The bees of the genus Colletes Latreille 1802 of the European part of Russia, with keys to species (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Colletidae) Author Kuhlmann, Michael Author Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu. text Zootaxa 2014 3878 3 201 247 journal article 42330 10.11646/zootaxa.3878.3.1 19d1b4f4-b24c-444b-823e-b179f8448302 1175-5326 252296 27946DDF-5C41-43BD-988E-BF576FE85CDB Colletes nigricans species-group C. eous Morice : Figs 8a –b Colletes hylaeiformis species-group C. hylaeiformis Eversmann : Figs 8 c–d Colletes mixtus species-group C. kozlovi Friese 1913 : Figs 8 e–f Colletes roborovskyi species-group C. roborovskyi Friese 1913 : Figs 12 e–f Colletes uralensis species-group C. uralensis Noskiewicz 1936 : Figs 14 e–f Colletes fodiens species-group C. daviesanus Smith 1846 : Figs 11a –b C. fodiens ( Fourcroy 1785 ) : Figs 11 c–d C. similis Schenck 1853 : Figs 11 e–f C. tuberculatus Morawitz : Figs 12 c–d Colletes senilis species-group C. hakkari Kuhlmann 2002 : Figs 14a –b C. laevifrons Morawitz 1893 : Figs 13a –b C. senilis ( Eversmann 1852 ) : Figs 13 e–f C. subnitens Noskiewicz 1936 : Figs 14 c–d Colletes clypearis species-group C. floralis Eversmann 1852 : Figs 15a –b C. impunctatus Nylander 1852 : Figs 15 e–f C. sidemii Radoszkowski 1891 : Figs 16a –b C. warnckei Kuhlmann 2002 : Figs 15 c–d Colletes marginatus species-group C. chengtehensis Yasumatsu : Figs 16 c–d. This species is very similar to C. marginatus but S7 is apically narrower, punctation on T1 is slightly finer and apical tergal hair bands are a bit broader than in C. marginatus . C. marginatus Smith : Figs 16 e–f. See C. chengtehensis . Females In some species groups it can be difficult to reliably identify the females without a reference collection. This especially applies to worn specimens where the pilosity is partly or entirely rubbed off. 1 Metanotum medially raised and conspicuously convex, with an apical drop almost overhanging the horizontal part of propo- deum ( Fig. 6 c)...................................................................................... 2 - Metanotum even or only slightly convex, in about the same level as the horizontal part of propodeum.................. 3 2 Head conspicuously elongate, malar area more than twice as long than width of base of mandible ( Fig. 28 c); T1-2 as in Fig. 28 d................................................................................... C. nasutus Smith - Head not elongate, malar area shorter than width of base of mandible; T1-2 as in Fig. 28 b; head as in Fig. 28a ............................................................................................ C. albomaculatus (Lucas) 3 Facial fovea broad, about 3-4 times as wide as width of antennal flagellum ( Fig. 5a ); metasomal terga without distinct apical hair bands ( Fig. 27 f); large species ( 11–15 mm ); head as in Fig. 27 e........................ C. cunicularius (Linnaeus) - Facial fovea narrow, sometimes up to about twice as wide ( Fig. 5 b) but usually only as wide as antennal flagellum or narrower; metasomal terga with apical bands or at least apicolateral hair patches; species usually smaller....................... 4 4 Pronotal edge with a very long and broad spine ( Fig. 6 d); T1-2 as in Fig. 28 f; head as in Fig. 28 e...... C. wacki Kuhlmann - Pronotal edge either without or just with a very short and thin spine............................................ 5 5 Propodeum laterally densely covered with short appressed hairs that at least partly hide the sculpture of integument ( Fig. 5 c); in some species only the lower part of the area is covered ( Fig. 5 d)............................................. 6 - Propodeum laterally mostly covered with sparse long erect hairs, sometimes with a few single short appressed hairs, integu- mental sculpture completely visible ( Fig. 5 e)............................................................... 13 6 Disc of scutum polished, without punctures or punctures dispersed (i >> d) and often small ( Fig. 19 e)................. 7 - Disc of scutum with dense and coarse punctation (i ≤ d) ( Fig. 6a ).............................................. 