Four new species, taxonomic, and nomenclatural notes in Hammatoderus Gemminger & Harold, 1873 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
Botero, Juan Pablo
Santos-Silva, Antonio
journal article
Hammatoderus juliae
sp. nov.
Figs. 1–5
. Integument dark-brown; labrum and parts of mandibles blackish.
. Frons minutely, densely punctate, interspersed with fine, shallow, sparse punctures; with short, decumbent, abundant, yellowish-brown setae (not obscuring integument, except close to eyes and area closer to antennal tubercles), interspersed with short, decumbent, white setae. Area between antennal tubercles and upper eye lobes with short, abundant, decumbent light yellowish-brown setae interspersed with short, decumbent, white setae (setae obscuring integument, mainly between upper eye lobes), except smooth narrow band along coronal suture (this band enlarged toward anterior margin of upper eye lobes). Remaining surface of vertex with sculpture as on frons; with short, abundant, decumbent, yellowish-brown setae (lighter close to eyes) interspersed with decumbent, white setae (obscuring integument close to eyes, sparser toward prothoracic margin). Tempora with sculpture as on frons; with short, decumbent, yellowish-brown setae interspersed with decumbent, white setae (setae slightly longer, lighter, denser close to eye); with some long, erect, brown setae close to upper eye lobes. Antennal tubercles minutely, densely punctate; with decumbent, abundant, yellowish-brown setae, interspersed with short, decumbent, white setae (not obscuring integument), denser close to apex on anterior region, sparser close to apex toward upper eye lobe. Coronal suture distinct from clypeus to anterior margin of prothorax. Genae slightly shorter than width of lower eye lobe; minutely, densely punctate (punctures sparser toward apex), except sub-smooth area close to eye; with abundant, decumbent, yellowish-brown setae interspersed with short, decumbent white setae (not obscuring integument; sparser toward apex), glabrous on sub-smooth area. Basal 2/3 of gulamentum smooth, glabrous toward prothoracic margin (except some transverse, fine sulci near punctate region); distal third elevated, minutely, densely punctate, with short, decumbent, abundant yellowish-brown interspersed with some long, erect, brown setae. Postclypeus minutely, densely punctate; with short, decumbent, abundant yellowish-brown setae (not obscuring integument), interspersed with short, decumbent, white setae and long, erect, thick, brown setae. Labrum coplanar with anteclypeus on basal half, distinctly sloped on distal half; minutely, densely punctate, interspersed with fine punctures; basal half with short, decumbent, sparse, yellowish-brown setae interspersed with long, erect, thick setae (thicker, longer, partially brown laterally); distal half with sculpture as on basal half, with long, erect yellowish-brown setae (somewhat denser centrally). Distance between upper eye lobes 0.25 times length of scape; distance between lower eye lobes in frontal view 0.65 times length of scape. Antennae 2.1 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at basal third of antennomere VII; scape with short, decumbent, abundant, yellowish-brown setae interspersed with decumbent, white setae and short, erect, thick, brown setae (more abundant ventrally); antennomere III with short, decumbent, abundant, yellowish-brown setae interspersed with, short, decumbent white setae (gradually sparser toward apex), with short, erect, thick, abundant, brown setae ventrally; antennomeres IV–X with decumbent, abundant, minute, yellowish-brown setae, lighter on apex and base; antennomeres IV–VI with erect, thick, brown setae ventrally (sparser from IV to VI); antennal formula (ratio) based on antennomere III: scape = 0.65; pedicel = 0.16; IV = 0.87; V = 0.73; VI = 0.69; VII = 0.65; VIII = 0.59; IX = 0.56; X = 0.50; XI = 0.67.
