Taxonomic and nomenclatorial revision within the Neotropical genera of the subtribe Odontocheilina W. Horn in a new sense- 21. Pentacomia paranigrimarginata sp. nov. and P. nigrimarginata Huber with revised key to Pentacomia species (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae)
Moravec, Jiří
Brzoska, David
journal article
Pentacomia paranigrimarginata
sp. nov.
Figs 1–11
El Torno
Rio Piray
, department of
Santa Cruz
Type material
, later in
, labelled: “
Santa Cruz
El Torno – Rio Piray
D. Brzoska
” [printed] // “
/ paranigrimarginata
sp. nov.
/ det.
J. Moravec
D. Brzoska
” [red, printed]
with same label data and: “
/ paranigrimar- ginata sp. nov. / det.
J. Moravec
D. Brzoska
” [red, printed]
Differential diagnosis
. The new species differs from somewhat similar
P. nigrimarginata
by the following characters: antennomeres in both sexes much shorter with markedly dilated last three antennomeres (
Figs 11–12
), particularly antennomeres 10–11 of which the terminal antennomere is distinctly dilated in male (in contrast to much more elongate and narrower antennomeres in
P. nigrimarginata
Figs 13–14
); scape with apical and at least two discal setae (in contrast to only apical seta in
P. nigrimarginata
); dorsal pronotal surface (
Figs 9–10
) covered with numerous whitish semi-decumbent setae, particularly on pronotal disc (in contrast to scattered, sometimes only indistinct setae on only lateral margins of the pronotal disc (
Fig. 22
) in
P. nigrimarginata
); elytra (
Figs 7–8
) with triangular lateromedian whitish macula prolonged along the lateral margin posteriad and somewhat dilated there (in contrast to simple, triangular lateromedian macula in
P. nigrimarginata
Figs 23–24
). Moreover, the bronze-cupreous elytral surface of
P. paranigrimarginata
sp. nov.
possesses on the elytral disc a conspicuous, narrow, longitudinal shiny stripe formed by raised intervals of coarse punctures, running posteriad of discal impression towards a smaller postdiscal impression.
P. vallicola
Huber, 1999
, which is partly sympatric with this new species also possesses setae on its pronotum, but they are sparse and only on lateral and anterior pronotal areas (setae mostly indistinct and easily abraded). Moreover,
P. vallicola
is immediately distinguished by its very different (so called complete) pattern of its whitish elytral maculation (
Fig. 30
), much longer, tridentate anteromedian lobe of the labrum in both sexes, darker and longer antennae lacking any comparable dilatation of the last two antennomeres, pronotal disc with less convex to subparallel lateral margins, and notably larger,
9.30–10.1 mm
long body.
Other species of the genus have their pronotal dorsal surface glabrous
for their distinguishing characters see the key to
species below.
The two existing species of the genus
Moravec, 2012
also have setae on the pronotum, but this genus is immediately distinguished from
by its sexually dimorphic protarsi. Moreover, both
Brzoskaicheila hispidula
(Bates, 1872)
B. crassisculpta
Moravec, 2012
have their whole elytral surface densely covered with erect, rather long and mostly stiff setae (see the illustrations by
Moravec 2012b
). Apart from the setal vesture which represents a unique character within the Odontocheilina genera, the hooked aedeagus apex in both
species differs from the elongate, rounded aedeagus apex in all species of
(as in
Figs 6
Pentacomia paranigrimarginata
sp. nov.
, Bolivia, Rio Piray. 1—habitus, ♂, HT (DBCN, later in UASC); 2– 3—labrum: 2—♂, HT; 3—♀, AT (DBCN); 4–5—head: 4—♂, HT; 5—♀, AT; 6—♂, apical half of aedeagus, HT; 7–8—elytron: 7—♂, HT; 8—♀, AT; 9–10—pronotum: 9—♂, HT; 10—♀, AT. Bars = 1 mm.
FIGURES 11–24.
Two species of
. 11–12—
sp. nov.
, Bolivia, Rio Piray, antennomeres 7
: 11—♂, HT (DBCN, later in UASC); 12—♀, AT (DBCN). 13–24—
P. nigrimarginata
, Bolivia, Villa Tunari. 13–14— antennomeres 7
: 13—♂, PT (CCJM); 14—♀, PT (CCJM); 15–16—habitus: 15—♂, PT (DBCN); 16—♂ (CCJM); 17– 18—labrum: 17—♂, PT (DBCN); 18—♀, PT (DBCN); 19—head, ♂, PT (DBCN); 20—aedeagus, ♂, PT (DBCN); 21—ditto, internal sac; 22—pronotum, ♂, PT (DBCN); 23–24—elytron: 23—♂, PT (DBCN); 24—♀, PT (DBCN). Bars = 1 mm.
. Body (
Fig. 1
) small but rather robust, male
8.60 mm
2.60 mm
wide; female allo- type
9.30 mm
3.10 mm
wide; setal vesture whitish.