9 7 Malar area elongate, about as long as width of base of mandible ( Fig. 7 b); pilosity and puncation of T1 and T2 as in Fig. 27 d and sculpture of clypeus as in Fig. 27 c................................................. C. uralensis Noskiewicz - Malar area much shorter, less than ¼ as long as width of base of mandible........................................ 8 8 T1 medially without short appressed hairs ( Fig. 19 f); smaller (Bl = 7–9 mm ).......................... C. kozlovi Friese - T1 almost completely covered with short appressed hairs ( Fig. 27 b); sculpture of clypeus as in Fig. 27a ; larger (Bl = 9–11 mm )................................................................................... C. roborovskyi Friese 9 Apical tergal hair bands consisting of scale-like short and thick hairs ( Fig. 19 d); head as in Fig. 19 c.................................................................................................... C. hylaeiformis Eversmann - Apical tergal hair bands consisting of longer and more slender hairs............................................ 10 10 Anterior curvature of T1 laterally mostly covered with erect hairs, tergal sculpture visible ( Fig. 19 b); head as in Fig. 19a ............................................................................................ C. eous Morice - Anterior curvature of T1 at least laterally densely covered with appressed hairs hiding the tergal sculpture ( Figs 20a –b, e–f)................................................................................................... 11 11 Disc of T1 more sparsely punctate; apical tergal hair band of T2 slightly narrower ( Fig. 20 b)........ C. caspicus Morawitz - Punctation on disc of T1 variable but always more densely punctate; apical tergal hair band of T2 slightly broader ( Figs 20a , e–f).............................................................................................. 12 12 Punctation of T1 very fine and dense ( Fig. 20a )......................................... C. anceps Radoszkowski - Punctation of T1 variable but always slightly or distinctly coarser ( Figs 20 e–f); head as in Figs 20 c–d...................................................................................................... C. maidli Noskiewicz 13 Vertex behind eyes sharply edged ( Fig. 7 c)................................................................ 14 - Vertex behind eyes rounded............................................................................ 15 The females of the following two species are very similar and difficult to differentiate due to the variability of C. chengtehensis . 14 Apical tergal hair band of T2 narrower and punctation on discs of T1 and T2 slightly coarser ( Fig. 26 b); pilosity of head slightly darker and thinner ( Fig. 26a )...................................................... C. marginatus Smith - Apical tergal hair band of T2 broader and punctation on discs of T1 and T2 slightly finer ( Fig. 26 d–e); pilosity of head slightly paler and thicker ( Fig. 26 c), pilosity of metasomal terga variable ( Figs 26 d–e)............... C. chengtehensis Yasumatsu 15 Clypeus laterally with conspicuous long diagonal wrinkles ( Fig. 23 c, sometime less distinct or hodden under pilosity); punctation and pilosity of T1 and T2 as in Fig. 23 d...................................... C. mlokossewiczi Radoszkowski - Clypeus without or with more or less vertical wrinkles; punctation and pilosity of T1 and T2 different................ 16 16 Posterior margin of T1 translucent orange to brown ( Figs 22 b, 25d, f)........................................... 17 - Posterior margin of T1 opaque dark brown to black.......................................................... 19 17 Punctation on disc of T1 coarser and extremely dense, integument between punctures dull ( Fig. 22 b); head as in Fig. 22a ....................................................................................... C. fodiens (Fourcroy) - Punctures on disc of T1 finer and more sparse, integument between punctures polished and shiny ( Figs 25 d, f)......... 18 18 Apical hair band of T2 medially narrow, punctation on disc of T1 more dispersed ( Fig. 25 f)............. C. collaris Dours - Apical hair band of T2 medially broad, punctation on disc of T1 denser ( Fig. 25 d); head as in Fig. 25 c.................................................................................................... C. succinctus (Linnaeus) 19 Head broadly oval-shaped, much broader than wide ( Figs 4 b, 22e, 23a, e)....................................... 