. Prothorax with large, conical median lateral tubercle curved upward and slightly backward, with blunt apex, length equal to distance between upper eye lobes. Pronotum with two transverse sulci, basalmost substraight, not reaching lateral of prothorax, distalmost distinctly curved centrally, reaching lateral of prothorax; with three distinct gibbosities, one at each side of anterior half, between distal sulcus and base of lateral tubercle, another centrally, between basal and distal sulci; with minute, shiny, sparse tubercles on each side of central gibbosity; somewhat rugose between sulci; surface opaque, minutely, densely punctate, except shiny parts of gibbosities; with short, decumbent, abundant yellowish-brown setae (not obscuring integument, distinctly sparser on anterolateral gibbosities), denser laterally between base and lateral tubercle, slightly denser centrally on basal half, interspersed with decumbent, white setae; on each side of basal half with longitudinal, narrow band with dense, yellowish-white setae. Sides of prothorax with sculpture and setae as on central area of pronotum. Prosternum minutely, densely punctate, more striate-punctate near anterior sulci; with decumbent, abundant, yellowish-brown setae interspersed with decumbent, white setae; with some long, erect, brown setae on and behind lateral tubercle. Prosternal process with sub-erect, abundant, yellowish-brown and white setae. Mesosternum uniformly sloped; with moderately short, sub-decumbent, yellowish-white setae interspersed with decumbent, yellowish-brown setae, shorter, more yellowish-brown laterally. Mesosternal process without tubercle. Mesepisternum, mesepimeron, metepisternum and metasternum with decumbent, yellowish-brown setae interspersed with decumbent, white setae (partially obscuring integument). Scutellum minutely, densely punctate; with decumbent, yellowish-brown setae, denser laterally, centrally interspersed with decumbent, white setae.
. Basal sixth distinctly granulose, gradually less distinct toward apex; opaque, except shiny basal granules; minutely, densely punctate interspersed with fine, sparse punctures; with decumbent, abundant, brownish setae, interspersed with decumbent, white setae; with spots of dense, yellowish-brown setae: small, irregular on basal quarter, except moderately large, irregular spot near suture; sloped, irregular, large spot on each side of apex of basal third, not reaching lateral margin, and small, rounded spots; large, irregular spot about base of distal third, between suture and lateral curvature, another moderately large, irregular spot after the former, placed more laterally, and small, irregular, sparse spots; moderately large, irregular spot on center of distal sixth, and small, rounded, sparse spots. Apex with triangular, distinct projection, almost accompanying suture.
. Femora with abundant, decumbent, yellowish-brown setae interspersed with decumbent, white setae (not obscuring integument). Protibiae with decumbent, abundant, yellowish-brown setae interspersed with decumbent, white setae (except ventrally) and short, moderately thick, erect, dark setae (yellowish-brown setae distinctly more abundant on sulcus). Meso- and metatibiae with short, decumbent, yellowish-brown interspersed with short, decumbent, white setae and short, moderately thick, erect, dark setae (setae slightly more yellowish on dorsal sulcus of mesotibia).
Hammatoderus juliae
sp. nov.
, holotype male:
, dorsal view;
, ventral view;
, lateral view;
, genitalia, ventral view;
, genitalia, lateral view.
. Ventrites minutely, abundantly punctate with short, decumbent, abundant yellowish-brown setae (almost obscuring integument) interspersed with short, decumbent, white setae and sparse, erect setae, except smooth, glabrous, narrow area at apex of ventrites II–IV; distal margin of ventrite V concave.
. Total length, 24.8; prothoracic length, 3.6; anterior prothoracic width, 4.1; posterior prothoracic width, 4.6; widest prothoracic width (between apices of lateral tubercles), 5.5; humeral width, 7.5; elytral length, 18.5.
male from
Municipio de Yarumal
(Vereda Ventanita;
2020 m
Sinjaev, M. Márquez
J. Machado
col. (
. The new species is named after Julia Alexandrovna Kovalyova (
), a special request of Anton Olegovich Kozlov who sent and donated the
to MZSP collection.
. The general appearance of
H. juliae
sp. nov.
is much like that of males of
H. thoracicus
. However, the antennae are proportionally shorter, and the antennomere XI is notably shorter than III and slightly longer than X (
Figs. 1–2
). In males of
H. thoracicus
the antennae is proportionally longer, and the antennomere XI is notably longer than III and X. Another probable difference between these two species is the shape of the lateral tubercle of the prothorax: apex blunt in
H. juliae
and acute in all specimens of
H. thoracicus
examined by us. The spine at apex of elytra is also closer to sutural angle, while in
H. thoracicus
(although somewhat variable), usually it is more distinctly placed far from suture.