Taxonomic revision of Martinella Baill. (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae) Author Kataoka, Eric Y. Laboratorio de Sistematica Vegetal, Departamento de Botanica, Instituto de Biociencias, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Rua do Matao, 277, 05508 - 090, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil Author Lohmann, Lucia G. Laboratorio de Sistematica Vegetal, Departamento de Botanica, Instituto de Biociencias, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Rua do Matao, 277, 05508 - 090, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil text PhytoKeys 2021 2021-05-13 177 77 116 journal article 1314-2003-177-77 9E6E6FB19C185880B02A3AB6BAFF499C 1. Martinella insculpta Sprague & Sandwith, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1934(3): 101. 1934 Fig. 3 Martinella iquitoensis A.Samp., Ann. Acad. Bras. Sci. 7: 123. 1935. [ Martinella iquitosensis , orth. var.]. TYPE: PERU. Loreto: Iquitos, 23 Feb 1924, J.G. Kuhlmann 1492 (holotype: RB-00536899!; isotypes: RB-00537289!, K-000449503 image!, MO-074501 image!). Martinella manaosiana A.Samp., Bol. Mus. Nac. RJ. 12(3-4): 84. 1936. TYPE: BRAZIL. Amazonas: Manaus, Capuera de terra firme, Villa Belizario, 25 Jul 1931, A. Ducke s.n. [RB 24095] (holotype: RB-00536900!; isotypes: K-000449502 image!, MO-074517 image!, R-000028732!, RB-00537290!). Type . Guyana . Unknown locality, s.d., Drake s.n. ( holotype : K-000449501 image!). Figure 3. Martinella insculpta Sprague & Sandwith A flowering branch B interpetiolar region with patelliform glandular trichomes and minute and triangular prophylls C trifid tendril D abaxial side of leaflet with patelliform glandular trichomes E calyx external view F calyx indumentum G open flower showing stamens, trichome distribution, and reduced (ca. 1 mm ) staminode H gynoecium I fruit, flattened with a smooth surface J winged seed. Illustrated by Klei Sousa, based on B.L. Stannard 423 ( A, E, G, H ), SPF; E.Y. Kataoka 372 ( B ) and 407 ( C, D ), SPF; G.T. Prance 14914 ( I, J ), INPA; L.O.A. Teixeira 958 ( F ), INPA. Description. Lianas ; branches with solid pith, tetragonal when mature, cylindrical when young, green with dark blotches, drying brown or black, smooth, glabrescent, with simple eglandular trichomes and scattered patelliform glandular trichomes in higher densities at interpetiolar region; prophylls of the axillary buds covered with simple eglandular trichomes, with few patelliform glands. Leaves 2-foliolate, with the terminal leaflet generally modified into a trifid tendril; petioles terete, pulvinated, 31-73 mm long, glabrous, with few patelliform glandular trichomes; petiolules terete, pulvinated, 23-65 mm long, glabrous, with few patelliform glandular trichomes; leaflets discolor, with abaxial surface lighter than the adaxial surface, coriaceous, ovate, apex acuminate, base cuneate or truncate, margins entire and slightly revolute, 15-32 x 8.2-23.5 cm, adaxial surface glabrous with simple eglandular trichomes at canaliculi of veins, abaxial surface glabrescent, with patelliform glandular trichomes concentrated near base and scattered along the midvein. Inflorescences botryoid, 8.7-22.3 cm long, puberulent with simple eglandular trichomes, and stipitate and patelliform glandular trichomes; bracts linear, 1.1-1.2 mm long, puberulent, with simple eglandular trichomes and stipitate glandular trichomes; pedicels terete, 11.1-15.2 mm, puberulent, with simple eglandular trichomes and stipitate glandular trichomes. Flowers with calyx green, chartaceous, campanulate, 11.8-16.8 x 5.5-8 mm, densely covered with simple eglandular trichomes and stipitate glandular trichomes, with few patelliform glandular trichomes, lobes 2-4, apex mucronate, puberulent; corolla dark magenta, membranous, 41.3-69.4 mm long, narrowly tubular basal portion 15-27.4 long x 2.9-4.3 mm