Head (
Figs 4–5
) wide with bulged eyes, but narrower than elytra,
2.45–2.60 mm
wide, glabrous (except for usual two, easily abraded juxtaorbital setae (on either side), almost uniformly bronze-cupreous.
Frons moderately convex in middle when sloping towards clearly separated clypeus, very finely irregularly striate-rugulose, on either side with a few, deep longitudinal rugae adjacent to triangular supraantennal plates which are smooth with shiny-green, slightly raised apices forming indistinct lateral edges; posteromedian area passing to vertex over blunt frons-vertex fold finely vermicular to wavy-rugulose, wavy rugae mostly transverse, passing to vertex.
Vertex almost flat in middle, in female with rather deep anteromedian impression and small central bulge, ante- rior area with wavy, mostly transverse rugae (sculpture passing from vertex) then very irregularly and rather coarsely very irregularly vermicular-rugulose, rugae on median and juxtaorbital areas with only few and indistinct strialike parallel rugae diverging on posterolateral areas when passing on temples; posteromedian area with obliquely running vermicular rugae (more dense, wavy and continuous in male, coarser and more irregular and fragmented in female); occipital area rather coarsely and irregularly wavy to vermicular-rugulose, rugae often fragmented.
Genae bronze metallic with faint reddish lustre and green lustre on their anterior area, predominantly smooth and shiny with only few very fine wrinkles on postgenal and anterior areas.
Clypeus dark coppery, with faint, bright bronze-cupreous lustre and indistinct green iridescence, irregularly wrinkled.
Labrum 4-setose, sexually dimorphic, ivory-yellow in male, ochre-yellow in female; male labrum (
Fig. 2
) rather short,
0.80 mm
1.30 mm
wide, with blunt to right-angled basolateral teeth, then moderately conically prolonged anteriad towards large but rounded anterolateral teeth which are almost in the same level with rounded lateral margins of anteromedian lobe which is on either side separated by narrow deep notches, and its anterior margin forms only indistinct, blunt median tooth; female labrum (
Fig. 3
) much longer, length
1.20 mm
, width
1.30 mm
, its tridentate median lobe with subacute teeth notably longer and with projecting median tooth.
Mandibles (
Figs 4–5
) normally shaped with arcuate lateral margins, subsymmetrical, each mandible with four teeth (and basal molar), the three inner teeth becoming gradually smaller towards the basal molar (more distinctly so in right mandible), ivory to ochre, teeth brown-darkened with black apices.
Palpi (
Figs 4–5
) normally shaped, maxillary palpi with elongate, only gradually dilated terminal palpomere, ivory to ochre-yellow, terminal palpomere in female brownish-testaceous, in both sexes with brown-darkened apex, in female also penultimate palpomere somewhat darkened; labial palpi ivory yellow, terminal palpomeres brown at their tips; penultimate (longest) palpomere of labial palpi elongate with almost parallel lateral margins, only slightly dilated towards apex.
Antennae (
Figs 1, 4–5
) comparatively short, reaching only elytral quarter; antennomeres 1–5 ochre-yel- low, 6–11 gradually blackened; scape with one apical seta and at least two, easily abraded discal setae; antenno- meres 6–11 notably shortened, particularly antennomeres 10-11 which are notably dilated, more distinctly in male of which the terminal antennomere is extremely foliage-like dilated (
Fig. 11
Thorax. Pronotum (
Figs 9–10
) slightly longer than wide, length
1.55–1.65 mm
, width
1.25–1.45 mm
; sulci well pronounced; anterior sulcus shallower; anterior lobe with anterior margin rather distinctly convex anteriad, in male as wide as posterior lobe, in female notably wider than the posterior lobe; surface of anterior lobe covered with rather coarse, wavy to vermicular rugae and up to 15 mostly decumbent setae; disc with distinctly convex lateral margins (including outer proepisternal margins) distinctly subglobose, in male distinctly convex also on dorsal area, which is in female with shallow, sublateral longitudinal impressions forming a longitudinal bulge along indistinct medial line; notopleural sutures thin but in dorsal view clearly obvious, less convex than the dorsally visible outer margins of the proepisterna and well distant from them; discal surface rather coarsely but densely rugulose; rugae irregularly vermicular or wavy and short, becoming almost parallel when converging towards the median line, forming on anterior area an ornament of almost rhomboidal appearance consisting of short, irregularly converging rugae; rugae towards notopleural sutures become irregularly transverse and short; whole discal surface covered with mostly decumbent setae; posterior lobe covered with coarse, wavy to vermicular rugae, very irregular in male, some of them more continuous and transverse in female and in both sexes with several setae; proepisterna smooth and shiny, black with gold-bronze lustre, glabrous except for a few setae on ventral margin adjacent to prosternum; mesepisterna smooth and glabrous, metallic cupreous, female mesepisternal coupling sulci indistinct, lacking any pit, in form of a longitudinal furrow which is almost undistinguishable from that in male; metepisterna of the same coloration, but with few, easily abraded short setae at the area adjacent to metepimeron; prosternum shiny metallic coppery coriaceous, glabrous except for few setae; mesosternum almost smooth and glabrous; metasternum metal- lic-black and glabrous in middle, while wide lateral areas are coppery and distinctly punctate-setose; setae rather long, some of them present also on anterior area.
