A review of Paratrichocladius Santos Abreu from the Sino-Indian Region (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae)
Fu, Yue
Saether, Ole A.
Wang, Xinhua
journal article
Key to Sino-Indian Region males of
Santos Abreu
1. Inferior volsella bilobed................................................................................ 2
– Inferior volsella single-lobed............................................................................ 8
2. Abdominal tergites II–III, VI–VIII dark brown, other tergites yellowish; humeral pit absent; gonostylus slender, with very small crista dorsalis
P. bicinctus
sp. n.
– Abdominal tergites in the same color, humeral pit present; gonostylus with distinct crista dorsalis...................... 3
3. Scutellum with 26–30, 28 setae; setae on anterior margin of tergite V–VI clearly reduced; inferior volsella boxing glove shaped..................................................................................
P. caestus
sp. n.
– Scutellum with less than 20 setae; setae on anterior margin of tergite V–VI not reduced; inferior volsella not boxing glove shaped.............................................................................................. 4
4. Femur of middle and hind legs dark brown in apical 1/3, other parts yellow; humeral pit reniform; palpomere 5th/3rd higher than 3.0; setae on tergites very short, posterior of tergites V–VII in pale coloration.................
P. tridens
Wang, 2008
– Legs unicolored, humeral pit not reniform; palpomere 5/3 lower than 2.0; setae on tergites long, posterior of tergites V–VII not in pale coloration 5
5. Dorsocentrals 33, and multiserial; superior volsella rounded and well developed, gonostylus with small triangular crista dorsa- lis......................................................................
P. yakukeleus
Suzuki, 2000a
– Dorsocentrals 12–26, and uniserial; superior volsella not developed; gonostylus with rounded crista dorsalis............. 6
6. AR about 0.9, dorsocentrals 26, apex of inferior volsella ring-like.......................................................................................................................
P. tusimocedeus
Suzuki, 1999
– AR more than 1.0, dorsocentrals 12–18, apex of inferior volsella not ring-like...................................... 7
7. AR 1.6–2.0, 1.8; laterosternite IX with 6–8, 7 long setae; abdomen pilose; gonostylus with normal crista dorsalis, not expanded medially.......................................................................
P. ater
Zheng, 1990
– AR 1.05–1.26, laterosternite IX with 3 long setae; chaetotaxy of abdomen reduced; gonostylus medially expanded, with well developed rounded crista dorsalis.......................................................
P. tamaater
Sasa, 1981
8. Palp with only 3 palpomeres...............................................................
P. ternarius
sp. n.
– Palp with 5 palpomeres................................................................................. 9
9. Apex of inferior volsella rounded....................................................................... 10
– Apex of inferior volsella not rounded.................................................................... 13
10. AR nearly 3.0....................................................................................... 11
– AR lower than 0.5................................................................................... 12
tibia with three spurs and without normal comb; inferior volsella without semitransparent margins; gonostylus straight, apically expanded
P. c o m p t u s
sp. n.
tibia with two spurs and with normal comb; inferior volsella with semitransparent margins; gonostylus apical hooked, medially expanded.......................................................
P. mongolseteus
Suzuki, 1997
12. Gonostylus with small triangular crista dorsalis; corner of inferior volsella right-angled, with 6–7 long setae................................................................................................
P. unabrevis
Sasa, 1996
– Gonostylus with high triangular crista dorsalis; corner of inferior volsella rounded, without long setae......................................................................................
P. tobanonadecimus
Sasa, 1990
13. Apex of inferior volsella hook-shaped.................................................................... 14
– Apex of inferior volsella not hook-shaped................................................................. 15
14. Inferior volsella basally narrowed, protruding in medial direction, strongly hooked medially; gonostylus slightly expanded on basal 1/4, with nearly rounded crista dorsalis..................................................
P. aduncus
sp. n.
– Inferior volsella basally broad, not protruding in medial direction, apically hooked; gonostylus not expanded on basal 1/4, with small triangular crista dorsalis.................................................
P. hamatus
Zheng, 1990
15. Inferior volsella strongly downwards curved............................................................... 16
– Inferior volsella straight or slightly curved................................................................. 17
16. Inferior volsella apical pointed, digitiform..............................................
P. guidalii
Rossaro, 1990
– Inferior volsella un-artificially folded near medial apex...............................
P. pierfrancescoi
Rossaro, 1990
17. Inferior volsella wide and rectangular, anterior and posterior margins parallel...............
P. lanzavechiai
Rossaro, 1990
– Inferior volsella narrow and more or less triangular or sagittiform, anterior and posterior margins not parallel........... 18
18. Inferior volsella arrow-shaped, pointing downwards; gonostylus with pointed triangular crista dorsalis...
P. sagittarius
sp. n.
– Inferior volsella nearly triangular, pointing medially, gonostylus with triangular or slightly rounded crista dorsalis........ 19
19. AR 0.62, row of basal setae of abdominal tergites absent..............................
P. brevicornis
Hirvenoja, 1986
– AR> 0.77, row of basal setae of abdominal tergites present................................................... 20
20. AR usually less than 1.0; humeral pit scarcely present, inferior volsella higher, and not distinctly mediad extended....................................................................................
P. skirwithensis
Edwards 1929
– AR usually more than 1.0; humeral pit strongly developed, inferior volsella lower, and distinctly extended mediad....... 21
21. Inferior volsella posteriorly relatively hooked, with notched margin..........................
P. pretorianus
– Inferior volsella posteriorly relatively straight, with flat margin...........................
P. rufiventris