wide, upper campanulate portion 26.3-41.9 long x 12-16.6 mm wide, slightly curved, lobes subcircular, ca. 8.7 x 12.7 mm; stamens in two lengths, longer ones 16-21.2 mm, shorter ones 9.8-14 mm, thecae 2.9-3.1 mm, glabrous; staminode ca. 1.8 mm, glabrous; gynoecium 34.8-45.2 mm long; ovary glabrous; style glabrous; stigma lanceolate, glabrous; nectariferous disk ca. 4.3 x 0.9 mm. Capsules linear, 70-88 x 1.1-1.6 cm, glabrous. Seeds ca. 4.7 x 0.9 cm. Distribution and habitat. Martinella insculpta is widely distributed through Amazonian terra firme forests and Central American wet forests (Fig. 4 ). This species occurs from 59-650 m a.s.l. Figure 4. Distribution map of Martinella insculpta . Etymology. The specific epithet means carved, engraved, referring to the aspect of leaflet venation on both sides, but especially on the adaxial surface. Phenology. Flowering specimens were collected from February to November, while fruiting specimens were collected from August to December. Conservation status. Least Concern (LC) based on the EOO of 4,002,910 km2. Discussion. Here we synonymize Martinella iquitoensis under Martinella insculpta . Gentry (1973) synonymized Martinella insculpta A.Samp. under M. obovata , a circumscription that was followed in subsequent taxonomic studies (e.g., Gentry 1977 ; Gentry 1982 ). However, the analysis of a large number of living and herbarium specimens of these taxa indicated that the original description and type specimen of M. insculpta actually match the circumscription of M. iquitoensis . Therefore, M. iquitoensis A.Samp. (published in 1935), is here treated as a synonym of Martinella insculpta Sprague & Sandwith (published in 1934). Previous taxonomic studies ( Gentry 1982 ; Zuntini and Lohmann 2014 ) treated M. insculpta and M. obovata as part of a species complex due to overlapping morphological characters. However, new collections made in the field and a comprehensive analysis of herbarium specimens collected throughout the known geographic range of this species indicated that these two taxa indeed represent distinct units. Our decision to treat these taxa as separate species was based on the following morphological traits: (i) shape of mature stems in cross section (quadrangular in M. insculpta versus cylindrical in M. obovata ), (ii) apex of petioles and petiolules (pulvinated in M. insculpta versus non-pulvinated in M. obovata ), (iii) leaflet texture and size (coriaceous and consistently larger in M. insculpta versus chartaceous and smaller in M. obovata ), and (iv) inflorescence structure (botryoid in M. insculpta and racemose in M. obovata ). The combination of these distinctive morphological features allows for the correct identification of specimens that are often misidentified in herbarium sheets. In addition, a densely sampled phylogeny of Martinella revealed that M. insculpta and M. obovata represent distinct evolutionary lineages (Kataoka and Lohmann in prep.) providing further support for the recognition of these two taxa as separate species. Common uses. The bark of the roots of M. insculpta and M. obovata is used in traditional medicine. Local names. Martinella insculpta and M. obovata are known by the popular names raiz dos olhos (Brazil), yuquilla toxju (Peru), raiz de ojo , and uaraku-manate (Venezuela). Specimens examined. Bolivia . Beni : Province of Vaca Diez, 17 km from the road between Riberalta and Guayaramerin on the old road to Cachuela Esperanza, ca. 18 km E of Riberalta, primary forest, 230 m , 11°3'S , 65°50'W , 4 Sept 1981 , J.C. Solomon 6108 (MO). Brazil . Acre : Bujari, estrada de acesso a area da Floresta do Antimary sem atividade de manejo florestal, 196 m , 9°19'46.1"S , 68°18'56.2"W , 10 Dec 2016 , E.Y. Kataoka 404 (SPF); Lado direito da entrada da trilha de acesso a torre de observacao , 226 m , 9°20'5.3"S , 68°19'13.1"W , 12 Dec 2016 , E.Y. Kataoka 407 (SPF). Amapa : Rio Falsino, approx. 