20 - Head of different shape, if broader than long than less distinct................................................. 23 20 Apical 2/3 of scutellum completely and conspicuously flat, surface in the same level as metanotum ( Fig. 6 b); head as in Fig. 22 e; punctation and pilosity of T1 and T2 as in Fig. 22 f...................................... C. hakkari Kuhlmann - Scutellum more evenly rounded, medially above level of metanotum; head ( Figs 4 b, 23a, e) and punctation and pilosity of T1 and T2 different ( Figs 4 d, 23b, f)........................................................................ 21 21 Punctation on disc of T1 sparse (i> 1.5d), punctures small and often irregularly formed, integument between punctures smooth and shiny ( Fig. 23 b); head as in Fig. 23a ................................................. C. laevifrons Morawitz - Punctation on disc of T1 more dense (i <1.5d), punctures mostly large and regular ( Figs 4 d, 23f)..................... 22 22 Punctation of T1 slightly more dispersed ( Fig. 4 d); apical clypeal grooves relatively small ( Fig. 4 b)...................................................................................................... C. subnitens Noskiewicz - Punctation of T1 a bit more dense ( Fig. 23 f); apical clypeal grooves larger ( Fig. 23 e)............. C. senilis (Eversmann) 23 Malar area much shorter than 1/2 width of the base of mandible; head distinctly broader than long, more oval shaped ( Figs 21a , c, e, 22c).......................................................................................... 24 - Malar area about 1/2 as long as width of base of mandible; head longer, not oval-shaped ( Figs 24a , c, e, 25a).......... 27 24 Disc of T1 without hairs, very densely and coarsely punctate (i << d) ( Fig. 22 d); head as in Fig. 22 c..... C. similis Schenck - Disc of T1 at least basally with long, erect hairs, more sparsely punctate (i = 0.5–1d) ( Figs 21 b, d, f)................. 25 Due to intraspecific variation the differentiation of these species can be difficult without reference specimens. 25 Punctures on apical margin of T1 much smaller than on disc but punctation on apical margin much more dense ( Figs 21 f); head as in Fig. 21 e.................................................................... C. tuberculatus Morawitz - Punctures on apical margin of T1 much smaller than on disc but density of punctures about the same or only slightly higher ( Figs 21 b, d)....................................................................................... 26 26 Punctation on disc of T1 more dispersed; long and erect hairs occur on the disc and often up to the apical depression of T1 ( Fig. 21 b); head as in Fig. 21a ............................................................ C. daviesanus Smith - Punctation on disc of T1 more dense; long and erect hairs usually occur only on the anterior half of T1 ( Fig. 21 d); head as in Fig. 21 c........................................................................ C. inexpectatus Noskiewicz 27 Punctation on disc of T1 sparse (i> 1.5d) ( Figs 24 d, f)....................................................... 28 - Punctation on disc of T1 dense (i <1.5d) ( Figs 24 b, 25b).................................................... 29 28 Terga with apical hair bands reduced to small lateral patches and without basal hair patches ( Fig. 24 d); head as in Fig. 24 c.................................................................................... C. impunctatus Nylander - Terga with well developed apical hair bands and basal hair patches ( Fig. 24 f); head as in Fig. 24 e … C. warnckei Kuhlmann 29 Scutal disc with numerous black hairs, often abundantly covering the central part of scutum; T1-2 as in Fig. 24 b; head as in Fig. 24a ............................................................................ C. floralis Eversmann - Disc of scutum either without or rarely with very few isolated black hairs; T1-2 as in Fig. 25 b; head as in Fig. 25a .......................................................................................... C. sidemii Radoszkowski