The genus Alphocoris in the Indomalaya (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) Author Rédei, Dávid Author Tsai, Jing-Fu Author Jindra, Zdeněk text Zootaxa 2018 2018-02-21 4382 2 299 320 journal article 30693 10.11646/zootaxa.4382.2.5 92e78463-0b3c-4d79-a904-6bf6b1efc959 1175-5326 1182057 3F5277F2-9FA5-4004-8BFF-4A1627AC6C07 Alphocoris naso Rédei & Tsai , sp. nov. Figs. 7–12 , 22–24, 30–31, 37–40, 45, 47–48, 55–56, 63–64 Type material. Holotype : , “ India , Molem, Goa , \ 120 m ” [hw], “No.116. netted \ 21.II.1980 . \ leg. Topál” [hw]; mounted on card, intact ( HNHM ). Paratypes : labels as in holotype ( 1 ♀ NMNS ); “ INDIA Molem, \ Goa , 120m ” [pr], “No.116. netted \ 21.II.1980 . \ leg. Topál” [hw] ( 1 ♂ 2 ♀♀ HNHM ). Diagnosis. Similar to A . asper sp. nov. in size and habitus, but it can be distinguished from the latter species by the less coarse punctation of the dorsum ( Figs. 7, 10 ) and the straight lateral margins of the posterior third of scutellum ( Fig. 7 ). The male genitalia ( Figs. 30–31 , 37–40 , 45 , 47–48 ) and female terminalia ( Figs. 55–56 ) offer seVeral diagnostic characters for separation of the two species. Description. Colour, integument and vestiture. Ground colour of dorsum stramineous with contrasting black markings on head and with more or less distinct dark longitudinal Vittae on scutellum formed by dark punctures, dull to weakly shining; head stramineous to yellow, with black markings on anterior and lateral part of clypeus, margins of mandibular plate, submedially between eyes, postocular portion, and Ventral surface of head more or less as in A . caudatus ; antenna rather uniformly stramineous; labium stramineous, segments III and IV suffused with dark brown; pronotum, scutellum, and exposed portions of fore wings stramineous, with two pairs of more or less distinct, broad, longitudinal bands on pronotum as well as a pair of discal and a pair of marginal bands on scutellum formed by dark but not confluent punctures, punctures forming these bands are confluent and form dark patches immediately mesad and laterad of cicatrices on pronotum and bilaterally before apex of scutellum; dark punctures forming aboVe described longitudinal bands large, rather coarse, greatly confluent in male, smaller and isolated in female; paler interspaces between dark longitudinal bands more finely and sparsely punctured; midline of scutellum unpunctured and surrounded by seVeral large, coarse, black punctures at two sides ( ) or finely punctured with a few scattered larger and coarser punctures ( ); prothoracic hypomeron and thoracic pleurites apparently as in A . caudatus sp. nov. , but could not be studied in detail due to dense, tomentose pubescence; legs black, tarsi stramineous; abdominal Venter as in A . caudatus sp. nov. but dark colour surrounding punctures more extensiVe and confluent therefore median Vitta irregular and indistinct, and disk only with a few pale interspaces between punctures; outer laterotergites stramineous, broadly suffused with black mesally, inner laterotergites and mediotergites black. Dense, tomentose pubescence of dorsum was greatly rubbed off from the specimens examined but its remnants were present on all specimens dorsally and Ventrally; scape and basipedicellite nearly glabrous, distipedicellite with scattered, fine hairs, flagellum with fine, dense, adpressed to semierect pilosity. Structure. Body elongate, about 2.6 times as long as its humeral width ( , ), less strongly constricted posteriorly than in A . caudatus sp. nov. Head (Figs. 22–23) elongate subtriangular, about as wide as long, width across eyes about 1.45 ( , ) times as long as interocular distance; eyes larger than in A . caudatus sp. nov. , semiglobose, strongly protruding laterally; distance from anterior margin of eye to leVel of apex of mandibular plate measured along longitudinal axis of body about 1.65 times as long as length of eye in dorsal View; apical, protruding portion of clypeus long, about half as long as distance from anterior