10 km upstream of confluence with rio Araguari, west bank, primary forest on terra firme, undulating terrain, 0°50'S , 51°45'W , 29 Sept 1983 , B.V. Rabelo 2386 (SPF). Amazonas : Rainforest, vicinity of Maturaca Mission, near rio Maturaca , on trail to heliport, 19 Oct 1970 , J.A. Steyermark 104035 (IAN); Rio Cuieiras just below mouth of rio Branquinho, capoeira, 26 Sept 1971 , G.T. Prance 14914 (INPA, MG, R); Rio Purus, rio Ituxi, serra near Namorado Novo between rio Curuquete and rio Madeira at Abuna , forest on Terra Firme, 5 Aug 1971 , G.T. Prance 14717 (INPA, MG, R); Barcelos, rio Negro, proximo ao rio Arara, 1 May 1973 , A. Loureiro 37901 (INPA, SPF); Humaita , Estrada Humaita-Labrea , km 59, a 6 km ao norte, mata de terra firme, com muito Babassu, 6 Jun 1982 , L.O.A. Teixeira 958 (INPA, MG); Manaus, 22 Jun 1882 , Schwacke 3610 (RB); A partir da entrada da Reserva pela AM-010 (km 26), estrada sentido alojamento, lado esquerdo na bifurcacao entre estrada de acesso ao alojamento e estacao meteorologica , 139 m , 2°55'59"S , 59°58'31.9"W , 21 Sept 2016 , E.Y. Kataoka 344 (SPF); Bosque da Ciencia do INPA, proximo ao Paiol da Cultura, subindo pela escadaria larga, 84 m , 3°5'56.5"S , 59°59'10.5"W , 20 Sept 2016 , E.Y. Kataoka 342 (SPF); Bosque da Ciencia do INPA, proximo ao tanque dos peixes-boi, 69 m , 3°5'50.6"S , 59°59'15.1"W , 20 Sept 2016 , E.Y. Kataoka 339 (SPF); Estrada do Aleixo, km 7, 7 Jul 1977 , W.A. Rodrigues 9707 (INPA, SPF); Estrada do Aleixo, near Manaus, turnoff to rio Negro at km 11 past INPA, 2 Dec 1974 , A.H. Gentry 13024 (INPA); Grounds of INPA at Manaus, 5 Apr 1974 , A.H. Gentry 11208 (INPA); Igapo , 14 Jun 1882 , C.A.W. Schwacke 425 (R); Igapo , 22 Jun 1882 , C.A.W. Schwacke 463 (R); Sede do INPA, estrada do Aleixo, 30 Jul 1973 , P.L. Lisboa 6 (INPA); Presidente Figueiredo, Vila de Balbina, Represa da UHE de Balbina, mata de beira de rio, 27 Jun 2007 , J.A.C. da Silva 1294 (INPA); Rio Preto da Eva, estrada Manaus-Itacoatiara, km 90, rio Preto, terra firme, solo arenoso, 30 Jul 1961 , W. Rodrigues 2203 (INPA); Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, rio Uneiuxi, Maku indian village, 300 km above mouth, indian plantation, 23 Oct 1971 , G.T. Prance 15557 (INPA). Mato Grosso : Apiacas , Margem da estrada de acesso Paranaita - Apiacas , 233 m , 9°33'53.3"S , 57°13'44.5"W , 12 Nov 2016 , E.Y. Kataoka 370 (SPF); Cotriguacu , Margem da estrada de acesso Nova Bandeirante - Cotriguacu , ca. 10 Km apos travessia do rio Juruena, 251 m , 9°52'40.4"S , 58°15'47.1"W , 13 Nov 2016 , E.Y. Kataoka 372 (SPF). Rondonia : Rio Machado, curso inferior, igapo , Feb 1981 , M. Goulding 1324 (MG); Porto Velho, Represa Samuel southern end of E dike near quarry by road, ca. 2 km S of end of main dike, upland hillside forest, 9°00'S , 63°15'W , 7 Jun 1986 , W. Thomas 4974 (INPA). Colombia . Antioquia : Primary/old secondary forest on west bank of river, 2 km N of Quebrada La Tirana, tropical Wet/Very Wet Forest Transition zone, rainfall approx. 4400 mm /year, Vic. Planta Providencia 28 km SW of Zaragoza, valley of Rio Anori in areas surrounding the confluence of Quebrada La Tirana and Rio Anori , approx. 3 km upriver from Planta Providencia, 24 Mar 1977 , W.S. Alverson 266 (MO); San Luis, Autopiste Medellin - Bogota , sector Rio Samana - Rio Claro, San Luis - Antioquia, 500 m , 3 Dec 1981 , J.J. Hernandez 99 (QCA). Costa Rica . Guanacaste : Liberia, P.N. Guanacaste, cuenca del Tempisque, volcan Orosi , Estacion Biologica Maritza, trail to Cacao Station, ca. 1 km from Maritza comedor, ~ 100 km into first patch of primary forest, N side of trail, 0.1 ha Transect Maritza, premontane moist forest, 650 m , 10°57'19.1748"N , 85°29'29.6432"W , 12 Mar 2003 , B. Boyle 7052 (MO). Puntarenas : Canton de Garabito, R.B. Carara, cuenca del Tarcoles , sector Bijugual, entrando a los bosques poco intervenidos, 600 m , 9°46'0"N , 84°34'0"W , 14 May 1998 , A. Rodriguez 3367 (MO). San Jose : Turrubares, San Juan De Mata, area no protegida, Montelimar, 85 m , 9°37'24"N , 84°29'55"W , 15 Oct 2001 , A. Estrada 3072 (MO); Z.P. La Cangreja, Mastatal de Puriscal, bosque primario en parches remanentes, 300 m , 9°41'45"N , 84°23'47"W , 21 Oct 1992 , J.F. Morales 910 (MO). Ecuador . Napo : Coca (Puerto Francisco de Orellana), 8 km al N de Coca, bosque humedo tropical, suelo aluvial fertil, bosque secundario, 250 m , 0°24'S , 77°0'W , 8 Apr 1985 , W. Palacios 272 (MO, QCA, QCNE); Pastaza : Kapawi, Rio Pastaza, village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures, 235 m , 2°31'S , 76°48'W , 25-29 Jul 1989 , W.H. Lewis 14026 (QCNE). Panama . Colon , Teck Cominco Petaquilla mining concession, forest along road, 220 m , 8°49'39"N , 80°40'28"W , 20 Feb 2008 , G. McPherson 20083 (MO). Peru . Huanuco : Carretera marginal (in construction) km 4-12 south from Km. 86 of Pulcallpa-Tingo Maria road, 270 m , 8°45'S , 75°1'W , 1 Jun 1983 , A.H. Gentry 41384 (MO). Loreto : Pampa hermosa and vicinity, Rio Corrientes, 1 km S of junction with Rio Macusari, low rainforest, mostly terra firma with scattered white sand, 160 m , 3°15'S , 75°50'W , 3-20 Dec 1985 , W.H. Lewis 9975 (MO); Alto Amazonas, Puranchim, rio Sinchiyacu, rainforest, terra firma and palm lowlands, 200 m , 2°50'S , 76°55'W , 3-7 Dec 1988 , W.H. Lewis 14389 (MO); Alto Amazonas, Andoas, Capihuari, 5 km NE of Andoas on Rio Capihuari, near Ecuador border along oil pipeline, lateritic uplands alternating with Mauritia swamps, 240 m , 17 Nov 1979 , A.H. Gentry 28200 (MO); Primary forest behind Brillo Nuevo, Pebas, Rio Yaguasyacu, Brillo Nuevo, 11 Sept 1981 , R. Hahn 123 (MO). Maynas : Iquitos, Carretera de Pena Negra, ca. 7 km de Quisto Cocha, en terreno arenoso, monte despejado, 150 m , 12 Jul 1982 , M. Rimachi Y. 6180 (MO); Carretera Iquitos-Nauta, km 45, bosque primario, 120 m , 4°10'S , 73°20'W , 12 Jun 1987 , R. Vasquez 9172 (MO); Iquitos, trail between extension of Yavari and Versailles, mostly highly disturbed upland scrub area, 11 Feb 1974 , M. Rimachi Y. 835 (MO); Puerto Almendras, Rio Nanay, bosque primario en suelo con arena blanca, 122 m , 3°48'S , 73°25'W , 18 Jul 1988 , R. Vasquez 10977 (MO); Rio Nanay, Carretera de Picuruyacu, trocha de la granja de la marina, en terreno arenoso, 160 m , 26 Jul 1982 , M. Rimachi Y. 6270 (MO); Rio Momon, Momoncillo (Caserio), borde de pastizal de ganado, 17 Aug 1976 , J. Revilla 979 (MO); Santo Tomas (Iquitos), 100 m , 3°51'S , 73°13'W , 14 Apr 1979 , F. Ayala 1793 (MO); Napo, Environs of Rio Santa Maria , collected one hour upstream of the Secoya village of "Vencedor" , 4 hours by outboard from the mouth of the Santa Maria river, 100 m , 1°10'S , 74°44'W , 15 May 1982 , S.R. King 492 (MO). Suriname . Brokopondo : Brownsweg, near Brownsweg Nature Park, little disturbed high mesophytic rain forest on slope, gravelly clay soil, 240 m , 4°35'41.28"N , 55°6'0"W , 1 Oct 2005 , K. Van Kerckhove MVK 114 (SPF). Venezuela . Amazonas : Atures, transecto desde bosque alto denso con tatucos a orillas de rio Cataniapo, hasta bosque medio ralo en parte alta de colina, a 1 km al oeste de San Pedro de Cataniapo, a unos 60 km al sur-este de Puerto Ayacucho, 100 m , 5°38'N , 67°10'W , 7 Mar 1981 , F. Guanchez 923 (MO); Rio Negro, 0 to 2 km west of Cerro de La Neblina base camp, which is on Rio Mawarinuma, 140 m , 0°50'N , 66°10'W , 7 Feb 1984 , R. Liesner 15711 (MO); Near Cerro de La Neblina base camp, which is on Rio Mawarinuma, 140 m , 0°50'N , 66°10'W , 25 Mar 1984 , R. Liesner 16956 (MO); Rio Negro, Neblina Massif, bongo (dugout) trip down rio Mawarinuma for c. 2 km + NW from base camp at mouth of canyon, 140 m , 0°50'N , 66°10'W , 31 Mar 1984 , B.L. Stannard 423 (SPF).