Camptotarsopoda annulitarsis Stein: redescription, description of terminalia and new record to South Africa (Diptera: Muscidae) Author Couri, Márcia Souto text Zootaxa 2014 3861 5 493 497 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3861.5.7 17705a09-c0f9-4e13-aea5-4904817a581f 1175-5326 229503 F509D351-6F1C-4AE3-8029-845E7B0EAE47 Camptotarsopoda Strand, 1928 Camptotarsus Stein, 1913 : 523 . Type-species: Camptotarsus annulitarsis Stein, 1913 (des. Séguy, 1937 : 275 ). Junior homonym, preoc. Camptotarsus Thorell, 1887 ; Stein, 1919 : 138 (catalogue); Malloch, 1929a : 549 (possible subgenus of Helina ); Malloch, 1929b : 324 (comments on genus name and key to species); Emden, 1951 : 380 (key to Afrotropical genera of Limnophorini ); 439–440 (comments on the genus and key to species); Pont, 1980 : 747 (catalogue). Camptotarsopoda Strand, 1928 : 48 (replacement name for Camptotarsus Stein ); Malloch, 1929b : 324 (comment on the names Camptotarsopoda and Camptotarsus ). Pont, 1980 : 747 (catalogue); Couri, 2007 (key to Afrotropical Muscidae genera); Couri & Pont, in press (key to Afrotropical Muscidae genera). albibasis Stein, 1913 : 526 ( Camptotarsus ); Stein, 1919 : 138 (catalogue); Malloch, 1929a : 549 (key); Emden, 1951 : 440 (key, new geographical records); Pont, 1980 : 748 (catalogue). Type-locality: Tanzania . Distr.: Tanzania , South Africa , and Kenya . azelina Séguy, 1933: 52 ( Spilogona ). South Africa ; Emden, 1951 : 440 (n. syn.); Pont, 1980 : 748. annulitarsis Stein, 1913 : 524 ( Camptotarsus ) ; Stein, 1919 : 138 (catalogue); Malloch, 1929a : 549 (key); Emden, 1951 : 379 , Fig. 12 (mid leg); 440 (key, new geographical records); Pont, 1980 : 748 (catalogue); Couri, 2007 : 181 (figure). Typelocality: Tanzania . Distr.: Tanzania , Burundi , Kenya , Rwanda , Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo , South Africa (new geographical record). nitida Stein, 1913 : 527 ( Camptotarsus ) ; Stein, 1919 : 138 (catalogue); Malloch, 1929a : 549 (key); Emden, 1951 : 439 (key, new geographical records); Pont, 1980 : 748 (catalogue). Type-locality: Tanzania . Distr.: Tanzania , Kenya and Uganda . pallipes Stein, 1913 : 527 ( Camptotarsus ) ; Stein, 1919 : 138 (catalogue); Malloch, 1929a : 549 (key); Emden, 1951 : 439 (key, new geographical records); Pont, 1980 : 748 (catalogue). Type-locality: Tanzania . Distr.: South Africa , Tanzania , Liberia , Nigeria and Uganda . pilifemur Stein, 1913 : 526 ( Camptotarsus ) ; Stein, 1919 : 138 (catalogue); Malloch, 1929a : 549 (key; 3 males from Durban, Natal ); Emden, 1951 : 440 (key, new geographical records); Pont, 1980 : 748 (catalogue). Type-locality: Tanzania . Distr.: Tanzania , Kenya , South Africa , Uganda , Zaire . Recognition . ( Fig. 1 ). Dorsocentral setae 2+4; lower proepimeral seta upwards directed; prosternum bare; prealar seta absent; anepimeron bare; katepisternal setae in C. annulitarsis 0+1 and katepisternum with many cilia on disc ( Fig. 2 ); tibiae often partly creamy-white ( Fig. 3 ); male: mid leg modified ( Fig. 12 of Emden 1951 : 379), the femur (except in C. pallipes ) on apical third with an anterior notch with some strong setae on margin ( Fig. 4 ), first tarsomere curved ventrally and with some stiff setulae ( Fig. 4 ); halter pale; frons with only one pair of inclinate frontal setae, which are strong; female frons without interfrontal or proclinate orbital setae. Five species: Burundi , Kenya , Rwanda , South Africa , Tanzania , Uganda , Zaire ( Emden 1951 , Couri 2007 , modified). Notes : The genus can be easily segregated using the keys provided by Emden (1951: 379–380) and Couri (2007) for Afrotropical Muscidae genera. In the current classification of Muscidae , the genus falls in the tribe Limnophorini of the Coenosiinae . Camptotarsopoda was added to the datamatrix of the cladistic analysis of Couri & de Carvalho (2003) and a new analysis was carried out under the same parameters. The new analysis placed Camptotarsopoda within the Limnophorini based on the absence of the prealar seta, absence of calcar and the short anal vein, corroborating the position previously suggested by Stein (1913) . The medium sized ovipositor with large and developed tergites and relatively short hypandrium and cerci, the bare prosternum, the developed labellum, among other characters bring Camptotarsopoda closer to the general structure of the Limnophorini , where the derivate characters present in other genera are missing. The five species can be segregated using Emden’s key (1951).