Elytra (
Figs 7–8
) elongate, length 5.00–
5.50 mm
, with rounded humeri, lateral margins at posterior half slightly dilated (more distinctly in female), anteapical angles arcuate, then obliquely running towards apices which are in male almost acute (including short but distinct sutural spine), in female subacute, indistinctly rounded towards very small sutural spine; microserrulation indistinct, very irregular, partly absent; dorsal elytral surface markedly uneven due to several impressions: humeral impressions moderate, discal impression deep, clearly delineating distinct basodiscal convexity (which is in female notably bulged on sublateral areas); another bulged area before the middle of the elytral disc, formed anteriorly by the deep discal impression and posteriorly by another smaller but deep postdiscal impression placed mesad of anteromedian white macula, giving a raise of additional convexity on the area of elytral disc partly including whitish discal macula, and delineated posteriorly by additional shallower impression which together with deep apical impression form central-anteapical bulged area (all these impressions and bulges are much more distinct in female); whole elytral surface rather distinctly punctate, punctures mostly isolated, largest punc- tures only occasionally irregularly anastomosing; punctures mostly isodiametric, rather deep with narrow intervals which in greater parts form a punctate-reticulate sculpture; punctures largest within the impressions, particularly large and with black shiny intervals within the discal and postdiscal impressions, and with a conspicuous, narrow, longitudinal, partly shiny black stripe formed by raised intervals of coarse punctures, running posteriad of discal impression towards a smaller postdiscal impression; more irregular and anastomosing punctures present on juxtasu- tural-discal area and on posterior elytral half towards apical area which possesses very irregular and coarse sculpture (the appearance of the elytral sculpture changes depending on angle of illumination); elytral surface glabrous except for usual, mostly indistinct several hairlike sensory setae scattered mostly on anterior area and at epipleuron and few others scattered along the margin of the elytral apex; elytral coloration rather vividly and almost uniformly bronzecupreous (except for the narrow, longitudinal blackened discal area); whitish elytral maculation consisting of three maculae: subhumeral rounded macula clearly isolated from outer elytral margin; triangular lateromedian whitish macula prolonged along the lateral margin posteriad in form of longitudinal band somewhat dilated posteriorly, and with postero-mesad directed protrusion, but isolated from small, rounded discal macula; anteapical macula wide and somewhat elongate along outer anteapical margin, but markedly distant from elytral apex.
Legs. Procoxae and mesocoxae ochre-testaceous to brownish with wide tawny margins, rather densely whitish setose; metacoxae deep metallic green-blue with strong cupreous, and gold-bronze lustre and testaceous apex, densely punctate-setose on lateral areas and several discal setae; trochanters ochre-yellow, smooth, except for usual apical seta at the apices of pro- and mesotrochanters; femora in male dark brownish-testaceous except for blackened apices, somewhat paler in female, surface rather densely covered with rows of mediocre-long and longer, erect and semierect whitish setae; tibiae concolorous with femora, tibial surface covered with scattered, much stiffer, semierect setae; apical-ventral area of protibiae and mesotibiae covered with dense whitish to greyish setose pad; tarsi with tarsomeres brownish testaceous with blackened apices, in both sexes uniformly shaped, only slightly narrower in female; first four protarsomeres as in all other
species uniform in both sexes and with slightly subclavate apices; inner lateral margins of protarsomeres rather sparsely covered with short and long, white and testaceous setae, while discal (dorsal) surface of the tarsomeres is almost glabrous with only few white setae; claws almost black.
Abdomen. Ventrites dark metallic black-blue with faint cupreous, gold-bronze and greenish lustre, apical pleu- rite brownish; surface of ventrites covered with scattered, barely visible microsetae, and a few usual hairlike sensory setae at posterior margins.
Aedeagus (
Fig. 6
) with rather straight basomedian-ventral margin; apical half conically attenuated and moder- ately ventrally directed towards narrow, rounded apex; internal sac was not examined in order to avoid a damage of the only existing male
Distribution and biology
. Known only from the
locality in the Bolivian department of
Santa Cruz
. The town of Santiago El Torno (
) on the northern bank of the Piray River is situated
36 km
southwest of
Santa Cruz de la Sierra
which lies on the same river in the Bolivian part of the Amazon Basin.
The new species is partly sympatric there with
P. vallicola
. The adults were taken by the second author on clay banks near the river, particularly in shady areas.
. Derived from the ancient Greek prefix παρά (
) (= next to, nearby) and the species-group name
, referring to the similarity of this new species with
Pentacomia nigrimarginata
Huber, 1999
. Among a great number of tiger beetles, including
P. vallicola
, found in the
locality by several researchers, only the two
specimens of the new species exist. No other specimens of this obviously rare species were found in relevant museum, university and private collections.