A revision of the Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) dispar Kerremans species-group (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Anthaxiini) Author Bílý, Svatopluk text Zootaxa 2020 2020-09-11 4851 3 522 534 journal article 8544 10.11646/zootaxa.4851.3.4 e1eaf13c-9009-4e84-836e-91bbf7d2c81e 1175-5326 4408005 D97A5ACE-8989-464E-8842-581854B81D3B Key to the species of the Anthaxia ( H. ) dispar species-group 1- Dorsal surface asetose, body black, lustrous with intensive, green lustre; pronotal disc with rough, transverse rugae ( Fig. 12 ); inner margin of male metatibiae only very weakly emarginate preapically with very weak inner serrations ( Fig. 26 ); aedeagus ( Fig. 19 ) almost parallel-sided, elongate; 5.5–6.9 mm ; Kenya , Tanzania .......................... A. ( H. ) keniae Théry Entire dorsal surface matt with rather long, sometimes almost lanuginose, brown-red or rusty pubescence ( Figs. 2, 5 , 10 ); sculpture of pronotal disc consisting of fine, simple punctures or fine, polygonal cells with large central grains............... 2 2 – Pronotal sculpture consisting of fine, simple punctures or fine, transverse polygonal cells on disc and small, polygonal cells with central grains on lateroposterior depressions; wedge-shaped species......................................... 4 – Pronotal sculpture consisting of fine polygonal cells with large central grains; subparallel species (Figs 3,5,15).......... 3 3 - Smaller species, distal antennomeres of male (4–10) much wider than long; vertex as wide as width of eye; pronotal sculpture homogeneous, lateroposterior depressions missing ( Fig. 3 ); aedeagus ( Fig. 20 ) short, almost spindle-shaped, weakly sclerotised; 4.8 mm ; Zimbabwe ...................................................... A. ( H. ) komareki Obenberger – Larger species, distal antennomeres of male (4–10) as long as wide or longer; vertex about 0.6 times as wide as width of eye; pronotum with very fine, medial, lustrous line at posterior half, lateroposterior depressions shallow, wide ( Figs 5 , 15 ); aedeagus ( Fig. 22 ) long, almost parallel-sided at basal two thirds, well-sclerotised; 6.1–7.8 mm ; Mozambique , Zambia .......................................................................................... A . ( H .) pilifrons Kerremans 4– Blue species, elytra twice as long as wide; sculpture of pronotal disc consisting of fine, transverse, polygonal cells without central grains ( Fig. 8 ); anal ventrite of male widely truncate to shallowly emarginate; male metatibiae with sharp inner serrations ( Fig. 24 ); aedeagus ( Fig. 17 ) widely spindle-shaped, flattened; 7.5–8.6 mm ; DRC .............. A. ( H. ) caerulea sp. nov. Dark bronze or red-bronze species, elytra 1.7–1.9 times as long as wide; sculpture of pronotal disc consisting of fine, simple punctures; anal ventrite of male narrowly rounded; male metatibiae with very fine, inner serrations; aedeagus narrower.... 5 5– Pronotum 1.6–1.7 times as wide as long; elytra uneven, 1.7–1.8 times as long as wide; male metatibiae with rather sharp, inner serrations ( Fig. 25 ); parameres with large, sharp, dorsolateral projection at posterior third ( Fig. 18 ); 6.3–9.3 mm ; CAR , DRC , Kenya , Malawi , Mozambique , RSA , Rwanda , Tanzania , Uganda , Zambia , Zimbabwe .......... A. ( H. ) dispar Kerremans Pronotum 1.8–1.9 times as wide as long; elytra only very weakly uneven, 1.8–1.9 times as long as wide; male metatibiae without or with very fine, inner serrations ( Fig. 23 ) or with small group of fine teeth at anterior part of inner emargination ( Fig. 23 ); parameres without sharp, projection at posterior third or only with small, hardly visible, obtuse projection.............. 6 6 – Male metatibiae wider, flattened, without distinct, inner serrations ( Fig. 27 ); frons flat to weakly depressed; frontal pubescence denser and longer on postclypeal part of frons; aedeagus – ( Fig. 21 ); 5.7–7.8 mm ; Benin , Burkina Faso , Cameroun , Ivory Coast , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Togo ...................................................... A. ( H. ) occidentalis sp. nov. – Male metatibiae narrower with small group of fine teeth at anterior part of inner emargination ( Fig. 23 ); frons very weakly convex; frontal pubescence short, homogeneous; aedeagus – ( Fig. 16 ); 5.7 mm ; Ethiopia ....... A. ( H. ) aethiopica sp. nov.