ): lateral process ( alp ) regularly curved, basally broad, gradually tapering towards end and ending in sharp point, with lateral crest near tip ( Fig. 2C , arrow); mesal process ( amp ) slightly shorter than alp , straight, directed distad. Posterior coxal fold ( pc ; Fig. 2B ) basally with moderately high lateral paracoxites ( px ), distally truncate, forming shelf for accommodation of telopodite, mesal process ( pmp ) slender, directed anteriad. Telopodite ( Fig. 2 D–E) leaving coxite over shelf of posterior coxal fold; femoral spine ( fe ) very long, slender, curving downward, in situ resting between alp and amp ; tibial spine ( ti ) long, slender, curving in horizontal plane, its tip in situ resting close to base of fe ; apical part: lamellar lobe ( ll ) broadly expanded, bent down; palette ( pa ) simple, gutter-like, with longitudinal rounded crest ( cr ) at middle; distally with about ten brownish blepharochaetae ( bp ). Fig. 2. Thyropygus cimi sp. nov. , from Namwang Srithammasokrach, holotype (CUMZ-D00086), ³, gonopods. A . Anterior view, left telopodite removed. B . Posterior view, left telopodite removed. C . Lateral view. D . Left telopodite, posterior-mesal view. E . Left telopodite, anterior-lateral view. DNA barcode The GenBank accession number of the barcode of the holotype is KU306519 (voucher code CUMZ-D00086). Distribution ( Fig. 12 ) Known only from the type locality. Remarks Coexisting with the smaller T. forceps sp. nov.