The genus Eriastichus La Salle (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae, Tetrastichinae) in the Neotropical region, introducing 48 new species Author Hansson, Christer Scientific Associate Biological Museum (Entomology), Lund University, Soelvegatan 37, SE- 22362 Lund, Sweden & Natural History Museum, Life Sciences, Cromwell Road, London, UK text ZooKeys 2021 2021-02-22 1019 35 91 journal article 1313-2970-1019-35 EE1BAF875BD74E189DF929E2C9CC7DAC 8D799427736453288CA3E1DB9933AAC6 Eriastichus pallidops sp. nov. Figures 50 , 59 Type locality. Costa Rica, Cartago, Humo, El Copal, 9°47'N , 83°45'W , 1050-1250 m, 29.ii-6.iii.2008, C. Hansson leg. Type specimen. Holotype male dried and glued to a paper card. Original labels: "Costa Rica, Cartago, Humo, El Copal, 9°47'N , 83°45'W , 1050-1250 m, 29.ii-6.iii.2008, C. Hansson", "HOLOTYPE Eriastichus pallidops Hansson" [red printed label], (MZLU:7045.1). Additional type material. Paratypes 2♂ with same label data as holotype (MZUCR:01695, NHMUK014431062). Diagnosis (male). Head with lower 1/2 yellowish brown (Fig. 59 ); antenna (Fig. 50 ): scape yellowish brown, ventral plaque on scape 0.7 x as long as scape, antenna with dorsobasal setae on F1 0.4 x as long as F1; gaster with lateral tufts of pale and flattened setae on Gt5-6. Description (male holotype MZLU:7045.1). Length of body 1.9 mm (paratypes 1.5-1.7 mm). Head yellowish brown with upper 1/2 of frons pale brown, vertex and upper 1/2 of occiput dark brown. Antenna with scape yellowish brown with dorsal margin pale brown, ventral plaque black; pedicel and flagellum brown. Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum black with metallic tinges; dorsellum pale brown; propodeum dark brown. Legs yellowish brown with base of hind coxa and 4th tarsomere dark brown. Gaster dark brown. Head . Length/width in frontal view 0.7; width/length in dorsal view 2.2; POL/OOL 1.8; WM/MS 1.7; MS/HE 0.5; HE/head length in frontal view 0.6; widths head/mesoscutum 1.1. Antenna . Pedicel + flagellum length/mesoscutum width 1.5; pedicel + flagellum length/head width 1.4; lengths scape/ventral plaque 1.4; ventral plaque located slightly above the middle of scape; scape length/width 2.8; lengths scape/head (dorsal view) 0.6; scape length/HE 0.9; length/width F1, F2, F3, F4, clava: 2.3, 2.0, 1.8, 1.8, 4.0; length dorsobasal setae on F1/length F1 0.4. Mesosoma . Length/width 1.6; mesoscutum length/width 0.5; mesoscutellum length/width 0.7; widths SMG/SLG 1.2; enclosed space between SMG length/width 1.8; lengths mesoscutum/mesoscutellum 1.2; lengths mesoscutellum/dorsellum 2.7; lengths mesosoma/gaster 0.8. Wings . CC length/width 19.3; lengths CC/MV 1.1; lengths MV/ST 2.2; lengths MV/PM 3.7; lengths PM/ST 0.6; submarginal vein with ten setae on dorsal surface (8-9 setae in paratypes). Gaster . With lateral tufts of pale and flattened setae on Gt5-6. Etymology. Named for the yellowish brown lower face.