margin of eye to leVel of apex of mandibular plate measured along longitudinal axis of body; mandibular plates with a strong longitudinal carina laterally anteriad of Ventral margin of eye, Visible in dorsal View (Fig. 22: arrow). Labium surpassing middle or reaching bases of hind coxae. Thorax . Pronotum 1.45–1.5 times as broad as its median length; lateral margins smooth, Very slightly concaVe posteriad of leVel of calli particularly in female. Scutellum 1.45–1.5 times as long as its greatest width, posterior portion less strongly tapering than in A . caudatus sp. nov. , with conVerging lateral margins straight, distance between paired protruding terminal angles longer than width of anterior portion of clypeus, slightly surpassing apex of abdomen, terminal part angularly excised apically ( , ). Pregenital abdomen broader, less strongly tapering apically than in A . caudatus sp. nov. , Ventrite VII of male relatiVely short and broad (Fig. 24), posterolateral angles of Ventrites III–IV not produced. External male genitalia. Genital capsule ( Figs. 30–31 , 37–38 ) broadly oVal in posterior View ( Fig. 37 ), Ventral rim Very slightly conVex, nearly straight in dorsal View ( Fig. 30 ), posterior portion weakly produced ( Fig. 31 ). Paramere as in Figs. 39–40 . Phallus ( Figs. 45 , 47–48 ) with second pair of conjunctiVal processes (cp-II) subdiVided into 3+3 branches, dorsal branch ( Fig. 47 : cp-II1) membranous, relatiVely short, Ventral branches ( Figs. 45 , 47 : cp-II2, cp-II3) sclerotized, elongate, apex slightly dilated, club-like; conjunctiVal pad ( Fig. 47 : cpd) rounded around endophallic reserVoir; aedeagus ( Fig. 45 : aed) strongly dilated subapically, distalmost portion short, relatiVely broad, sclerotized. External female genitalia. Terminalia as in Figs. 55–56 . Ovipositor : dorsomesal margin of laterotergite IX obliquely truncate around postgenital abdomen; ValVifer IX with a relatiVely small, oVal median portion prolonged into a pair of short, obliquely transVerse rod-like arms terminating in a rounded tip; ValVulae VIII greatly membranous, apical lobe small, rami VIII only recognizable in their distal portion but weakly sclerotized eVen there, proximal portion completely desclerotized and indiscernible; ValVulae IX (Figs. 63: Va9) completely membranous, lacking traceable sclerotized rami; distinct, sclerotized gonangulum lacking. Inner ectodermal genital tracts (Fig. 64): gynatrium similar to the condition found in A . caudatus sp. nov. but anterolateral pouches shorter; ring sclerites could not be traced in the single examined specimen; distinct fecundation sclerite lacking, base of spermathecal duct associated with a fecundation channel traceable as a membranous fold. Spermatheca highly similar to the condition found in A . caudatus sp. nov. FIGURES 1–6. Alphocoris caudatus sp. nov. 1–3, a male paratype; 4–6, a female paratype. Dorsal (1, 4), lateral (2, 5) and ventral (3–6) views. Scale in mm. FIGURES 7–12. Alphocoris naso sp. nov. 7–9, male holotype; 10–12, a female paratype. Dorsal (7, 10), lateral (8, 11) and ventral (9–12) views. Scale in mm. Measurements (in mm; N = 2 ♂♂ / 2 ♀♀ ). Body length 7.15–7.30 / 8.25–7.90; length of head 1.72–1.75 / 1.75–1.83, width across eyes 1.72–1.78 / 1.80–1.83, interocular distance 1.18–1.20 / 1.23–1.25; lengths of scape 0.39–0.42 / 0.42–0.44: basipedicellite 0.29–0.31 / 0.29–0.31: distipedicellite 0.20–0.27 / 0.25–0.27: basiflagellum 0.39–0.44 / 0.40–0.43: distiflagellum 0.59–0.65 / 0.56–0.60; median length of pronotum 1.84–1.86 / 2.05–2.12, humeral width 2.74–2.80 / 3.05–3.12; median length of scutellum 4.12–4.16 / 4.30–4.60, greatest width 2.74–2.76 / 3.00–3.10. Etymology. The specific epithet naso is the ablatiVe singular of the Latin noun nasus ‘nose’, meaning ‘the one with the nose’ (i.e. “bignose”), referring to the anteriorly greatly protruding clypeus; to be treated as noun in apposition, ending not to be changed. Distribution. Only known from the type locality in Goa State, western coastal region of India .