Descriptions of New Species of the Diverse and Endemic Land Snail Amplirhagada Iredale, 1933 from Rainforest Patches across the Kimberley, Western Australia (Pulmonata: Camaenidae) Author Köhler, Frank text Records of the Australian Museum 2011 2011-11-30 63 2 167 202 journal article 10.3853/j.0067-1975.63.2011.1581 2201-4349 5239547 1BCD4085-D2B9-400D-B504-8C85C30303D6 Amplirhagada lindsayae n.sp. Type locality . Western Australia , NW Kimberley , Prince Frederick Harbour, 40.5 km NE of Mt. Trafalgar , S of Hunter River mouth; 15°03'55"S 125°21'55"E (RFS-14-2; coll. V . Kessner, 14 Jun 1987 ) ( Fig. 1 ) . Type material . Holotype WAM S34737 (preserved specimen) (Pl. 1.12; Table 1 ) . Paratypes AM C.472936 (4 preserved specimens), WAM S34738 (12 preserved specimens) , FMNH 220561 (18 preserved specimens) , AM C.472937 (3 dried shells), WAM S34739 (8 dried shells) , FMNH 220560 (12 dried shells) . Additional, non-type material . WAM S34753 (6 dried shells) , FMNH 219312 (7 dried shells), all from S side of Hunter River mouth, Prince Frederick Harbour ; 15°02'58"S 125°23'53"E ( KC –079; coll. V . Kessner, A . Longbottom, 22 Jul 1988 ) . Etymology . Named in honour of Sue Lindsay (Australian Museum) in recognition of her help with SEM work. Description Shell (Pl. 1.12; Fig. 34 A–C ). Semi-globose with elevated spire. Solid, not translucent. Periphery angulate to keeled; upper and basal sectors of whorls well rounded. Umbilicus almost entirely concealed by columellar reflection, forming a chink. Background colour pale greenish-ochre; peripheral band mostly visible, usually diffuse, blending into brownish tone that may cover upper part of whorls, thin to moderately broad, brown, visible on last whorls only; sub-sutural band absent or very inconspicuous and diffuse, brown, visible on last whorl only; ventral colour pale horn, outer lip like shell, inner lip pale white. Protoconch 2.8 mm in diameter, comprising about one whorl, with very indistinct radially elongated pustulations. Teleoconch with faint, regular axial growth lines; evenly distributed across shell surface. Angle of aperture about 45 degrees; outer lip sharp to moderately thick, well rounded, slightly expanded, not or slightly reflected; basal node absent or very weak. Parietal wall of inner lip thin. Average shell size 18.3±1.3 × 22.4± 0.8 mm ( Table 1 ). Figure 34. Amplirhagada lindsayae n.sp. SEM of shell (AM C.472937), radula and jaw (AM C.472936). (A) Protoconch and first teleoconch whorls viewed from above. (B) Detail of first teleoconch whorls viewed from above. (C) Close-up of sculpture on last whorl, lateral view. (D) Jaw. (E) Central and inner lateral teeth, detail from above. (F) Marginal teeth viewed from above. Scale bars: A , 200 µm; B–C , 1 mm; D , 100 µm; E , 20 µm; F , 10 µm. Radular and jaw morphology ( Fig. 34 D–F ). Tooth formula C + 12–14 + 4 + 24–26, with 130 rows of teeth 130 (n = 1). Jaw with 11 plates. Genital morphology ( Figs 35–36 ). Penis straight, tubular, as long as anterior part of oviduct. Penial sheath distally thick, proximally thin. Penial retractor about as long as penis. Penial verge rather small, elongate with pointed tip. Inner penial wall entirely covered by relatively large pustules that are arranged in longitudinal rows. Main stimulatory pilaster formed by row of enlarged (broadened, more elongate), triangular pustules, each supporting a single hook. A weak gutter forms along inner penial wall. Vas deferens moderately thick, entering penial sheath close to penial apex, forming an extended loop. Vagina long, tubular, moderately inflated; inner vaginal wall and wall of bursa copulatrix with smooth longitudinal pilasters. Bursa copulatrix comparatively long, clearly extending base of spermoviduct. Free oviduct comprising about half of length of anterior part of oviduct. Spermoviduct longer than anterior part of oviduct. Aestivation strategy . Free sealer. Remarks . Anatomical description based on dissections of three specimens . Listed by Solem (1991) as “ Amplirhagada NSP 29”. The “bee-hive” shaped shell is similar to that of other species, such as A. boongareensis Köhler, 2010 , A. decora Köhler, 2010 and A. vialae , all of which differ from present species by possessing a huge cone-shaped main pilaster.