Taxonomic studies of Diospyros (Ebenaceae) from the Malagasy region. V. Synoptic revision of the Bernieriana group in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands Author Schatz, George E. Author Lowry Ii, Porter P. Author Phillipson, Peter B. text Candollea 2020 2020-10-29 75 2 203 218 journal article 20585 10.15553/c2020v752a5 578cdd61-88f5-4677-a128-6c5ab7e37fe3 2235-3658 5724867 7. Diospyros torquata H. Perrier in Mém. Inst. Sci. Madagascar , Sér. B, Biol. Vég. 4: 112. 1952. Lectotypus (designated by SCHATZ & LOWRY, 2011: 280): MADAGASCAR . Reg. Boeny [Prov. Mahajanga ]: baie d’Amboanio , près de Majunga , II.1911 , fr., Perrier de la Bâthie 1823 ( P [ P00573702 ]!) . = Diospyros torquata var. mabaoides H. Perrier in Mém. Inst. Sci Madag., sér. B, 4: 112 (1952). Lectotypus (designated by SCHATZ & LOWRY, 2011: 280): MADAGASCAR . Reg. Boeny [Prov. Mahajanga ]: près de la mer, Majunga , I.1929 , fl., fr., Perrier de la Bâthie 13468 ( P [ P00573703 ]!; isolecto-: P [ P00573704 , P00573705 ]!). Distribution and ecology . – Diospyros torquata is distributed in dry deciduous forest on sand from Boriziny south to the Kirindy forest north of Morondava ( MADAGASCAR CATALOGUE, 2020 ), at an elevation of 0– 242 m . Vernacular names. – “Hazomalandy” ( Ramananjanahary 52 ); “Hazomintina” ( Service Forestier 34798 ); “Kehazalahy” ( Service Forestier 19040 ). Conservation status . – Diospyros torquata has a geographic range in the form of an EOO of 74,659 km ² and a minimum AOO of 60 km ². It is present in the Ankarafantsika National Park. At other localities, it is threatened by fire, forest clearing for agriculture, grazing, and exploitation for firewood and construction material, all of which are projected to result in continuing decline. With respect to the principal threat of forest clearing for agriculture, it exists at fourteen locations. Diospyros torquata can therefore be assessed for its risk of extinction as “Near Threatened” [NT], as it nearly qualifies for “Vulnerable” under criterion B2 ( IUCN, 2012 ). Notes . – Diospyros torquata can be distinguished from other members of the Bernieriana group by its flat lamina and fruit completely enclosed within the accrescent calyx ( Fig. 6C ), the portion extending above the fruit tubular to narrowly conical and unlobed. The var. mabaoides was described to accommodate 6-locular fruit, which nevertheless exhibited a 4-merous corolla, variation that PERRIER DE LA BÂTHIE (1952b) had observed within the population at the baie d’Amboanio, the type locality of D. torquata . The type collection of Diospyros torquata was incorrectly cited in the protologue as Perrier de la Bâthie 1923 ( PERRIER DE LA BÂTHIE, 1952a ). Additional material examined . – MADAGASCAR . Reg. Betsiboka [Prov. Mahajanga ]: Tsinainaondry , près Antaliha , 12.II.1958 , fr., Service Forestier 19040 ( P [2 sheets]). Reg. Boeny [Prov. Mahajanga ]: Ambatoboeny , Tsaramandroso , 18.IV.2007 , fr., Miandrimanana et al. 100 ( MO , P , TAN ) ; Ankarafantsika AP, 25.II.2019 , ster., Randrianaivo & Rakotovao 3347 ( DBEV , MO , P , TAN , ZT ) ; ibid. loco , 4.IV.1933 , fr., Service Forestier 55 ( P ) ; ibid. loco , 30.III.1952 , fr., Service Forestier 5485 ( P , TEF ) ; Antsanitia , 7.I.2000 , fr., Rakotonasolo 130 ( K , P , TAN ) ; Benetsy , 1965 , ster., Service Forestier 24274 ( G , MO , P , TEF ) ; Mahajanga , 24.XI.1965 , fr., Service Forestier 24303 ( P [3 sheets], TEF ) ; ibid. loco , 24.XI.1965 , fl., Service Forestier 24298 ( MO , P [2 sheets]) ; ibid. loco , 25.II.2019 , ster., Randrianaivo & Rakotovao 3348 ( DBEV , MO , P , TAN , ZT ) ; Tsimaloto , Marovoay , 18.II.1997 , Service Forestier 34798 ( TEF ) ; Vallée du Menavava , XII.1905 , fr., Perrier de la Bâthie 8777 ( P [2 sheets]). Reg. Melaky [Prov. Mahajanga ]: Ankiloty , 22.II.1957 , fr., Service Forestier 16713 ( MO , P , TEF ) ; Beanka , 17.III.2012 , fr., Hanitrarivo et al. 356 ( G , MO , P ). Reg. Menabe [Prov. Toliara ]: Kirindy Forest , 13.II.2010 , fr., Phillipson et al. 6146 ( G , K , MO , P , TAN ). Reg. Sofia [Prov. Mahajanga ]: S de Boriziny , 16.XI.2004 , fr., Ramananjanahary 52 ( MO , P , TEF ).